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  • Tony Russell
    Post count: 24

    I'm on my second System 5 and will go for nr 3 when its worn out. Nice fit, good quality flip-up, quiet – like it!

    Tony Russell
    Post count: 24
    in reply to: intro #8172

    What no high viz jaket Sven  Naahhh....  I'm 6'7". Don't need a Hiviz... 😀Congrats on new bike. Bring up here and I'll ake you 'round and show you some nice roads

    Tony Russell
    Post count: 24
    in reply to: intro #8169

    YAHOO!!!!! I'm about to become an adult!! Come Saturday and I'll be 60 and I'm not going to exchange my RT for an offroad and I'm not going to stop riding and I'm not going to stop wife from wanting to ride pillion and I'm not going to stop…………. think I'd better stop there.I am, however, still going to try to get rid of the last, thin little chicken strip. I am still going to enjoy the Italian Alps each holiday. I'll keep riding the twisties along the Norwegian fjords till I get carried off and I don't care what they say about age - life has never been better! I've had 40 years of marriage to same woman, got kids and grandchildren, a job, good health, a reasonable income and an RT. I'm going to wave to all motorcyclists except the HD ones who give me the finger, I'm even going to stop and chat with a few. What I'm not going to do is get upset and quarrely while enjoying life.

    Tony Russell
    Post count: 24

    Bearing in mind that the tyre is the only thing that assures I  stay on the road, and the fact that there is only one of me, I buy the best I can get. I haven't tried this particular brand, but have had other lesser known brands on briefly. I found out why they are lesser known….It's really a matter of what value you put on your life , isn't it?

    Tony Russell
    Post count: 24
    in reply to: Tyres for 1150GS #8676

    I reckon that when I pay for the whole tyre, I might as well use all of it… 😀Stretching resources and beneficial for the climate .... PC 😆Besides, those PR II Michelins are pretty good stuff on tarmac......

    Tony Russell
    Post count: 24
    in reply to: intro #8154

    I very much doubt that there will be folks restoring K1200S and R1200GS bikes in thirty years time.

    Quote Piet Hein:"Its hard to predict - especially about the future...."I ride a n R1150RT, cover approx 25.000 miles per annum. However, I did this not long ago - not a beemer, but still...  :untitled.jpg

    Tony Russell
    Post count: 24

    The only thing to beat the Airhawk might be the Corbin. It is pretty damned hard, but extremely well shaped, so the lbs/square inch is low. Downside is the price. Anyhow, I've always used Corbins and have just ordered one with plus 1 1/2 inch height front and back,  and both heated.

    Tony Russell
    Post count: 24
    in reply to: Tyres for 1150GS #8673

    Svein you have done well.

    Thank you ....flattery will get you anywhere 😀Anyway, considering I'm 60 in two months time and ride with my wife of nearly same age on pillion 90% of the time (and she only occasionally nudges me and mutters something about me not being 18 anymore...), I do feel a modest pride over the miniscule chicken stripes 😆

    Tony Russell
    Post count: 24
    in reply to: Newbie from Norway #8823

    Good news, Jim!!!It's snowing here, too!!! 😀

    Tony Russell
    Post count: 24
    in reply to: Tyres for 1150GS #8668

    Well, Kiwi Adventure, I may have blown my horn a little too loudly  😀 – there IS actually a chicken strip on the front tire, measures exactly 4mm wide. The rear, however, has no such embarrassing markings…..Does that make it a draw??And yes, I know the rear is clapped out - that's why I've got a new pair of Michelins waiting for it.  😉P1000270.jpgP1000271.jpg

    Tony Russell
    Post count: 24
    in reply to: Happy New Year #8925

    And a Happy New Year from someone who entered 2008 a few hours later… 😀

    Tony Russell
    Post count: 24

    Hi NekoThank you ever so much for the photos from Tram Valley Road. I must admit that I didn't recognise anything at all, but since I was a mere 8 years old when we left for Norway, I guess I shouldn't expect to, either. Did notice the road had tarmac - used to be loose surface.Anyway, it was ever so decent to go to the trouble of getting the photos for me and I am sincerely grateful, particularly since it is most unlikely that I'll ever see again with my own eyes.  Oh yes, if the avatar shows your cat, you're also a man of good taste - that cat looks exactly like mine.... 😆PhilThe buildings in the pictures are abandoned weatherboard buildings........... they just don't know it yet  😀

    Tony Russell
    Post count: 24
    in reply to: Newbie from Norway #8821

    We may be down, but we're not beaten . Quote dah Gubbahna:  *Ah'll be bakk!!* 😀

    Tony Russell
    Post count: 24
    in reply to: Newbie from Norway #8819

    Now, wouldn't you know….!!! 😀We haven't had one single inch of snow..........yet

    Tony Russell
    Post count: 24

    Being a man of varied taste, and a weak soul in addition, a number of motorcycles have had me in their possession over the last few years. After a lay-off (kids and all that which I wouldn't have been without) I decided to start riding again and a BSA Spitfire (remember those…?) was dutifully restored before shaking itself and me to pieces. Then one day I saw the most beautiful thing – a thing of smoothness, power, exclusivity and…. well, we'll leave it at that.The shop was a decent one with a profound understanding of the value of a real motorcycle, and they agreed to do a straight swap between the low-mileage K100RS , best year 1985 vintage, and my exclusive, highly desirable, gleaming red Spitfire (Don't know how I made them believe that, but they did..). The K and I (after our relationship was firmly settled, he introduced himself as Helmut..) spent 8 years and 240.000 kilometers  (sorry..150 thou miles) together and then one day an inner voice told me that he was worn out. Helmut was traded for a Honda Varadero ,which I suppose was allright, apart from a ferocious thirst and a remarkable unwillingness to do anything decent below 3000 revs. The H... lasted 1 season, then my fancy was caught by a gleaming new Lucifer Orange Tiger 955 from the excellent 05 production. This was fun - I mean- serious fun. I spent the summer vacation pogosticking around England and going up the 33% gradient of Hard Knott Pass with passenger and full holiday luggage was..... interesting. Till the spokes in the rear wheel started  snapping. Which was when I realised that the 06 Tiger had cast wheels and in September same year I was owned by one. This was very well till spring came along and I discovered that the new Tiger actually handled pretty marvellously and could be ridden ridiculously fast. Which disagreed with Her On The Pillion ,so if I were to continue my  career with bikes I had to do the decent thing, which I did and bought a 1200 LT. This was a surpise as, after I fitted Wilbers suspension and got a bit more ground clearance, it could be ridden at a very decent pace without Her On The Pillion really noticing. We dashed around in Europe indecently fast till reality caught up with me. That is - it caught up with my wallet in the form of the dreaded 60.000 K service. Having paid the bill, cancelled all holiday plans for the rest of the year and cut down to two warm meals a week, it was decided that the LT had to go. It was replaced by, of all things, a new H.... Varadero. Don't ask why, because I do not have a plausible explanation, but the fact remains. The H actually stayed for a full season and even a winter in the basement but my inner man told me, in no uncertain terms, that things had to change. It was about this time that  I spotted an R1150RT, dark blue and actually rather attractive, apart from the fact that it was a boxer and I never liked boxers because they were so retro and wide and gutless and oldfashioned and...So I took the thing for a ride which lasted an hour longer than I thought it would have. Then I gave Her On The Pillion a ride (no, gentlemen... on the bike :wink:) and to my great surprise I was suddenly and most unexpectedly owned by a Boxer. We did 22000 miles the first season, no troubles whatsoever. Right now, Gottfried is sleeping his winter beauty sleep in my heated basement and, being such a loveable, charming and deceptively fast and easy-handling charmer, I think I finally find a worthy replacement for Helmut the K.  Who, by the way, has now covered 350.000 K (OK-218 thou miles) and is still in excellent health. I spoke to the new rider the other day, and he says that the compression test now reads exactly the same as it did at 60.000 miles. (I gave him the read-out of that one..) I guess my diagnosis of worn out was more about me than Helmut..So, if any of you gentlemen ever doubted it - motorcycling is about love and finding The Right One. And enjoy the hunt ....  just like in real life 😀

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