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  • Riaan Du Plessis
    Post count: 9

    Hey Dave, 3 years ago I shipped  my GS from Germany to NZ + later back to DubaiEverything was well organised by: u are looking at coming for up to 4 months, I'm sure u are going to stay at least 3,5 months in the most beautiful European country- Germany!!  😆If so, than don't hesitate to contact me for accommodation - I'm always happy to give back a bit of the hospitality I enjoyed in NZ....CheersBernd

    Riaan Du Plessis
    Post count: 9

    Hi Alex, I don't know whether they come to New Zealand. But don't worry - if you want to have one, I will organize that for you  😀As far as I know, most of them will go to the French market - the French are almost as crazy for Rugby as the Kiwis....CheersBernd

    Riaan Du Plessis
    Post count: 9

    Hey Jim, I hope your New Year's pledge is: I don't wanna make fun of the poor guys in Germany any more just because they are drowning in snow  😀I've seen this one in Switzerland....CheersBernd

    Riaan Du Plessis
    Post count: 9

    Hey down there, when I was on my GS in New Zealand I soon realized that Kiwis like it to have special letterboxes. I always took pictures when I saw one...Back home in Germany I created a poster with all the letterboxes I took pictures from. It's on the wall in my living-room now - as a reminder to New Zealand: anybody is interested to have it as a poster as well - just send me a message and I'll send you the fileBest wishes from Gerrmanybernd 

    Riaan Du Plessis
    Post count: 9
    in reply to: I did it! #8799

    Hey there, @@Jim@@Ok, the weather - thank you very much for twisting the knife in my wounds!!!  🙂 No, I really don't care, that it's fu.... cold here! And who cares, that we are drowning in snow??And you poor guys have to go for rides in the summertime each Sunday - I pity you  🙂Well, let's see what I can do next year in July - I might show you some nice pics from rides in the Alps  👿@@Neko@@Oh, how lovely that you still like the liver cheese! Ok, - lesson two will be German beer.  🙂 If you stand that too (at least 3 liters a day  :-)) you will be very well prepared to go on the octoberfest with me  👿@@Alex@@Thanks for showing the bookcover here. The book is on it's way!!... and I desperately wait for your decision whether I'm allowed to come back again or not. Hell! Those bloody Germans! Once they live abroad they turn into cheaky guys....Ok, have to shovel snow now....CheersBernd

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