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  • peter.trub
    Post count: 267

    If members from areas other than Auckland wish to compare what is now with what is proposed, I suggest you compare the published remits with the existing Constitution and Rules of BMWOR of NZ (Inc). Don't have a copy of them, do I hear? They have been on our website for quite a while, linked from here:

    Cheers for that Bwucie  ;D At last some useful information. I was a bit concerned that this thread had already turned into just another drive by shooting where bullets are fired then the culprit speeds off out of sight  😮Whether the email Auckland members have recieved is factual or not, is no concern to me. Therefore I have no interest in recieving or seeing it. If it is factual then its not a problem. If it is based on assumption, conjecture and opinion, then I would suggest the sender give thought as to the value of such email to the BMWOR as a whole. What I would seek from you is (now that I have bothered to read the constitution and the action plan  8), would it be possible to put a link or to steer me towards the published remits? This way myself and any other interested BMWOR members could make informed comment on these remits. CheersColin

    Post count: 267

    I still feel like perhaps I am missing something here  ??? I have re-read johns letter to try and identifie the issue's he is raising and maybe this quote from his letter is it? “Will the register still be in existance in 38 years? Or will we be leaving future BMWOR riders so bogged down and saddled with bloody rules, regulations, Area Reps handbooks! Presidents rules” and so the tirade went on.  😮 As I stated, down here in the suburbs we seem to be missing something.I cant comment on the rules (presidents or otherwise), nor can I comment on the regulations  :- The reason for this is because people still havent enlightened me as to what these rule and regulations are and why  it is that they oppose to them.Fortunatly I can comment on the Area Rep Hand Book as I do have some knowledge of that  8) I was astounded at the ignorance of this item shown by Terry in his letter. It is not yet in existance and still very much in the planning stage, yet it qualified for an !, yes an exclamation mark was used after it? Why, How can you so vehmently oppose something of which you have limited or no knowledge? I can state that he has limited or no knowledge as he was not at the Area Rep Meeting where it was disscussed and planned. Nor has it been circulated yet for approval. Yet it qualified for an exclamation mark! I am not aware of why John was not in attendance at the Area Rep meeting, perhaps if he had been he could have made some input into the handbook, or at least explained his apparent oposition to it.My approach to this handbook is simple, The handbook quite simply will give me a job description plus a set of guidelines. It will give me knowledge of the register, its structure, contacts etc. If I use it properly it will assist in ensuring that the register will not fall foul of our many complex laws that NZ has in place for various reasons. I know some are unable and/or unwilling to change not just the BMWOR but anything at all. Unfortunatly OSH and such like were not around when the register was first formed. The world is moving, we can go with it or fall off. We can not stand still. That is not an option.Taranaki was in the doldrums, no rides, no interest, nothing happening. When I took on the job of Area Rep I knew it wasn't going to be easy, but armed with bugger all I have set about getting an interest in the register rekindled in the Naki. If I had the proposed handbook when I took the Area Rep position I assure you it would have made my life simpler.The AGM being shifted to Palmerston North seems to me (and feel free to correct me if I am wrong) the biggest upset of the whole fiasco  😮 Why? I have never attended an AGM so I hope someone can answer this for me, Where do most of those who attend the AGM hail from? Has the South Island ever had an oppurtunity to have an input into the register or has that been the cherished domain of a select few? Is travelling an extra 200 kms Auckland an undue hardship? Those travelling from Wellington for sake of an example have travelled an extra 100 kms as opposed to the Aucklanders each year to attend the AGM in Taupo.As for the "nefarious" comment. I will leave you with this simple thought. If you go on a witch hunt you will only find witches"

    Post count: 267

    I also read the letter to the editor in the newsletter and now have read your post Koko.What is all this red tape everyone is talking of?I must be missing something down here in the suburbs  ???  ???If there needs to be debate on this (and as it seems to have upset some people there probably does) then by all means lets debate  8)However not like the colour newsletter (eight cents a page vs eight cents a copy) debacle where people threw out their version of facts even when presented with actual facts. They then went on to further forward their claims by inferring the other guy's must be lying  😮 Debate needs facts and clear opinions backed by reasoning and logic to be presented and heard.A while back a joker posted a one line broadside (through the website forum) at the executive.  Then when asked to clarify what he meant, he went AWOL  ::)Thats not debating, we call that shit slinging here in the Naki  >:(  (oh yeah, dont throw shit into the wind is a good practice also)  😉To date I have found nothing has been put in place by anyone within the BMWOR register that has prevented me from going "for the occasional ride with some like minded people" nor has anyone stopped me "enjoying doing a bit of maintenance on my own bikes"So please, I am asking nicely, could someone out there please give me factual basis to the problem. Tell me in clear English (as that is my native tounge), what is the problem?After the problem is identified then by all means offer an opinion as to remedies.Perhaps we could look at it from a "principles before personalities" point of view  ;DI live in hopeCheersColin

    Post count: 267
    in reply to: TPS issues #16853

    Faulty fuel solenoid? 11 hundy had the same issue, horn relay was identical to fuel pump relay, swapped them over and so far so good  8)

    Post count: 267

    Shock bushes, Think range of movement, top versus bottom and then the reason for the bottom bearing will become clearer  8)Clamping vs reasonably snug fitting bolt. Bearing in mind the tensile strength differential between a thin piece of high tensile wire as opposed to that of a nice fat high tensile bolt. Number 8 wire? try it and see  😉Good questions Sir, it shows you are observant of your machine.But dont try the number 8 wire ok, I was only kidding  ;D

    Post count: 267

    I once worked for a wonderful outfit that made a decision that all and sundry had to be positive. No negativity was tolerated  8)I raised an issue and was immediatly proclaimed to be negative,  :-[ To which my reply was "am I negative or honest"?  😮Ok so having put that load of tripe out there, the opening address to this whole thread said nothing, it was a bunch of words that could be interpereted by whoever read them to mean whatever the reader construed or fantisized them to mean  😮If an issue is bugging someone then it befalls on that person to raise the issue in a constructive (thus positive) manner.  ;D This insures the issue can be debated and hopefully resolved to the satisfaction of all (or at worst the majority).We place to much emphasis on the right to freedoms, including the freedom of speech.How about the need for responsibilty, in other words "if you say something, make sense please"  ;DAs you were  8)

    Post count: 267
    in reply to: RATED R18 #15885

    My faith is restored anew mate  8)One of the rules of shaft I was learned when a boy was that the angles should be equal in and out to minimize vibes. However as the BMW drive shaft has a big rubber cush and the cross'es dont align (even if you could see them both) my thoughts are the rules change.  😮Keep up the good work  ;D

    Post count: 267
    in reply to: RATED R18 #15883

    Just looking at the angle the final drive is sitting at, plus the difference in angles between front and rear cross'ess (I think thats a word mate) lower link should be the right length as it is standard to the rest so my thoughts are is the front pivot for the link in the right place?Or I could just be totally on the wrong planet with the thoughts  😮

    Post count: 267
    in reply to: RATED R18 #15881

    Reassure me that you have got your rear pivot angles right mate  🙂

    Post count: 267
    Post count: 267

    Bike is together and running, wife is impressed that bearing came on a Boulevard. There is an irony there somewhere. Thanks to all who help and offered assistance.

    Post count: 267

    Good news  ;D Bearing and seal are coming north tomorrow! A huge thank you to Malcolm and his friend. A certain Suzuki and its owner went for a ride to Orere Point today and is enjoying telling me. Let's see how she copes carrying her own luggage ha!  😉

    Post count: 267

    Mantlepiece and wheelbarrow, now thems a couple of big words. ooooh yeah  8)Hope I spelled them good  :-[

    Post count: 267

    To which I can only add one question re the assertion the young should listen to the old, are young people always wrong?  ;D

    Post count: 267

    Yep , one small step to anarchy.But why should "fun" be at others expense, especially if its unlawful "fun"

    As I have wandered through my short but excitment filled life thus far I have noticed a strange thing, the older we get the less fun other people should be allowed to have.More often than not when I here the words, " that should'nt be allowed". What I believe I hear is, how come I can't do that?  As a nation we bemoaned at great length Nanny State!  ::)Yet now here we are righteously idignant because someone is having fun at our percieved expense. >:(  How many thousand people in this country do we make into criminals next? those nasty pushbike riders (no ACC), horse riding clowns (no ACC), and what about all those people who sprain an ankle walking!!! Shoot em all I say  ;DWe (motorcyclists) got clobbered by ACC, right or wrong we did. Now live with it. Move on Lets try some positive moaning (yes there is such a thing). If ACC is to be charged to vehicles then should we pay for all our vehicles or just the on that our bum is on at the time of the accident? Including ACC in fuel, is that fair on the owner of the V8 as opposed to the scooter rider? Lets look for a positive solution  ;DEither that or Anarchy  ::)

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