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  • peter.trub
    Post count: 267

    Could someone please enlighten me as to what the desired outcome of Terry Ellis-Smith's letter is?

    Post count: 267

    Why hasn't this forum needs got a "yawn" smiley? Who do we approach about getting that done?These are the real question we need answers to

    There may well be some emoticon sets that I could apply to this forum that include "Yawn", but I have found twiddling with Simple Machines Forums is a good, quick, and easy way for me to stuff things up. Then I have to use my own time to fix them again. Apparently in texts (I'm a Luddite who won't do texts so I had to check) you do a yawn thusly:I-O

    Now thats some real progress  8) Cheers for that Bruce. I shall use this knowledge wisely  😉

    Post count: 267

    Why hasn't this forum needs got a “yawn” smiley? Who do we approach about getting that done?These are the real question we need answers to 

    Post count: 267

    So you shouldnt try and cross the Tuki River after you have fixed your hall sensors?  :-[The BMW ones are real expensive  😮A guy on trade me (BMW1) has them at a reasonable price  🙂

    Post count: 267

    Dont know much about the technicalitys of blended fuels, I do know however that if I fill the GS at Gull or Mobil it always runs like a bag of rubbish after.However it must be good as the greenies promote it and they only ever promote stuff thats good for the planet. Good things like growing fuel for cars instead of food for people and legalizing marijuana, but I digress  ;D

    Post count: 267

    I can certainly agree with the “got to get my head around it” statement.As a mechanic trained in the days of foot's and inche's these metric things are just confusing  😮Until you start to grasp the simplicity of the whole system. Air pressure at sea level (14.695 950 254 psi allegedly  8)), volume and distance all come together in the metric system with consumate ease  🙂1 bar equals 1 (standard) atmosphere (well 0.98692316931 if you want to be German about it)  or 100 kilopascals.  ???Therefore 2.5 bar equals 36.259434502 psi. Simple as mate  8)Alternativly you could forget about converting everything to anything and just learn to work with the guage you have  :-[Either that or get a thrupennce haapny worth of alterations dun  ;D

    Post count: 267
    in reply to: Ride to Kawhia #17159

    And I will accept the blame  8)

    Post count: 267
    in reply to: how did the AGM go #17116

    Thankfully we have you to be the judge. ;D

    Grown ups dont need judging Alex  😉

    Post count: 267
    in reply to: how did the AGM go #17109

    Very true Bwucie  ;D (couldnt you sleep mate?)Obviously the fifty that turned up read the remits, thought about them, engaged in a disscusion about them, and then voted accordingly.As with all democratic decisions, you are allowed to support or oppose. Once the vote is taken you then either live with the decision or you lobby against it  ;DPlease note that lobbying does not involved whining and moaning  8)

    Post count: 267
    in reply to: how did the AGM go #17102

    All remits passed  8)Its good to see that the majority of our members have trust in our current direction and leadership  ;D

    Post count: 267
    in reply to: PYRAMID PARTS #17075

    I buy quite a few parts off a guy on trade me (BMWBIKES). Kelvin is Blenhiem based and to date I havent been able to fault him.

    Post count: 267

    It is good to see some structured and reasoned debate enter. The questions you ask as to how the new governance system will benifit the membership as a whole are valid and fair question's. I have my beliefs as to how they will, however in this instance I will give others the oppurtunity to express their opinions, rather than flooding the forum with mine.

    I have been reading all the posts relating to our area representives views on the proposed changes to our register. I can easily understand the member from Taranaki's questioning about what all the fuss is about and I put some of this down to a lack of understanding of the history of the register.

    For clarification of a few small points I would like to point out that you are correct, my knowledge of the history of the register is not 100%. However I feel as the debate, concerns a living document (the constitution) and structure (guidelines etc) upon which an organisation that I belong to, currently has remit before it seeking to alter these. I am of the belief that regardless of the history of the BMWOR I have a right to input into its future. Or should this matter be left entirely to those who formed the register? When they are all dead, who will make the decsions then?I would also like to take the opportunity to point out that the opinions I have expressed in these post are entirely my own. I do not speak on behalf of any group or area. I would not deem it appropiate to speak on behalf of my Area unless asked to do so by them, as well as recieving clear direction from them as to the message to be conveyed. You state your these posts relate to your Area Rep's view's. Are they they his personal views or the views of his area?With reference to the committee structure, the current (constitutiontely required) Quorum for these monthly meetings is 15 members. This therefore means the President and elected officers of BMWOR need to all be elected from the same Area (otherwise once a month they will all have to travel to the meeting). Further to this that area must have at least 15 members who will attend the committee meetings every month (to achieve a quorum). This effectivly excludes most of our area's from being able to have any effective input into the BMWOR under its present structure. I could be a conspiracy theorist and suggest that this could indeed be the main reason for the current discontent about the proposed changes?If as an organisation BMWOR is so not in need of change, that it has caused so much angst and kerfuffle, why currently are we having a meeting every month?  😮

    Post count: 267

    Stand down Bwucie  ;D I found my own copy of the July News Letter  8) (Although you may want to still post a link so that others can also make informed choice).Firstly, I offer an apology from myself to all BMWOR members. I should have taken more time and interest and read the remits, proposed changes etc when they were placed in front of me. In truth I skimmed over them as the politics of any orginization (not just BMWOR) are something I side step at often as possible.As a rsult of this forum topic I have now read and studied the Constitution, the Action Plan and the proposed remits. I have reached a point where I feel I must ask, What is all the kerfuffle about?  😮 I mean honestly, I have not seen anything that would influence me one way or another to not renew my membership to the BMWOR.A lot of it seems to make bloody good sense to me. My personal view is I would prefer the AGM and Annual Rally be kept seperate. My reason for this is I dont like meetings and believe they may intrude on my enjoyment at a Rally.The other side of that coin is, 70 members max turning up for AGM is a poor turnout. On top of that I have only got off my bum to attend one Rally and zero AGM's so to say it will affect me is being a bit precious. So whatever is decided at the AGM on that matter I will go along with.  ;DAs far as the other remits go, well we live in a democratic country that embraces the right of free speech. I cant see an issue with the remits or the action plan. In fact I LIKE them. (I highlighted like because apparently saying you like or dislike something is a very good debate  ;)).I noticed this thread has been viewed in excess of 200 times. Yet this is not the 200th post. Must be a lot of sneaky people looking at it  8) I hope that those who have looked will as I have, sit back, take a pause, look at the facts, then make an informed choice or comment. For those who feel strongly for or against the remits I would suggest you attend the AGM and participate in the descion making process.I wont be at the AGM sorry, as I have pointed out I find meetings are not something I generally enjoy. Regardless of what happens and is decided at the AGM I continue to be a member of BMWOR. Most of all I will continue to ride bikes. At the end of the day that, after all is what its all about.CheersColin

    Post count: 267

    The remits must have been published in the July Newsletter, because that's the one I can't find. (Culled my paper stack that sits on my desk - off the desk and into File 13 for disposal - oops.) Garry hasn't given me the link to that edition yet to post on the website: I'll send him an email shortly asking for that.

    Thankyou for that Bwucie  8) I will patiently wait for you to post the link, then I will read and study the remits. Once I have done that I will decide if all this keffuffle has been worthwhile

    Post count: 267

    Fair call Koko, if you are not sure of something then ask.What do I mean by drive by shooting?I use this terminology to describe what I have seen happen all to often on Internet forums (not just this one). A person starts or enters a thread. They let forth a verbal spray about something or someone and then because they either are unwillling or unable to explain themselves in a constructive manner, they have effectively have ducked for cover, thus my terminology "drive by shooting". In fairness to Terry he has not had or taken the oppurtunity to explain his thoughts he put into his letter, however should he fail too, then yes I will consider his letter to be a "drive by shooting"I had begun to fear you had done the same with this topic you started on the forum, to date I have sought clarification and recieved scant littleSo I will now ask you directly for some clarifications as to your intent with the following quotes;A)I am not happy about the number of complexities that have been introduced to the RegisterI believe I have already sought an answer on this but I will now ask you directly. What are these complexities you refer too?B)Now we're slaves to a systemIt sounds a bit dramatic so I would like it clarified, for the record I personally choose to be no mans slave.C)On the other hand, during the last ten years, a lot of luddites have moved to the dark side. So all this internetness is a fairly recent development for the BMWORWhere is the dark side and who are the luddites? Internetness?D)No need to go tiki touring outside the Annual Rally, the AGM the Rag Rally and all the other events?Who, where and why?E)I know some members of the executive occasionally sneak around here and have read his thread?Sneak? Is this not an open forum? Or should we all rely on chinese wispers? (apologies to members of that particular ethnicity, no offense intended)I will also take this oppurtunity to answer your question "Are you their spokesperson?"No I am not. Who is this "they" you speak of? I wasnt aware that the BMWOR was an us and them organization. If there is a they, they aren't me  8) As I stated in my first post, if there needs to be debate then so be it. But at least lets be upfront about what we mean  ;DCheersColin

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