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  • peter.trub
    Post count: 267
    in reply to: Facebook? #18692

    Awesome Facebook thingy  ;D Well done Stephen!Some interesting points put forward so far, I would question, is the average age of BMW owners in NZ actually increasing? I am sure that somewhere in the higher reaches of BMW Sales and Service NZ someone would be able to verify this.The reason I ask is if no "younger" people are buying BMW's then is there a value in a Facebook page? However, as I stated in my first post I see no harm in one either.

    Post count: 267

    Can I leave a copy of the link on the smoko room table for the other jokers at work to read?  😉

    Post count: 267
    in reply to: R12ST final drive #17982

    Must be the time of season for final drives, I am heading to the Mount saturday to pick up the 11hundy. She will finaly get home from the Cape to Cape ride  🙂

    Post count: 267
    in reply to: Cape to Cape ride #17661

    Routes are up  ;DBMW got off to a good start but KTM is making a charge for the number one position.

    Post count: 267
    in reply to: Cape to Cape ride #17659

    Now this could be fun, when a little more detail comes to light, I could be a starter.Tibsy

    You have an Adventure Bike?  😉All the information required is on the ADV site (link in first post).This is because a non BMWOR person and myself are co-organising it and it is open to all makes and models. For this reason we have put the main thread on a "nuetral" site. It is currently advertised on 3 sites (including this one) so keeping the main thread on the ADV site also helps keep the information flow more accurate.I have posted on this site because I believe this is a ride that will interest many of our members. It would appear from the interest shown to date that there will be a large BMW presence. (or a large BMW's present  8)).  Attendee's are responsible for meeting their own costs in all areas (fuel, accomodation, food, etc) There is no fee, charge or donation for attending this ride.Now back to that question about your adventure bike  ;D

    Post count: 267
    in reply to: Cape to Cape ride #17657

    Accomodation links etc now posted on ADV site (follow link in first post) for those keen on this ride.

    Post count: 267

    Phil is on the organizing committee of the Cape to Cape ride.

    There is no committee, just a mob of two  8)

    that is the committee.Bugger  >:( Looks like I am on a committee  😮 After all these years of dodging  ;DOh well, best I go organise something  8)You lot moan amongst yourselves for a while could you, until the jobs done  😉

    Post count: 267

    Phil is on the organizing committee of the Cape to Cape ride.There is no committee, just a mob of two  8)

    Post count: 267
    in reply to: Cape to Cape ride #17656

    Check the updates  ;DThis is a ride suitable for the Big Boys Bikes  8)

    Post count: 267
    in reply to: Hall effect sensor #17754

    BoGSor is the man to talk to about these. It requires a small amount of mechanical skill to mount the hall sensors (there are two on the plate) to the plate and fit the plug to the wire. Also timing will require resetting. Fortunatlty this can be done statically on these bikes.Do a search on ADVrider website

    Post count: 267

    Looks like a good buy Steven  8)I run the hi flo filters, when I take them off the oil is black and oily. anything more technical than that I will leave to experts.With my limited mechanical knowledge I have found a lot of stuff all comes out of the same factory,  painted with different numbers and colours, then sold at different prices. Unless you can find a website that compares the type and quantity of filter material inside the filter cartridge as well as the absolute micron rating, buy what makes you feel good and stick it on  ;DWill we be seeing you on the Cape to Cape mate? Its looking to be a couple of good days riding. Hell we might even have to get tee shirts  😉

    Post count: 267

    The response to Terry's letter turns out to be contained in the "President's Podium" in the June Newsletter.In other words, the Executive had reacted to Terry's letter and made a public reply in the medium that reaches ALL members, the Newsletter, before Terry made his post on this Forum.

    Having read the "President's Podium", I don't think he has addressed the issue. He did explain why Philip wrote the treasurer's report, but he made no statement about Philip's little rant in the official section. If it's in the official section, than it's got to be the Executives view point. He did not say that it wasn't. He did talk about misunderstanding etc. but I think Philip's statements were clear enough and they were not misunderstood. My wife and I were both former members of the executive and while my own contribution might have been debatable, I know that hers was above and beyond the call of duty. So I've felt personally offended by Philips little side show. My guess is that I am not the only one. So that' where I stand. Nothing to do with you Colin, but feel free to contribute any additional info that you might be aware of, that I am not. For the record, what I am writing about here has nothing to do with the Auckland Branch, I think I've attended about two meeting during the last 2 years, this is how I feel about this situation, based on what was in the newsletter. So I guess now I know where I stand. I guess I have to thank Bwucie for keeping this forum alive, but I wouldn't be surprised if we ran out of money soon, to keep it going.

    I have a good idea, lets all get little tin drums and bang them. The main trick is dont give anyone a clue what tune your playing. Yep thats sarcasm.Lets look at the timeline of events shall we,1) Past secretary files a report2) It gets printed in the April News Letter3) It offends someone4) A letter is submitted for the newsletter5) A copy of the letter plus the following explanation is emailed to all Area reps  For one reason or another this letter has missed the last 2 News letters. However, people affected (implicated) in the Exective’s 3  monthly report  still feel they need to be heard.This then is  giving them their say.6) A copy off the letter is posted in this forum.Maybe I am over simplfying it, how can a letter replying to an article in the April newsletter have missed two news letters? If it has Garry mate, where is my June newsletter? Do Aucklanders get theirs first or summit?As the Executive meet three monthly (and there last meeting was reported on in the April newsletter so presumeably held in March) they wont have met yet to discuss a response to the letter. And as it is directed at them they should rightly reply to it.Or is the offense taken by the offended parties of such greatness that we should all demand our executive drop everything and scuttle off to resolve this horribly offensive ofending thing thats happened so that the bowing scraping and apoligising can begin in earnest as soon as possible?No wonder we as an organisation once needed meetings to be held monthly!!!I am sorry but all I see in this letter and the previous one written by the same author is pointless muck raking. Koko, I dont care what you or your wife did in the past for the club, your current actions I also class as muck rakingAn apology was not given at the AGM (for the deplorable letter written by Terry), in fact it was stated by our life member felt he had nothing to aplogise for, apparently it seems everyone except Terry and Koko must aplogise Yeah right.  ;DPerhaps we should ring Redimix and get some cement tablets delivered.  8)

    Post count: 267

    now everyone needs to take a big breath. I have known Terry for 25 years but not seen him for many. A truer gentleman your could not meet whom would have the clubs best interests at heart.I am guessing after 2 requests and no letter Terry took the only option he believed to move forward. then his letter gets published. bad timing but he can't be held responsible. communication by other parties would of elevated this issue joining this forum in its current form.I have known Alex for numerous years and a very easy going guy who states the obvious. I also have been known to fuel the fire every now and then but meet me and you will know I  am always up for a laugh. the problem with the internet is it shows no emotion. People can interpret things wrong.big breath and move on.

    Steve? I think someone has hacked into your user id mate  ;DMost sensible thing (apart of course from my posts  ;)) in this whole thread.Most unlike you  😮

    Post count: 267

    Do you struggle with reading comprehension?

    Colin, you've made it quite clear what you think of Terry's letter, I wonder if you'd care to let us know what you thought of Phillip King's words as reported in the minutes of the last AGM.

    What I think is that it is sad that the BMWOR is subjected to pathetic little squabbles from small minded people. The issue has been dealt with as Bruce pointed out yet a small vocal grudge party choice not to accept the outcome.When challenged they resort to sarcasm (As Koko has done here and a number of previous times). I think if people are prepared to behave in such a pathetic manner then its time to stop pussyfooting to them and return stupid personal remarks back to them. Gutless hiding behind smug remarks is a sign of the weakness of this small group.They opposed the "radical" (yeah right) changes to the constitution. These were carried by the MAJORITY at the AGM. They dream up scandels about the next AGM and the dates it falls on. They constantly bleat about the lack of transperancy in the Executive. I see full reports in the News Letters of the Executive's activities. Now we have a letter (long on rhetoric, short on facts, as was the last poorly written letter) that is supported by? When asked to clarify what the desired outcome is that they wish to achieve they resort to sarcasm.Its pathetic and I belive that Koko's post to kennif of "Just sit back and enjoy  🙂 " shows the whole thing for what it is. Just a bunch of kids playing a game.Shame on you Koko, Shame on you Terry Ellis-Smith, in my opinion BMWOR would be the richer for not having members such as you.  What did I think of Phillip King's words in the Newsletter? I actually was saddened to read them. They seemed the words of a person who felt he had been wronged. He wanted what he felt was best for BMWOR. It appeared to me he had been upset by what he considered personality driven attacks on the Executive.  I noticed though he never sought an apology. Arrogant people never apologise

    Post count: 267

    It would appear you are right Mr Bell, I noticed on the Stats that Terry was online for some period of time tonight but obviously never felt the letter he wrote was important enough to clarify. However it seems Koko has once again chosen to represent Terry and has replied on his behalf. Is the reply from Terry and posted on his behalf Koko? if not then it would be better perhaps if he answered himself.I must say as Area Rep I was extremely dissappointed to recieve a copy of his letter through the BMWOR email service. While I accept that there must be a forum for greviance's I have no desire to be lobbied by other area reps on personality based percieved wrongs.If a member of my area comes to me with an issue I will approach the Executive on their behalf (They can if they so choose approach the Executive members direct, as can all members).From Terry's actions in writing (which after careful consideration I believe) two extremley personal attacks on the executive. Then his subsequent inaction in both cases to explain himself I would struggle to take seriously any thing written by Terry in any forum.When I read his first letter to the editor I was dismayed that a person who so proudly flaunts his life membership could write so destructively. A poorly written and thinly veiled crude attack was what I read. Now we have another that appears to be being demanded entry to the News Letter.Do I want to see this sort of garbage in what is currently excellent News Letter? Do I want to see this played with petulant kids trying to get the last say? No I dont. Do I want to see it swept under the carpet? No.I will make this request thru the open forum,Terry, send your letter to the executive. To the Executive members, report on it after it has been dealt with at a meeting. Thats how the system should work people, simple as that. Colin Lister

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