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  • Peter Hadfield
    Post count: 29

    I had one of those, found it extremely high maintenance,had to trade it in eventually.

    Peter Hadfield
    Post count: 29
    in reply to: Wheel cleaner #12079

    I use liquid Dynamo,  50/50 with water in a spray bottle, spry it on ,wait 3/5 mins, hose off, simple.

    Peter Hadfield
    Post count: 29
    in reply to: Which GPS? #10998

    NZ is so small it's pretty hard to get lost for too long. (quote)have you tried driving around the inner city at 4.30pm looking for a road or business address?especially if you don't know the area?

    Peter Hadfield
    Post count: 29

    Ended up getting a techmount from radar direct,mounts thru the brake lever.just need to sort out the wiring then i,m all set.

    Peter Hadfield
    Post count: 29
    in reply to: New enthusiast #10406

    Hi Cruiser man,what are you riding?

    Peter Hadfield
    Post count: 29
    in reply to: Radar detectors #10112

    I have had my valentine 1 for about 2 years and would not be without it. as for them being banned, if and when that happens there will be ways to hide them, if not available already.

    Peter Hadfield
    Post count: 29

    cheers for that. it was pretty wet over this way, and my staff, 😀 ie the wife was on the sick list so i would have been a non starter anyway.It's only a matter of time before i can actually attend an event!

    Peter Hadfield
    Post count: 29

    As im in Whangapoua can somebody please text me 0211876163 when you are about to leave thames and if i can arrange staff i will ride towards and meet up with you or at the very least jump over the hill to coro. thanks.

    Peter Hadfield
    Post count: 29
    in reply to: New Member #9892

    welcome Normif you are ever over Coromandel way call in and have a coffee. 😀

    Peter Hadfield
    Post count: 29
    in reply to: Mud photos #9237

    great photo Phil,hope you have that one framed.

    Peter Hadfield
    Post count: 29

    you have a beemer and you want a tool kit? 🙄

    Peter Hadfield
    Post count: 29
    in reply to: New Member – Mike #9221

    welcome to the forum Mike, My 10cents worth re indicators, i tend to use hand signals a lot more since owning my Rt, not sure if this is safe but it works for me.

    Peter Hadfield
    Post count: 29

    now your scaring me!, Canbus system?

    Peter Hadfield
    Post count: 29

    you mention  'the proper” type of battery charger, is this a bmw one?

    Peter Hadfield
    Post count: 29

    rear ended twice!  have you looked  to check that you don't have a sign on your back saying “hit me”?

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 24 total)