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  • Peter Bradley
    Post count: 17

    Dave, I've got the same problem as you. Promised the kids I'd take them on the mountain bike ride along the Gateway.Although I still haven't registered so there could be hope yet.. 😐Thought I might have caught up with you last Saturday night. Far too many people to pick you out.

    Peter Bradley
    Post count: 17
    in reply to: Speedo accuracy #10564

    Should have mentioned to the guys who were out on the Sunday run to Raglan. The guy on the Harley is a traffic cop 😮 Started years ago because he thought it was a great way to spend all day on a motorbike  😎Anyway... he recons the GPS is out. To prevent terrorists sending missiles using it!! Conspiracy Theory!! 😮Obviously this is top secret, and I wouldn't challenge him on it because he's a big guy  😀Oooh, now this could start a new discussion.

    Peter Bradley
    Post count: 17

    I should be okay for this if the weather is good. Will meet up with you all on the way. Probably at the surf club in Orewa if you're heading that way.Will see if a few more riders want to come along.

    Peter Bradley
    Post count: 17

    Great Video Dave.I have to say we should have filmed the section before this. I had the great seat watching you put the R75 through its paces. Much quicker run, Alex sets a great pace.Shame we couldn't find you some more sports bikes to chew up and spit out  👿I was thinking avoid the pot hole, avoid the pot hole.... then I hit it.  😳 Who said anything about quick reactions  😉

    Peter Bradley
    Post count: 17

    No not at that point. It was the following year when I moved to NZ.Cheers

    Peter Bradley
    Post count: 17

    When I started racing everyone said if you start winning in your thrid year of racing you will be doing well. Has it turned out I won on the final race of my first year.In the second year I was third in the championship and really enjoying the whole thing. Then out of the blue I received an invite to race in the Angelsey Grand. Doesn't sound like much but it is one of the biggest club events and you only get in by invitation.I was chuffed to bits and set about making sure I could give a good account of myself in the race which was an open class. The Saturday before the Grand we had qualification. I was awful, couldn't put in a fast time and didn't know why. I only qualified 20th out of 36 on the grid. Stripped the bike overnight and couldn't find anything wrong.On the sunday morning I had my last championship race before the two Grand races in the afternoon. I set the fastest lap and finished third deciding to just secure thrid in the championship and get ready for the Grand in the afternoon. For the Grand I was sat way back in the grid and I could see all of the guys I normally race with in 8th, 9th & 10th. The first race went well my bike felt better and better as the race progressed. I worked up to a respectable 10th and was very pleased with myself.For the second race I was over confident. I decided to go hard from the start and to get through the feild as quickly as possible. Given my bike was so good in the first race. A few laps into the race I was heading into a blind left-right chicane (Radar), when I pulled alongside one of the guys from the 250GP class and a CBR 600 which held me up for a few laps in the first race. Deciding this wasn't going to happen again I went around the outside of both of them on the blind left. This is probably where it started to go wrong. I was off line through the chicane. I got through cleanly and though right then see if you can hang on to this.... then as I put the power down heading out of the right hander the rear let go and I spun completely around. My front brake lever was gone and that was it. From having high hopes and riding the best I ever did I was on my ar$e. Gutted to go out in such a stupid way. Still haunts me now.  😳 😥 🙁My Avatar is cut from a larger photo. On the original you can see the rear wheel of the 600 making it's exit.And the moral of this story is never get a rider to explain what happened. Way too much detail and you just can't stop them when they start. 🙂

    Peter Bradley
    Post count: 17

    That right. I crashed putting the power down coming out of a right hander. I spun completely around facing the direction I come from.The photographer was pleased with the photo because you can see pieces of gravel in the picture. It was an open class invitational race "The Angelsey Grand". This is the most disappointing crash I ever had. Still lay awake at night thinking about it. In fact I did all night last night after posting it.

    Peter Bradley
    Post count: 17
    in reply to: New Member #10735

    No I've never been down HW22. Looks like a good road.Hopefully the weather will hold out.

    Peter Bradley
    Post count: 17
    in reply to: Speedo accuracy #10561

    It's not just bikes. My new Hilux shows 110kph and the GPS reads 103kph. Although I have to say it is linear.Makes my complaints about getting a ticket for 113kph seem weak 😳

    Peter Bradley
    Post count: 17

    Cool, I'll be the person on the very tired black R1150GS.I'm heading down from Whangaparaoa, but I'm usually early. Nothing worse than waiting for someone when your going for a ride.  😡Guaranteed to be late now!! 🙂Cheers

    Peter Bradley
    Post count: 17
    in reply to: TWINMAX #7429

    Can someone tell me where I can purchase a Twinmax from?Cheers

    Peter Bradley
    Post count: 17

    I had the same problem with my GS. You should be able to purchase a fuse from any auto supplies shop. They don't tend to have the same type of fuse as fitted to the bike (fuse wire exposed). This doesn't effect anything though.If you can't find one let me know and I'll send one in the post to you. I had a friend who was an electrician. He handed me heaps when I left the UK.

    Peter Bradley
    Post count: 17

    I would be keen for a ride out.I take it this is open to anyone?? Not sure where you start the ride from but I'm keen to head out to Raglan.If this is okay please send or post the details.CheersTZYAM

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