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  • Nick Taber
    Post count: 49

    Great.  Looking forward to it.  See you at the motorway ride on Saturday anyway.  Got the TKC on tonight – $310 incl fitting.

    Nick Taber
    Post count: 49

    OK.  I'm just back from Brisbane so glad to see it's still on.  Need to change my back tire on Thursday at Cycletreads.  Think I will go for the TKC 80.  I was surprised when looking at the Metz Karoo and TKC 80 side by side how much more widely spaced the knobbles appear to be on the Metz.  It looks like there must be significantly more rubber in contact with the road with the TKC 80  😕

    Nick Taber
    Post count: 49
    in reply to: Tyre for GSA #11718

    Just looked up the TKC on the web and see it claims to be the original tyre for BMW R1200GSA.  Strange how Metzelers are fitted to mine.  Guess I'll go with the TKC and change front to TKC when necessary.  Thanks for the tips  🙂

    Nick Taber
    Post count: 49

    I am happy to leave Fisher's Track for another time so count me in  :-D.  I am booked on the motorway ride as well. 

    Nick Taber
    Post count: 49

    I can't make weekdays as already used too much holiday – unless of course the weekday is a local holiday.I did Auckland > Hamilton > Taupo > Napier > Wairao > Lake Waikaremoana > Rotorua > Tauranga > Auckland last week in the 4WD with my wife [it's bad enough getting her to go with me in the 4WD so I've no chance getting her on the BMW for that long].  It was great, especially the 100+ km of metal road between Wairao and Rotorua.  I have to mark it for a run on the BMW - but I'll have to remember to watch out for nuts in 4WD coming the other way  😆

    Nick Taber
    Post count: 49

    Alex, I might be up for this but I will need to confirm in a few days when I know what business is going to commit me to around that time.

    Nick Taber
    Post count: 49

    I left early from the Tavern but it was still a great ride.  Thanks to Alex for leading the way on the metal which I also returned on to avoid the check points – and I did.  I need to build confidence on the metal but I am looking forward to longer offroad rides.  The posts about the wet tar sound horrifying.  Some of the standards here do seem illogical – speed cops everywhere but wet tar is OK!!!!Having splashed out on new BMW gear, I have to admit to reluctantly wearing the day glow vest but I notice that others wearing them stand out a mile.  I don't want to tempt fate but apart from the blow out of a front tire at 120k on an enduro, the only serious trouble I have ever encountered on a motorbike is thro' not being seen by other drivers - and the headlight doesn't always help if it isn't pointing pretty much straight at the other driver.  In 10 years riding in UK 3 cars pulled out on me claiming not to have seen me - and I couldn't avoid hitting any of them - the last one hard enough to lose a lot of blood, break several bones and lose 3 days which are still completely blank.  Being clearly seen definitely helps keep you safe.Peter

    Nick Taber
    Post count: 49

    Hi, I'd prefer to ride with others so could join yáll for the ride up.  If anyone going on metal roads, I might well join them depending on time/progress.  Peter

    Nick Taber
    Post count: 49

    Aslan & all, I found Google worm showing route.  Looks great.  I can't be sure of getting away that weekend so I'll have to mark it as a ride to join in the future.  Think I need a bit more practice off-road on the GS anyway.  Have fun. Peter

    Nick Taber
    Post count: 49

    Aslan & all, I doubt I can stay away over that Saturday night but I've had great fun on my GS1200A on the last few BMWOR rides.  I don't really know my way around NZ countryside yet [only got here in August], but I am fascinated by where you will be going on this trip.  Have you got a map, google earth route link or something?  I did quite a lot of off-roading in my teens and 20s and I am very keen to get back into it.Peter Harraghy

    Nick Taber
    Post count: 49

    OK, see you at 10 am.

    Nick Taber
    Post count: 49

    OK, thanks.  Looks like a good ride so I'll aim to tag along.

    Nick Taber
    Post count: 49

    Hi, is the plan for all of us to make our own way to the cafe or are we meeting up somewhere first to ride out together?

    Nick Taber
    Post count: 49

    Hi, if it's OK I will join you tomorrow on my GS 1200A.  See you at the BP station.

Viewing 14 posts - 31 through 44 (of 44 total)