Forum Replies Created
in reply to: Side release buckles #16107
try this crowd buckles are sized to webbing widths.
Thanks but been there as well, no joy.
in reply to: Side release buckles #16105I have a tin full of similar but not quite the same design. All are slightly bigger the closest being 1"1/8" wide. The manufacturer is ITW FASTEX NZ and they have model numbers so it might be worth giving them a call Garry.
Thanks Malcolm, but been there and Fastex buckles are not the right ones. I'm leaning to the Bruce's option, the four buckles I got from Mac Pac cost $7, another four will give me what I need to replace the all the male and female connections, and have a few spare bits over.Thanks to you both.
in reply to: Vario vs alloy topbox? #16191I'm looking for options for panniers on the 800 I wonder if the Touratech soft luggage will sit over the tail plate to allow a pillion or must it sit on the rear seat. Also what supports it to keep it off the muffler/paint work.
The Touratech bag I have is made for the HP2 and is supported by the rear of the seat. It sits quite nicely about 2" above the muffler as the inners of the side panels on the bag are rigid. The 800GS tail is probably too wide to support a similar bag properly. I've just bought Jo a BMW softbag for her 800S, which has the same top-plate that fits the 800ST and GS. The base of the bag has a cavity that slides over the top plate to hold it in place and has four quick-release straps to lash it to the frame. It comes in small and large (something like 55L, which is plenty of space) and shouldn't get in the way of a pillion. It's really just like having a soft topbox. $300 from Motomart. That might be a good option for your 800 Malcolm.
in reply to: Vario vs alloy topbox? #16188Just how gnarly will the roads be that you’re travelling then Kennif? Have you given any thought to soft luggage instead? Not saying there’s anything wrong with hard luggage but on recent adventures there’s always been someone who, after a minor off, ends up with a broken sub-frame (the 1200GS seems to be particularly good at this), a smashed a lid on a pannier or lost a top box (as they vibrate like hell on corrugated gravel and need to be strapped down). In one case a while back a friend badly sprained an ankle when he caught his leg between a rock and his alloy pannier case, he was lucky he didn’t break his foot!Personally I’m not a fan of panniers, soft or hard; they make the bike a bit too wide for a start. I have a Touratech bag, which I really like, and a tank bag. I’ve got plenty of storage capacity, enough for the tools, first aid stuff, spare tubes (and the 5l of extra petrol I need) and everything else for 2 weeks away. I wouldn’t exactly say they’re stunning, but they look decent on the bike and they certainly get the job done. It’s also lighter than any kind of hard luggage I’d get for the HP2.
There’s still an argument for hard luggage. Stuff that's breakable is better off in hard panniers – less likely to get pulverized when you fall off - and they are also lockable, which is a bonus. I’m afraid to keep anything valuable on my bike when I’m away from it. It would be great to be able to lock my luggage and walk away from the bike to have a look around feeling like things are safe so hard panniers would be attractive to me for that reason. Ultimately, I know that’s a false sense of security but peace of mind knowing things are protected from casual passers-by is always nice.I suspect that whatever king of luggage is best will always be the topic of hot debate. I think the answer lies with the individual. I’m happy with my soft gear and the purpose it serves.Good luck on your travels.Garry
in reply to: Annual Rally 2012 #16221You will enjoy 8)Have fun on the TT.Garry
in reply to: Annual Rally in Cromwell #16092Cheers Dave, it'll be good to see you at the Rally.Alex - Justin and I have a plan (sort of) for Rally Sunday excursion, maybe across the Old Man Range again but we're pretty felxible and could be tempted to do the Dunstan if you're keen. I was thinking about a ride to the top of Mt Pisa and over the snow farm to Cardrona but I've not done anything about access yet. Whatever happens we'll have a bit fo fun no doubt. Looking forward to it!To every one else watching - have a great Christmas 8)
in reply to: Buggah File! #16096That's harsh 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
in reply to: Annual Rally in Cromwell #16089It doesn't tell me if anyone will be on the 6.25pm ferry on the 4th. That's all I wanted to know, but even that is not terribly important :-). Back to work....
On the ferry 8:35 am Wednesday 4th Alex. Got a couple of Auckland bods (Peter Z, Richard C and John H) joining me, John G and Stuart C in Picton for a trip around the coast then through Molesworth to overnight Hanmer Springs. Thursday we head out through Pyramid Valley, Lees Valley Road and onto Geraldine for the night. Friday we'll head up over Mt Gay, through Mackenzies and the Hakataramea, maybe Thompson's Track and onto Cromwell. After the Rally on Monday we're heading up the West Coast for a look, overnighting at Westport before heading across to Murchison and back down over the Maruia Saddle for another night at Hanmer on Tuesday. Wednesday we'll up through Rainbow Station to make the ferry back in the evening. Your welcome to join us if and whereever you want.Have a safe and happy Christmas. If you're driving anywhere - TAKE IT EASY! - enjoy whatever celebrations you have planned to see the New Year in and we'll see you in Cromwell.Garry
in reply to: The look of the future? #15865Looks great Bruce 8)
in reply to: Awesome skills. #15418I'm well impressed by the layout of the cones 😛
in reply to: I’ve Just Been Mugged !!!!!! #15203Bought my F800ST recently, and it came with only one key.I have ordered another, as losing a key is my favourite pastimes, especially when I really need to go somewhere.I'm going to have to change pastimes, as the new key is costing $152 plus GST. That's $175.I know that it includes a very high security factor, but I still feel like Mr Bmw has just bent me over and spanked me.Cringe.
Should have got yourself a G450X, doesn't have an ignition key so no expensive replacements.Of course it does have a steering lock, lose that key and your only option is lots of big doughnuts ;D
in reply to: Spotlights and CANBUS #15150Daffy, congratulations on the 800ST. I've got an F800S as well as the HP2 and agree, a nice wee road bike.You're best avoiding taking power direct from CAN Bus controlled systems as the additional power draw will most likely trigger a system fault. The CAN bus systems are programmed for certain limits on current draw so it's best to install a relay which will be triggered/switched via the CAN bus system (e.g. headlamp wiring for your additional driving lights) and power to the accessory direct from the battery via a fuse. If you intend to install more accessories requiring power (GPS etc), an auxiliary power/fuse panel such as the Centech AP1 or Touratech TPS 15 is what you need.CheersGarry
in reply to: Downloadable Newsletter #15089The blogsite seems public, i.e. no login etc. Does this mean that all and sundry can read and – if they are smarter than me – download the Newsletter?
Yes, which is why it's the previous month's newsletters getting posted around the same time BMWOR members receive the current issue. We've been doing that for years. Our previous website had a page for newsletter files that could be downloaded, on our new website it's just more accessible.I doubt there will be a move to HTML newsletters or posting at the same time as memebrs receive thier hardcopy until there is somewhere on this site that has access restricted to current finacial members. Otherwise, I too could be a sad bugger, not pay my membership fee and still get my newsletter.
in reply to: Downloadable Newsletter #15082The March issue has the link also ???
in reply to: Downloadable Newsletter #15080You can download the newsletter without going though an Issuu account, that's what the link is for at the bottom of the post. Click it, and you'll get taken to the pdf version, which is the same file that gets sent to the printer each month, without having to sign up to any other hosting accounts.The Issuu file is posted purely a way of displaying the newsletter on the website in a way that simulates reading a magazine, which some people like.