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  • mike.ray
    Post count: 11
    in reply to: exhaust for R1100S #8898

    Yep… Dunno that I'd bother wrecking the catalytic converter just for the “Sound”  I did a bit of research earlier in the year and ended up with a Staintune exhaust on my '03 S which not only sounds way meatier than standard and gives better midrange.  I still haven't chipped it but maybe that'll be my next present to myself.  Problem with the Staintune is cost!!! $2460 but the quality and finish is superb.  After fitting it I was told by a former Beemer tech that you can import the Van der linde system which comes with a chip for under $2K.  Bottom line is that your beemer is a class bit of kit and deserves something that was designed for it not the hack and hope approach.  Good luck either way but Henry at Experience would probably have a better idea than most.

    Post count: 11

    I asked my man and got a not too specific response.  It's called Suntuff (tough) but he doesnt know how it's spelt.  They use it in seats etc for parapalegics because it does away with pressure points.  The skin he used is Basket weave which doesn't last quite as long as the standard BMW skin.  It's no longer available so all this is a bit useless really!.PS. If that's a sheepskin on Phil's bike is that wot they mean by sex and travel?

    Post count: 11

    I'll be seeing the man on monday and I'll ask if it has a name and point of sale

    Post count: 11

    Hmmm, I've been here before (with the staintune) and got stumped by the size of the file.  I know how to inflate a tyre, change oil, boil water but the simple task of posting a photo is beyond me.  Perhaps our webmaster could put a helpfile on this page somehow????CheersDumb-ass

    Post count: 11

    Dunno if it's the same stuff but,  I had my R1100s seat reupholstered using 15mm orthopaedic foam and the spoofy square sectioned skin that helps it work (at least that's wot the man said)  Made a helluva difference too.  Even at mate's rates it was $150 but money well spent.

    Post count: 11

    Seems the only bit of information not asked for on the survey is a membership number.  If you were really serious about accurate data you would canvas membership directly, either by hardcopy, electronic or both. 

    Post count: 11

    Be as cheeky as you want.  $2355 from Tony Rees in Tauranga.  I haven't had a chance to ride enough to form an opinion of it yet but it does sound NICE!!! but quiet enough so you can't hear it at 100k.  It fitted without any drama apart from me deciding to move the rear brake reservoir a bit further out.  It's now only accessible by removing the rear side cover but that's no biggie.  When my tekkernoggickle other half comes home from Khazakstan next month (no I'm not joking)  I'll post a photo or two.  Hmmmm Chip next????

    Post count: 11

    Just for info. The new staintune exhaust fits well and has a stop fitted for the mainstand rubber to sit against (bank account looking sad).  Wooo Hooo!

    Post count: 11

    Might not be relevant given the age difference but….. When I had a K75 I has similar problems which were traced back to a stuffed battery.  Problem I had was the relay which energises the starter had partially self welded the contacts together.  A clever friend prised the top off the relay and cleaned up the surface of the contacts.  This and a new battery fixed it.

    Post count: 11

    Thanks for the feedback..  I finally got a definitive answer out of Staintune.  The sales manager in Oz got back to me saying that the german importer has confirmed there's no conflict between c/stand and the after market pipe.  He also said he couldn't believe that the question hadn't been posed before.  Go figure!!!

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