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  • honeybear.2399
    Post count: 232

      ready for take of?[img][/img]

    Post count: 232

    [img]http://I have a few that we took when we were traveling NZ for 10 years in a motor home, before the days of digital.  here is one I have scanned, if it post's OK I will do some more.  Phil 8-)[/img]

    Post count: 232

    if you stay right between the two yellow lines you are not actually breaking any laws

    Not so sure about that!!!!!!!Look at speedo, and rev counter!!!!!!!! a photoshop, job if ever I saw one.  On the other hand maybe the rider was on "Speed" 👿    Phil

    Post count: 232

    The power of the internet?? great.  you can travel without leaving your home.  we could start a www. on Abandoned weatherboard buildings  Just thinK. :?  Phil

    Why not 😀

    I don't know how you set up a website,  Phil

    Post count: 232

    The power of the internet?? great.  you can travel without leaving your home.  we could start a www. on Abandoned weatherboard buildings  Just thinK. 😕  Phil

    Post count: 232
    in reply to: Gearbox noise #7178

    Well worth going to that web site,  and reading article, if only to put ones mind at rest, about gear box noise.  Being new to BMW I now feel much better informed on subject.  Thanks Phil 😀

    Post count: 232

    Hey, one must not stand in the way of progress.

    No one should lay down??????????????????????

    Post count: 232
    in reply to: New BMW?????? #7117

    I think I saw that bike a couple of years ago in Tennessee a few years ago!! It could well be, when I look at the photo again, I see all the cars are on the sidewalks, they must leave the hiways clear for Motorcycles  What a great idea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😀

    Post count: 232
    Post count: 232

    What :?  Photo's of the shop or the ladies 😉 😉

      Both would have been worth getting the camera out for but, sometimes one has more on their minds.  Like coffee, and the road ahead, yet to be ridden?  Maybe next time,  stay on line. ( do they they have the www on the main land?  Phil

    Post count: 232

    Nice pics.  What is going on up North. 😕 Should move up North, looks like less people 😀

      People what are they?????, most or the time we had the roads to ourself.  But if you know where to stop you can still get good coffee like the cafe at Khakiwhich  which is built over the water, you can feed the fish below, not that you want too throw too  much food away, run by two lovely ladies, who know how to cook,  Great.  Sorry no Photos 😡  Phil

    Post count: 232

    Hi Again. Last 3 Adandon-ed buildings from up North.  Went past a few others, but did see them till to late and as I did not really want to try out the ABS braking system and turning around was a pain, also it was B hot when stationary.  We  let them go till next time.I still think there is a book in the making here somewhere.  If anyone would like copy's of any of the photos I have sent in I am happy to make them averable to them at no cost, they were all taken at 5.1million or above Pixels, so would print up well.  Phil

    Post count: 232

    An old garage up North, could it have been the Far North BMW agent?????  Phil

    Post count: 232

    Yet another old weatherboard building.  This school building, going to waste,up North,  have a few more to post when I have sorted them out.  Stay cool, stay upright  Phil 👿

    Post count: 232
    in reply to: Scary road riding. #6986

    Hi. :mrgreen:  My Mate and I are just back from 4 days of riding the roads of the top half of the north island.Really can't say that we came across to much what we would call bad driving, most drivers were happy to even pull over to let us pass, when traffic was slow.  We keep to speed limits, but do like to keep corner speeds up where possible.  (thats where the fun is)  Mind you I have been riding New Zealand roads for over 40 years so maybe I have just got used to New Zealand condition's in that time.  It's strange that people from overseas seen to think that drivers in their home land are  better drivers???????  than drivers in New Zealand.  After all not all drivers in New Zealand, are from New Zealind    😀  Phil

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