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  • Gary Grossman
    Post count: 10

    Please remember when that cop does his job for you going over the speed limit he is also the one who has the job of dealing with fatalities on the roads and informing the families. While i agree with other bad behaviour being dealt with in all drivers and riders the Police try to keep everyone alive. So before you have a go at them think how you would deal with what they see and deal with and would you change your views???? And before you ask if i am a Police groupie, i am a traffic officer. I am a bike rider and the one who nearly killed himself on an 1150RT while on route to another fatality on our roads. I was lucky i survived but if i didnt have to go to that one i wouldnt have been injured. So please think before you have a go.Thanks

    Gary Grossman
    Post count: 10

    I had a system 4 helmet for work and found that in heavy rain it leaked through the top of the visor into my eyes which made riding interesting. Many blokes i know had to modify the visor with tape to seal it. Dont know if this is a genuine fault of the lid or just the ones we got. Was glad when i updated to the system 5 though, its a great lid a lot quieter and waterproof. I wear mine day in and out in all weathers and find it fantastic. The only problem i find is that in heavy rain the material at the bottom gets wet and takes sometime to dry out. The next day its still damp even though its been in the warm all night. Personally i would save the money and buy the system 5 its a much better lid 😀

    Gary Grossman
    Post count: 10
    in reply to: Accessories?????? #6950

    Do you have to pay import tax here on items? i imported some American Football clothing last year and got stung for the import tax aswell as the tax in the US.

    Gary Grossman
    Post count: 10
    in reply to: Scary road riding. #6999

    What do you mean proper Police not like Traffic! We're very lucky here in NZ that Traffic Policing isn't taken too seriously, in the UK Traffic Police are feared. If you get stopped and see the Cop has a black hat (normal Cop) on then you may get away with it but if he has a white top to his hat (Traffic Cop) then your knackered! Traffic Policing is taken very seriously over there. We haven't started to get serious here yet but i would like to see more Traffic Cops out there policing the roads, i agree handing out tickets isn't solely the key and education and stricter rules are needed. Kiwi adventure – As for a Pom running the LTSA whats wrong with that? getting someone from another country to run a department that needs some common sense and experience is a good idea and one that will improve roading over here. it just a pity we don't get someone running LTNZ and then we may have some decent roads! We need to embrace changes, i know most of us don't like change and especially if you don't see theres a problem but there is a problem and its killing people. Some of you are lucky enough not to see the carnage of a fatality, deal with the bodies and families but i do and that does change your view on roading. I have the up most respect for my colleagues in the 111 services who deal with these incidents then have to go home and try to have a normal life. So Kiwi adventure before you start having a go, go out with the Traffic Police for a while and visit the scenes of fatalities and see for yourself, it easy to sit on the sidelines and criticise! As for the changing the age of driving it has been proven that the brain isn't mature enough at 15 to understand the consequences of speed and bad driving. Remember being that age and thinking you were bulletproof! I don't know what its like where you come from but up here in Auckland all ages are dying including 15 year olds. Personally i would like to see stricter rules where Police could take peoples licences off them for some of the more minor offences not just drink driving, boy racer or speed. At the end of the day they are there to protect us not just from crime but from killing each other on the roads as well. So as Bwucie has already mentioned if you think we have no problem then you are part of the problem.

    Gary Grossman
    Post count: 10
    in reply to: Scary road riding. #6992

    i agree with the above, driver education is the key. I wouldn't bank too much on the research regarding crash tests in 4×4's. Having been to too many crashes to remember in my 12 year career here and in the UK, the 4×4 occupants mostly come out with the least injuries, there have been exceptions where the 4×4 rolls but thats is luckily rare. The crash testing is always done in test conditions with the vehicle being struck from precise angles, unfortunately accidents don't happen like that. So in my opinion the newer 4×4's are safer, just not for the other road users! as for environmental issues have you seen that the worst pollutants are livestock!!! we might be going off the issue a bit here! we need to employ the same driving rules as the UK, compulsory insurance (this would restrict the 15-17 yr olds being able to drive twin turbos), higher age limit to driving i would agree with 18 yrs and a 2 tier licence system. Learner and full, get rid of restricted. I would also have a 2 part test for passing your test, one on the normal roads in normal conditions and then on the back roads and motorway. 👿

    Gary Grossman
    Post count: 10
    in reply to: Scary road riding. #6990

    I know that not everyone in Europe is a good driver, however being in the emergency services i have been called out to more crashes and fatals where a local is to blame because of poor driving, inability to think ahead and poor planning (they only see the end of their bonnets!). No wonder it is easy pickings for the Traffic Police to give out fines! oh just think i stirred up another hornets nest! At the end of the day i have driven in a lot of countries throughout the world and if i am honest it scares me most driving here, that why i bought the wife the biggest 4×4 to protect her and the kids!!!! I personally think the driving standards here are poor and things need to change before more people die!

    Gary Grossman
    Post count: 10
    in reply to: Scary road riding. #6985

    being from Europe i can say without any doubt that they are better drivers over there. I have never driven in a country where every day i can see potential fatal crashes as in this country. What is it with the Kiwi drivers over here where they think they have the right to excessively speed, overtake on blind corners, cut you up to gain one place on the road and do the most stupid idiotic things to endanger everyones life?? do they not think about the consequences??

    Gary Grossman
    Post count: 10
    in reply to: Accessories?????? #6941

    Apologies been away on holiday with the family. Anyway my GS was bought with damage to the right hand side after the last owner had a light spill on diesel. it damaged the right hand rocker cover which has been welded, the plastic engine protector and  right hand mirror. So would like to replace. Thanks

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