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  • Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310

    One side of my brain would love to see the Executive be bold enough and open enough to respond to Terry in the light of day in this Forum, but the "Walk a Mile in Somebody Else's Shoes" side of my brain says I wouldn't do so if I was an Executive member.Watch this space..............

    I guess it depends on the response. It was unwise to publish the former Treasurer's ramblings in the official part of the newsletter. Perhaps it wasn't read for some reason or another. A member only forum could help to gain more public input (from members of course), so the executive has a chance to float ideas, before diving in head first and then realising that there was no water in the pool (hehe). When we still had the 20 strong committee, the executive could do just that. Anyone who has attended these meeting could see and hear that executive would be set straight very quickly, if they had strayed too much of the path. It was pretty much out in the open. I am not seeing this level of accountability at the moment. This doesn't mean that there is a conspiracy under way, but it does show a certain arrogance to assume that they know best and should be left to get on with it, or what ever the wording was, that was used by the ex-treasurer. The American constitution starts with "We the people..." , not unlike over there, it seems to have become "We the executive....I think Baz is right about the need to address this in more detail by the executive. I believe the President should make some sort of stand and tell us if he agrees with the sentiments of the ex-treasurer and if not, why was he allowed to vent in the official section of the newsletter. The buck has to stop somewhere, as they say. Perhaps he could write a letter to the Auckland section that outlines his thoughts on the matter, because like Bwucie, I can't see him posting here on this topic. However, if he did make an effort in the future to communicate his intentions in the forum, perhaps he would get some considered responses. I am sure the moderator could police this without too much hassle.

    Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310
    in reply to: Heidenau K60’s #17673

    I don't doubt that not all tyre are created equal, but there are people who blame their tyres for all sorts of short comings. I ride every day, rain or shine, on all sorts of surfaces. Only a couple of weeks ago the whole bloody road was covered in rainbow colours for over 10km, before I turned off.  That was during rain and in the dark. You've got to be careful and take it easy. Thinking that you've got a good tire, and therefore nothing will happen is the wrong approach. I've ridden my Kenda 760 in the rain for many km and they are brilliant at avoiding hydro planing, if nothing else. I worry more about using the throttle carefully and about balancing myself properly on the bike, than about the tyres. Having said that, I'd rather ride on gravel than on the road, when it's wet. Anyway, should you not be out policing pictures quotes and sizes? At least I can see where the priorities are, foul language or obnoxious behaviour doesn't seem to be one of them.

    Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310
    in reply to: Heidenau K60’s #17670

    the bike decided to do a massive slide for no reason 

    There is always a reason. Usually to do with the road surface. This time of the year it can be cow shit from stock trucks, diesel or just the odd shiny patch. As far as I know, they have not yet invented a tire that can cope with these conditions. When it's wet, ride to the conditions, as they say.

    Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310
    in reply to: Heidenau K60’s #17665

    Thanks for the report. I went for a set of Shinko 705, this time the radials. I think I've paid $450 for the set. Have done about 4000km on them and they've been really good. I had Anakees for the last few years and while they are possibly better on the road, they are not as good on gravel as the Shinko. The tread on the Shinko seems to go further around, as I have not been able to ride them to the  edge. Did you have yours fitted to the 1150? If so, the front is a 19", not a 21". Unless of course, your bike is modified.

    Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310
    in reply to: Annual Rally 2014 #17646

    Don't think life ends with retirement

    Nope, but you have more options when to go.  As you know, it's not me who can't go.

    Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310
    in reply to: Annual Rally 2014 #17643

    It always alternates between the islands. The next one will be in Nelson. For us the timing is inconvenient, but I don't know how others see this. A lot of people take their break later on, and about a quarter of members would be retired anyhow.

    Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310
    in reply to: Great dirt roads #17621

    Use Google maps and then zoom in, in the satellite view. But don't go looking in the middle of Auckland.  ;D

    Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310

    Why hasn't this forum needs got a "yawn" smiley? Who do we approach about getting that done?These are the real question we need answers to

    What no discussion? That's not like you, Colin. But hey, at least you're not bored enough to not respond :-).  I am just cracking up because all this good work is being done and people who gave up their time in the past are being blamed for all sorts of things. Isn't it surprising how the register has managed to survive for almost 40 years. The register is being run by volunteers. They all try to do their best, but some realize that it takes more time than they are able or prepared to give. Stuff ups happen, unintentionally, I hope. Personally, I like to keep things simple. I enjoy going to some events and I miss others, depending on how convenient it is at the time. If an Executive can manage to organize the key events, collect membership fees and deal with applications in a timely manner and put out a good newsletter, then all is well. As far as the budget goes, decide on a reserve that people are happy with, make sure we have enough income to keep things going and set the membership fees accordingly.  That's pretty much it. So let's see... The Annual Rally was a success, the newsletter and website are humming along, but there seems to be a shortfall in income. So after showing income and expenditure, the treasurer could come to the conclusion that there is a short fall. As a result, we either put the fees up, or spend less money. Simple. Move forward, don't go on about this other stuff, what good will it do. For what it's worth, I don't think we should cut social expenditure, so in this case I vote for an increase in fees. I am sure the executive is interested in feedback, so that was mine.

    Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310
    in reply to: Yet More Change. #17549

    Well let me be the first to congratulate you. I am sure you'll enjoy Bluff, or was it Palmerston?

    Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310
    in reply to: Yet More Change. #17542


    Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310
    in reply to: Yet More Change. #17537

    Thanks for your effort Bwucie. You've definitely undercut all the competitors, so you can rest assured that your job will be secure well into the future.

    Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310
    in reply to: tyres for F800gs #17532

    Hi guysthanks for your replys , I have decide to try the Heidenau K60 on the rear and tkc on front so far a good tyre but yet to find out what its like on a wet sealed road

    I'd say landing on a wet sealed road hurts almost as much as landing on a dry one. I've put a set of Shinko 705 radials on the 1150. $415 fitted. I know they are good on gravel. However, the last set delaminated, but they weren't radials (knock on wood).I guess  I am a sucker for punishment. But if it makes you feel better, Gerda had an E07 rear and a TKC80 front fitted to her 08  F650GS. She says the tyres work fine.DSC04130_zps841509d4.jpg

    Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310

    Cobber of mine snaps his femur while out walking,

    I didn't know you could do that, just shows you, be careful out there.

    Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310

    It's lacking the heavy duty suspension, to carry all that extra weight.

    Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310

    Welcome to the forum Tony. Better late than never.

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