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  • Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310

    I've done two pairs now. There are pretty detailed instructions available. If you are going to replace the o-ring on the butterfly-valve shaft, you'll need to be aware that the two screws holding the disk are peened on, and you'll need to file some of the thread off. It's important to peen them again on re-assembly, otherwise, if a screw comes loose, it will be ingested by the engine.  Good luck, just go slow and methodical and you will be OK.

    Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310
    in reply to: Fuel Economy #17765

    Artig, have you ever had to replace the steering-head bearings on your bike? Gerda's bike is due for the third time in 40000km. That's a bit excessive in my opinion.

    Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310
    in reply to: Fuel Economy #17763

    I work with b) as well. It seems to average around 6 litres. I give mine death at least once a day :-).  Still on the first clutch and brake disks. I am pleased to say it doesn't surge any more. But in summer it still pings.  I am in it for the fun and since I don't get to ride as much as I'd like to, I don't worry about the extra wear and tear.

    Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310

    Hi Aslan,I've used Mahle filters with no issues. On my K75S I used the Hiflofiltro until I couldn't get one of them off. I ended up having to cut it open and then machine a socket to fit the holes of the filter collar. That did the job. The bike had been serviced at Motohaus in Kingsland and the filter must have been overtightened. Anyway, apparently there are difference between filters and not all have the same amount of filter material inside. Years ago a guy cut a bunch of them open to compare them. Also, some filters from your list would just be re-branded products from the same company. I change mine every 10000km, together with an oil change and don't lose much sleep over it. 

    Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310
    in reply to: Great dirt roads #17625

    Which part of NZ are you in?

    Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310

    The TAT is on my bucket list. Good luck with your planning, it's supposed to be a great ride.

    Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310

    I guess I have to thank Bwucie for keeping this forum alive, but I wouldn't be surprised if we ran out of money soon, to keep it going.

    Last time we went off the net because we hadn't paid the bill I recall Garry took his big fat credit card and paid several years' worth in one hit. I'm not exactly sure of the expiry date of his goodwill, but I'm confident the meter will run for a while yet.I still receive the same sum of zero dollars per annum that you got when you did the job, Alex, so it's not a high dollar operation.

    Not at the moment, but unlike me, you actually seem to know what you are doing. I am guessing that this would cost a lot more than it does, if you didn't put the hours in.

    Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310

    The response to Terry's letter turns out to be contained in the "President's Podium" in the June Newsletter.In other words, the Executive had reacted to Terry's letter and made a public reply in the medium that reaches ALL members, the Newsletter, before Terry made his post on this Forum.

    Having read the "President's Podium", I don't think he has addressed the issue. He did explain why Philip wrote the treasurer's report, but he made no statement about Philip's little rant in the official section. If it's in the official section, than it's got to be the Executives view point. He did not say that it wasn't. He did talk about misunderstanding etc. but I think Philip's statements were clear enough and they were not misunderstood. My wife and I were both former members of the executive and while my own contribution might have been debatable, I know that hers was above and beyond the call of duty. So I've felt personally offended by Philips little side show. My guess is that I am not the only one. So that' where I stand. Nothing to do with you Colin, but feel free to contribute any additional info that you might be aware of, that I am not. For the record, what I am writing about here has nothing to do with the Auckland Branch, I think I've attended about two meeting during the last 2 years, this is how I feel about this situation, based on what was in the newsletter. So I guess now I know where I stand. I guess I have to thank Bwucie for keeping this forum alive, but I wouldn't be surprised if we ran out of money soon, to keep it going.

    Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310

    Hi Terry,it's not hard to overhaul a carb, I've done it twice with good success. You can by an overhaul kit and replace all the  wear parts in it. Here is where I bought my kit. If your carbs has never been serviced in 65000 miles, it worth doing this. You might not need the floats, but if you want peace of mind, just do the lot.  You might end up needing new screws for the lid, because the old ones may need to be drilled out if, they are stuck. Replace them with Allen heads screws. You will need some carb cleaner as well. Be careful with that stuff, it's evil. Use gloves and work in a well ventilated area, outside is good. There are lots of little passages that you'll need to spray the stuff into, so wear eye protection as well. Other than that, it's straight forward. Do only one at a time, so you don't mix up parts and you have one for reference. It takes about 1 1/2 hours to do one. I can talk you through it if you get stuck. It's helpful to have a dental scraper to put the new o-rings on, but a bit of floss will do the trick and you can't poke yourself with the floss. Hope this helps.Here is a link with some pictures,1222.msg6461.html#msg6461 This reminded me that I ended up changing the springs as well. One of them had been rubbing and was almost snapped in half. I am talking about the long, large soft one. The ones that operate the cables can rust through, but if they are not, you can reuse them. After this, the fuel consumption went down from 8litres per 100km to 6 litres per 100km. So the kit paid for itself in a relatively short time.

    Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310
    in reply to: Bikes on trade me #17724

    Oh yes, they are our friends. The 1150 keeps hanging in there, so I have no reason yet to take. them up on their kindness. You should see if you can get John Banks' K1300. It will be low k and mint, apart from some pucker marks on the seat. When the K1200R came out, I had ride on it. What I thought was a 120km/h, turned out to be 140km/h luckily I was on a "private" road.

    Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310

    Interesting.I am a member of this forum and own a BMW but am not on the Register. Do I need to know anything about this discussion?Kennif

    Just sit back and enjoy  🙂 

    Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310

    Mr Bell will possibly have something pungent to say about this after all the smoke and ire Terry generated - so I'll leave the editorial comments to him...................

    Mr Bell is Waldorf and Statler rolled into one.  🙂

    Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310

    It would appear you are right Mr Bell, I noticed on the Stats that Terry was online for some period of time tonight but obviously never felt the letter he wrote was important enough to clarify. However it seems Koko has once again chosen to represent Terry and has replied on his behalf. Is the reply from Terry and posted on his behalf Koko? if not then it would be better perhaps if he answered himself.I must say as Area Rep I was extremely dissappointed to recieve a copy of his letter through the BMWOR email service. While I accept that there must be a forum for greviance's I have no desire to be lobbied by other area reps on personality based percieved wrongs.If a member of my area comes to me with an issue I will approach the Executive on their behalf (They can if they so choose approach the Executive members direct, as can all members).From Terry's actions in writing (which after careful consideration I believe) two extremley personal attacks on the executive. Then his subsequent inaction in both cases to explain himself I would struggle to take seriously any thing written by Terry in any forum.When I read his first letter to the editor I was dismayed that a person who so proudly flaunts his life membership could write so destructively. A poorly written and thinly veiled crude attack was what I read. Now we have another that appears to be being demanded entry to the News Letter.Do I want to see this sort of garbage in what is currently excellent News Letter? Do I want to see this played with petulant kids trying to get the last say? No I dont. Do I want to see it swept under the carpet? No.I will make this request thru the open forum,Terry, send your letter to the executive. To the Executive members, report on it after it has been dealt with at a meeting. Thats how the system should work people, simple as that. Colin Lister

    Do you struggle with reading comprehension?

    Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310

    Members are at a loss to understand why the President and his executive allowed the “Matters to Consider”, “Accounting” and “Appreciation of Effort” written by ex Treasurer, Phillip King to be published in this forum.

    Well, Colin, I suspect he wants an explanation.

    Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310

    I am sure the moderator could police this without too much hassle.

    You mean somebody trustworthy is going to replace me some time soon, Alex? 😉 😉 😉

    Be a shame to loose this forum to the censor, we'd have to dig out the old flags!

    I've got no say in this  :). I was thinking along the lines of weeding out inappropriate language, because I can see how tempting it would be 😉

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