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  • Brian
    Post count: 63
    in reply to: New BMW?????? #7115

    I think I saw that bike a couple of years ago in Tennessee a few years ago!!

    Post count: 63
    in reply to: R100RT Service #7036

    And you will find a wealth of info here. All airheads all the time. If I can service them, anyone can. And the service manager at Experience I believe owns a '65 R69S. So he really knows airheads.

    Post count: 63
    in reply to: Accessories?????? #6940

    I know this is a bit of a stretch, but MAX is very good for GS accessories and advice

    Post count: 63

    nz2006123yg4.jpgI found this on my visit in May of 2006. Still want to come back and check it out!!

    Post count: 63
    in reply to: Dear Abby #6324

    What's a wife???

    Post count: 63
    in reply to: Old HP #6242

    SWEEEEEEET BIKE!!!!!!! Enjoy. Like you need someone to tell you that. On a GS. An Airhead is better yet!!

    Post count: 63

    I will just try to plan my next trip around YOUR riding season. We too have finally had some great weather. I just can’t believe the weather on the South Island. We were only there six weeks ago. Cheers and stay in touch or better yet you know you are always welcome to come and ride here. i have extra bikes. Jim

    Post count: 63

    I read almost daily online about your weather. Really strange to hear about how severe it has been. And it hasn’t been that way in a long time. Long time. Were you here in the early eighties Jim? We had some wicked storms around that time also. Just remember. It does melt. And your country probably doesn’t put down pant loads of slt on your roads like they do here. Not good at all for the scoots. And then in my neighborhood this past week have been having high temps[30c] and high humidity. Ugh. Keep the faith and come on spring!!! Cheers, Jim

    Post count: 63

    Oh you haven’t seen snow. I will post some pics to Alex soon from two winters ago. Over 3m that year. Ugh!! And a long time between rides. Lots of wrenching though.

    Post count: 63

    First of all ,you all are the best hosts and hostesses. My wife and I had a wonderful time in NZ and can’t wait to return. My riding was short but sweet, even if it was in a city. [Christchurch]

    Wednesday, 10/05 we picked up a late model 650GS from KEA. Took an afternoon ride through Christchurch and then out to Sumner Head. Just beautiful to look at and tremendous surf from the Pacific that afternoon. Took the long way back to motel with all the working people!!!

    Thursday, 11/05. We did manage to get to Akaroa. Leaving from the Burnside area of Christchurch at about 8:30,our morning started out in a light drizzle. After negotiating the rush hour traffic through the city on SH73 onto SH75 the suburbs and the country started to appear. And less traffic. And clearing skies. A riders dream. Winding our way along with just beautiful scenery unfolding in front of us we continued to be in awe of your country. We had seen the dramatic heights of Mt. Cook and the Southen Alps, but Banks Peninsula has its own beauty. Nice roads with twistys thrown in here and there, along with steep inclines and dramatic drops in elevation. After numerous stops for photos and oohs and aahs, we arrived in Akaroa. What a picture perfect little town. I can see why it is a popular weekend spot for the for residents of Christchurch. We both enjoyed tea and pasteries at a nice waterfront bakery. After strolling about we mounted up on our peppy 650GS. Sweet bike to riding on for these roads. For the road back to the city, we chose one that said scenic tourist route. Well we were tourists. Hell with tourists, that is a nice bike road. Full of twists and turns. And rises and falls. Once again beautiful overlooks towards Akaroa and the Pacific. After stopping again in Little River for tea and pastries[what can I say , I like to eat and tip a few handles when done for the day!!] we headed up the Gebbies Pass road. Once again nice roads filled with twistys and great views. And a giant wind turbine. One of the first in NZ I was told?!? We stopped at the Allandale Reserve for a bit to read about the local history and check our maps. I did have Peter Mitchell's "Great Escape" book along with us and I could see we heading for Governors Bay and the Lyttleton area. Having been to Sumners Head the day before, I was wee bit familar with area. And the tunnel. This time through it I did take off the sunglasses. Much better visibility.This time after exiting the tunnel I used my sense of direction instead of following a map to get back to Burnside area. Christchurch is a pretty easy city navigate. But it is a city none the less.

    12/05,Friday we awoke to a torrential rain. Didn't even try to convince my better half to ride. Took bus into city and did the cultural things. I did enjoy your museums and old buildings. By dinner time the skies had cleared and we rode off for our evening meal. It was cool but comfortable.

    13/05 Saturday. Oh we have to head for home today. BUMMER!! But the bike doesn't have to be back till 1PM and we don't fly until 4PM. That will be enough time to ride to Arthurs Pass. After I scrape a HEAVY frost of our seat. Ivan our innkeeper, just stands there shaking his head in disblief, that we are actually going. He tells me I will be just as cool as that seat after about an hour of riding. I told him I will watch the roads carefully and turn the HEAT on HIGH!!! So off we go onto SH75 towards Arthurs Pass. And are the mountains ever coverd in snow. All the rain day before ended up as the white stuff in the higher elevations. But the sign in Springfield said all the roads were open and passable. Well we got just several kilometers beyond Porters Pass and into the clouds. Made a swipe on my face shield and it was FROSTY. Pulled to the side of the road and cupped some water with my riding boot and it didn't roll down the pavement to fast. I told my wife we didn't come all the way around the world to crash and burn. So even though we didn't get to the Pass, we tried. Maybe next time. Returning to KEA by 12:30 and turning the bike in, we still had ridden over 330K in just over two and a half days. I was just hungry for more. Arrgh. But my honey says when we come back,not if, she will take a car with all our gear and I can hopefully meet up with some BMWOR riders and REALLY see your country. I just salivate when I look at some of the photos posted by your members.

    And lastly, if any of you ever come to Maine, any or all of you[just don't come all together if possible] have a place to bunk[we have big barn]. I do have an extra bike to lend. After the GS is fixed that is. I also have a "92 R100RS. After my wife was told they are airheads, so told me that was appropiate for me. Well I hope I didn't bore you too much with our travel tales and we can't wait to return!!!

    Post count: 63

    I would be glad to write some lines about our rides. I am off this weekend to a rally in Connecticut, but will put the pen to work when I return.

    Post count: 63

    And after reading about your current weather, I guess I was lucky to ride at all. Brrrrrr!!!!

    Post count: 63
    in reply to: April weather #5481

    I have tried to join the Owners Register online, but I guess it still isn’t available. It would be great to have a list of members, such as MOA does. Theirs is an anonymous list, where the Airheads just use first names and towns.

    Post count: 63
    in reply to: April weather #5479

    At least when it is cold there are no bugs. And as far as rain goes, I have had my share in the last two weeks here. I rode almost five hours on my way home the RA Rally in Tenn last week. That is when a good rain suit, fresh Rain X on the face shield and new tires[well scuffed, though] come in handy. Thanks for the info. Are there many register members on the South Island? Ride safe and enjoy the warmth!!

    Post count: 63
    in reply to: New forum format #4874

    It was a surprise to see the new format. I like it and found it very easy to use. Keep up the good work.

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