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  • Alistair Gilmour
    Post count: 7

    Don't listen to John, he's just a plant i set up to make myself look legit.  Man, the scenery out here in Port Charles is just fantastic!

    Alistair Gilmour
    Post count: 7

    Cheers to everyone who responded to this thread!  I received more hospitality than I ever hoped to expect.  A number of people responded about bikes they were willing to part with for awhile and it looks like one of them is going to work out, so with luck I'll be in your neck of the woods by this time next week!Thanks also for the tips, the DOC website looks like one i'll be checking periodically while I'm out there.  My attempts at planning seem to be gradually giving way to a more "come what may" pragmatism at this point 🙂Cheers again,Mike

    Alistair Gilmour
    Post count: 7

    That's okay, I plan to skip the nutters.  Are there good places to shower and clean up for people who are spending a lot of time on the road?  You know how anywhere in the world you can walk into a Starbucks or McDonald's and count on a restroom… in NZ you can walk into a ______ and find a shower.  Heck if I know how to fill in that blank for the US, hoping NZ is easier.Guess it's time to pick up that book on tramping New Zealand.

    Alistair Gilmour
    Post count: 7

    Thanks artig, Karlos, Kokopelli.  Karlos, sounds like your wife sucked you into NZ kinda like NZGSer warned me about.  Hmmm… maybe I should bring a spare helmet in case I pick up a cute Kiwi somewhere along the roadside.Thanks for the Motorcycletrader tip, I put in an inquiry on a bike there so we'll see what happens.  And thanks for all the ride suggestions and hospitality offers!  If any of you end up in the San Francisco bay area at some point let me know and I may be able to reciprocate.What are the vagrancy laws in NZ like?  Am I likely to get into much trouble if I just pull over on the side of the road somewhere and set up camp out of the way?

    Alistair Gilmour
    Post count: 7

    Not my photo (borrowed it from, but non-natives always get a kick out of this one.  Used to ride by these every day when I was in Southern Californiaimmigrants.jpg

    Alistair Gilmour
    Post count: 7

    Hah!  $19k might be a smidge outside my budget but I'll keep you in mind 🙂  In the meantime thanks for the tip re: Henry, I'll drop him a note.I suppose it's worth asking -- does anyone know who "p3nut" is and what his contact information might be?  He posted a GS on Trademe that didn't sell and I thought I might contact him, but my l33t h4k0r skllz haven't turned up his email address yet.  If you do know him, please put him in touch with me.As for Pete Mitchell's book, that was one of the very first things I ordered (direct from NZ, how exotic) when I first started thinking about this trip months back.  It's fantastic, wish there was a good equivalent for around CaliforniaThanks NZGSer, I'm sure you're right about not wanting to leave.

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