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  • aegis4805
    Post count: 267

    great report Koko

    PS thanks to Steve B for encouraging feedback over on ADV - cheers Aslan

    Post count: 267

    Hi – along with Koko I was too busy concentrating to take too many shots of the magnificant scenery mores the pity.

    Here's a couple - one of moi taken by Koko in the Terawhiti Station and the other of fellow riders at the place where the Cook Strait cable comes ashore.

    Twas a great event made better by the fact that 4 beemer enthusiasts rode together and supported each other - 2 airheads and 2 oil heads.

    I urge others of you out there who are keen to use these GS machines for their intended purpose ie dual sport to give it a go 🙂 In addition to these pics go here for a real impression of what it was like:


    Post count: 267

    this one seems to be abandoned – although there are folks living across the road at this historic location.

    Although not weatherboard I thought the old mine buildings warranted inclusion. 😳



    Post count: 267


    captured this one just outside Murchison coming from Westport on Monday.

    My daughter riding pillion is an enthusiastic spotter on these old buildings and fully embraces Koko's idea of capturing images of them for posterity.

    Cheers Aslan 😉

    Post count: 267
    in reply to: ZAMM Photos #5765
    AlexW wrote:
    These pictures seem to have first surfaced in the middle of last year.

    Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance was written in the early 70s, it isn't really about Zen, or Motorcycle Maintenance, but it is a road trip and it has got a BMW in it. There are some pictures of the author (Robert Pirsig) on his bike - a Honda 305cc CB77 and, to justify me posting this thread, in some of the shots his mate's R60, I think.

    This is the book that got me onto a bike, only I didn't know it at the time.

    Alex thanks for posting this link - I'm a fan of Pirsig. I was introduced to the book as a recommended reading for a course in Public Admin I did in the 70's by an academic who thought 'outside the square'.

    I've read it several times and each time I gain some different perspectives / insights.

    I like the contrast between the Honda rider (Pirsig) and the BMW rider.

    The word pictures he paints about folk in cars looking like they're traveling to a funeral, the better alternative of the byways and the artisan servicing the chain on the Honda are all evocative for me.

    This book along with an Australian journo working at the Otago Daily Times in the late 60's early 70's who owned an earles fork BMW boxer flat twin (black with white pin striping) - (when I rode a Honda Benly 125) started my love affair with beemers.

    For me the book touches on the spiritual aspect of motorcycling.

    Cheers Aslan
    Post count: 267

    Bwucie – I enjoyed the sentiments you expressed in your post – about consideration for each other and the responsibility assumed by tail end charlie. Like you I like to take in the scenery and ride with a margin for error.

    Cheers Aslan

    Post count: 267

    hi tonys – thanks for posting the report of your ride in the far north – interesting reading – bad luck about the leg on the gasgas – good job you seem to be philosophical abt it – cheers Aslan – 1150GS – ridden cautiously off road and gravel wherever possible 😀

    Post count: 267
    Youngjim wrote:
    No one has posted on the website for 5 days so I thought I would to see how long it takes to get a response !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Young Jim makes a good point imho - i value this site and the community it is begining to develop. I guess its down to all of us to post interesting / thought provoking material to stimulate traffic.

    I spend too much time on these sites 2 excellent sites 1 US based and the other Brit. I find their content compelling - especially the ride reports and pics.

    If readers - especially those interested in adventure riding - have not already discovered these 2 sites they're well worth a look imho

    I've found other members of the NZ BMWOR posting on these sites. As a nation we're a lot smaller than the home bases of both these sites. But, f we support this site by active participation I believe the community of BMW enthusiasts in NZ will be the better for it.

    Thanks to the creators and administrators of this site - keep it up!

    Incidentally - viewing the newsletter online provides an enhanced view of the graphics. Cheers Aslan
Viewing 8 posts - 226 through 233 (of 233 total)