Home Forums Members yet another newbie

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  • Charles Brothers
    Post count: 3

    Hi, Im new to NZ's BMWOC and interested to connect up with other r50/5 owners -or the old classic scene. While having had a fair whack of BMW's and many vintage British, this bike is an absolute honey. Some of you may know old Ray Clarke's 500/5 which he had for many years (and really struggled to sell) - well now I have the privilege to have its ownership.So , with the bike I got a bunch of new/second spares, some really nice parts/manuals and sales material for the 30's stieb sidecars and singles. Plus 50's bikes.I like sharing around stuff (or copying in this case) knowing that the good sorts I meet usually help me out in return finding stuff as well...not that I need much on a 25,000 mile machine!still hi out there! if you want to connect up - im on ;  jason@charge.co.nzciao :mrgreen:

    Post count: 305

    Excellent Jason, welcome.I would love to see your bike, can you post some photos?  This forum is similar to others in that if you have your photos on a photo hosting website such as Photobucket or Flickr, you can post them by copying their web address and pasting them into the "insert image" button above.There's a ride coming up on 19/10 (look on the calendar above), we would love to see you there!Here's my new machine:[img width=500 height=375]http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3054/2640588389_12cf63eb28.jpg?v=0[/img]DTY

    Post count: 2134

    Welcome to the forum.Ha Dave does my Adventure count for old now 🙄

    Charles Brothers
    Post count: 3

    hi dave – nice beast – yeah I will try and get something upa ride- sounds good. j

    Charles Brothers
    Post count: 3

    Hey Dave i keep seeing your name coming up in the club – my guess is youre the man to know he he!hey I am really wanting to get a fiaring exactly like yours and disc brakes for my /5 50, any ideas, any parts ....?I really must come on a ride out the west trail one day.....just seems like every weekend gets swallowed up on some other adventure. Incidenally I may have some spares for your bike.

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