Bwucie was unavailable for the Committee, hence the remit (passed) removing the requirement for the Editor to be a Committee member. (Note: this does not preclude the Editor being a Committee Member.)Bwucie thinks it would be a very good thing for the Register to have a BMW owner as an Editor, but nobody else wanted to do the job, so the Suzuki owner continues in the role. (And, of course, those that couldn't/didn't attend the AGM had a proxy vote right they could have exercised, but didn't, so don't blame me for this outcome!)Because of regulations governing Incorporated Societies, there are legal niceties that must be squared away regarding notification of changes to the Constitution and Rules of BMWOR before the Editor is able to NOT be on the Committee. Once those niceties have been addressed I will not be on the Committee, and a position for a Committee Member will become vacant.And, as Editor, I will be publishing the minutes of the AGM in the March Newsletter, which should inform you of the rest of the business of the meeting.