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  • peter.trub
    Post count: 267
    Nick Taber
    Post count: 49

    Good stuff.  The Whangamomona Road reads like it will be interesting :-D.  It and some of the tunnels were on a TV travel show last week.  I can't remember what the show was called but it was celebrating NZ being marked as the place to visit in 2009.

    Nick Taber
    Post count: 49

    Well done Alex for organising this.  I really enjoyed it  [Thanks also to Colin for showing us the Kiwi Road etc.].  On the way back, when you turned left near Huntly I assumed you were off on the back roads to avoid the traffic but I had to get home quick and gambled on the main highway being reasonably clear.  It was except for the first bit thro the villages.Got home just in time to give the bike a wash in daylight and see that apart from the bent windscreen frame, there's no damage that a cloth and polish won't fix.  I've got bruises from ankle to knee on both legs.  Didn't feel them until I had a shower, made a cup of tea, put my legs up and...chuckled at the video clips on my camera  😀

    Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310

    chuckled at the video clips on my camera  grin

    I have a heading for the video clip: " Vanity comes before the fall, or how not to show off for the camera". I don't mind if people get a few laughs from it, but it would have been a bit easier on me, if the handle bar hadn't hit just above the knee. I am sure the colour of the bruise will compliment the colours around my ankle from the fall off the ladder.

    Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310

    We'll start a new thread under ride reports.

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