Home Forums Rides Calendar Whangamomona and Fisher’s track Adv. Ride

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  • Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310

    I am calling for expressions of interest for a ride that takes in the Old Whangamomona Rd & Fischer's track, plus anything that interest us along the way. I am thinking Auckland Anniversary weekend.  23rd to 24th or 24th to 25th. I am flexible. One night should do it, possibly two. It could also be done during the week.I'd say three to 5 riders would be nice. Decent tyres a must, sorry Donald :-). We've got two so far.

    Post count: 267

    Any thoughts on which way you are coming into Taranaki Alex?  I may be keen to join you for some of the ride

    Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310

    Probably down through Marakopa -> Awakino. I have limited knowledge of the area down there, so your local knowledge would be very much welcome. If you have suggestion, let us know.See you at the rally.

    Post count: 267

    I have recieved word that the Whanga Rd is passable “JUST” A large slip has come down in the region of the second bridge. This being the bridge at the Auhotuia end. Apparently there is a huge amount overhanging the slip and the advice is ride quickly and dont look up. Take an observer and go  😀Hope that helps Alex  😀

    Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310

    Yep, that sure helps, but it's still a worry :-o.  I suppose that's why they call it an adventure ride.

    Dave Morris
    Post count: 615

    back for another helicopter ride

    Nick Taber
    Post count: 49

    Alex, I might be up for this but I will need to confirm in a few days when I know what business is going to commit me to around that time.

    Mohammed Mahdi Essop
    Post count: 21

    I am calling for expressions of interest for a ride that takes in the Old Whangamomona Rd & Fischer's track, plus anything that interest us along the way. I am thinking Auckland Anniversary weekend.  23rd to 24th or 24th to 25th. I am flexible. One night should do it, possibly two. It could also be done during the week.I'd say three to 5 riders would be nice. Decent tyres a must, sorry Donald :-). We've got two so far.

    Aw come on Kokopelli I still have a millimeter of tread left on the front 😆

    Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310

    Well, which dates would suit you guys? I am pretty flexible. I'd hate to miss Dave's motorway adventure, so for that the 25th and 26th would be best. The main target is the Old Whangamomona Rd. Then we'll do as many tunnels as we can fit in/find. If there is time for the Fisher's track we could do that as well. I don't want to put us under pressure, so we'll do what we can with as little stress as possible. With a bit of luck it will be dry enough to make most of this happen. We could stay at the Awakino Hotel or at the Whangamomona Hotel. We'll make it an early start, 7am on the road, so we can fit in more. We'll ride down the west coast via Marocopa and make up the rest as we go.

    Post count: 267

    25th is the Chateau to Plateau Road Ride. Likely to be hundreds of Bikes in Whanga for lunch that day and some of them wont be riders you want to ride with  🙄 If you plan on staying at Awakino you are looking at a reasonably big day to do the Whanga Rd then Fishers Track plus ride home to Auckland. Not impossible but a big day out  😀As a suggestion you could come off the Marakopa Rd (Mangatoa Rd to use its proper name) via the Pomarangai Rd, Waitangaruru Rd, Pungerehu Rd then Mairoa Rd to Pio Pio. From there down to Aria then Ohura. Leaves you the option of going thru to Fishers track first then stay at Owhango or somewhere like that. Go with the flow of bikes the next day (25th) and do the Whanga Rd. Leaves you a few options for going home also. Either out through Purangi, Tarata. Over Mt Damper or the Waitaanga's.

    Post count: 286

    Yep, I'd be in for this. Dates from 14-23rd of Jan and 2nd Feb on work better for me. 26th i Auck Anniversary weekend I think.Donald I thought you got a new tyre. I'd be keen to see what you can do with a decent tyre. Or have you kept the bald on for the adventure rides?

    Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310

    Yep, I'd be in for this. Dates from 14-23rd of Jan and 2nd Feb on work better for me. 26th i Auck Anniversary weekend I think.Donald I thought you got a new tyre. I'd be keen to see what you can do with a decent tyre. Or have you kept the bald on for the adventure rides?

    I am happy to make it the 22/23rd. How will this fit with anyone else?

    Nick Taber
    Post count: 49

    I can't make weekdays as already used too much holiday – unless of course the weekday is a local holiday.I did Auckland > Hamilton > Taupo > Napier > Wairao > Lake Waikaremoana > Rotorua > Tauranga > Auckland last week in the 4WD with my wife [it's bad enough getting her to go with me in the 4WD so I've no chance getting her on the BMW for that long].  It was great, especially the 100+ km of metal road between Wairao and Rotorua.  I have to mark it for a run on the BMW - but I'll have to remember to watch out for nuts in 4WD coming the other way  😆

    Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310

    but I'll have to remember to watch out for nuts in 4WD coming the other way  😆

    hehe, I guess people who sit in 4x4s and don't ride can't see why bike don't like to move into the loose stuff by the side of the road, especially not mid corner. Since I am really keen to do the motorway ride. I'll say the 25th & 26th. We'll just have to avoid the charity riders around Whanga. I think  it's best to drop the Fisher's track. We'll have enough to do with the Old Whanga Road. Better to take in more tunnels and ordinary gravel roads. It's meant to be fun and not a mission. Fisher's track will be there for another day. We'll also have to do the 42nd from the other side. Maybe those two can be combined more easily.If you guys could let me know by next Wednesday who's in, so I can make a booking.

    Post count: 286

    Good luck with the trip Alex. I can't make those dates.I'll cross my fingers for a lack of response to these dates and a change to the 22nd and 23rd. Just out of curiosity, I know it's short notice but what about 17&18. Desert storm (I think that's what they call it) is on this weekend. The ride around the waiouru army base thing. So that should mean less dirt bikes out where you're wanting to head. A1 GP is also the 24th and 25th. Have a good ride and I'll no doubt get to see a post at the end.Cheers.

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