Home Forums General Discussion Wellington Ulysses Dawn Ride this Sunday

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    Post count: 88

    Greetings allI know a number of you like to join the Wellington Ulysses Branch for our annual dawn ride so I thought I would post some details here for those who might be interested. (I hope that's ok Bwucie?) The plan is to ride out to the beach at Castlepoint and watch the sun rise out of the sea. Hopefully it will happen – the chances are good because it has done so quite a few times in the last few billion years. There is absolutely no reason whatever for doing this. We simply do it because we can.We will meet at the Brown Owl shops so that we are ready to leave at 5am. That is five-o-clock in the morning! We need to leave at that time because the sun will rise (all going well) at 7.20am and we want (need) to be on the beach at Castlepoint by 7.10am or so to be able to see it. We then come back and generally have breakfast at the Wild Oats café in Carterton. Some prefer just to go on home for breakfast. This is always a great ride – we hope that the weather will be clear and fine and it usually is.Any of you who would like to join us would be very welcome. By and large we are a pretty friendly bunch of people. Any Wairarapa Beemers are welcome to join us en route if you would like to.Cheers,Ken

    Post count: 2134

    Me, disapprove of a bike ride?  Only insofar as I am still waiting for my bike, and I'm jealous as of those of you that have one.  I even linked it to the calendar for you.I have one small query, though:

    I know a number of you like to join the Wellington Ulysses Branch for our annual dawn ride

    Does Dawn know about this, or will she be surprised?  She must be some woman!

    Post count: 88

    What a great ride. 28 bikes, around 35 people and an absolutely stunning morning!  ;D ;D ;DKennif

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