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Hi Alex and all you other guys who did the adventure ride on the weekend, we are looking forward to some ride reports and pics.
I’ll get onto it soon. Maybe Aslan can start putting up some pics to get things underway. I only have a few. I was too busy concentrating, but now regret haveing not taken more. I am currently uploading to photobucket. Unfortunately Telcom hasn’t accelerated the upload speeds.
Hi – along with Koko I was too busy concentrating to take too many shots of the magnificant scenery mores the pity.
Here's a couple - one of moi taken by Koko in the Terawhiti Station and the other of fellow riders at the place where the Cook Strait cable comes ashore.
Twas a great event made better by the fact that 4 beemer enthusiasts rode together and supported each other - 2 airheads and 2 oil heads.
I urge others of you out there who are keen to use these GS machines for their intended purpose ie dual sport to give it a go 🙂 In addition to these pics go here for a real impression of what it was like:
I met up with Richard on Friday morining. First stop was Ohakune for petrol and lunch.
Next we went onto the Tangiwai -Huntersville road. Saw this house and may others I missed along the way. By the way, someone's pinched the old building idea and it seems to be a lot more popular with the Yanks.
Looking towards Waikanae
The bike and I got to stay at Aslan's place and what an enjoyable stay it was.
The next morning we went to the briefing. Guess who rode their bikes in?
after they had unloaded their ute 🙂
The place was overflowing with Adventure Riders and we saw bikes of all shapes and sizes
It wasn't long before we were underway. I have no pictures of the morning run, apart from a few Magic Mushrooms, but they came out all blurry.
At first I was completely out of my depth, but after a while I felt more comfortable, until a slightly higher level of obstacle kicked in.
After a quick break at Aslan's house we went on to Parliament.
The next stop was lunch at Motorrad at Viven street.
After that, off we went to Island Bay and before I knew it it was sand and then gravel. Next came Devil's Gate. Before I could think it through I was one my way. Here I am making slight adjustments to my mirror, they bike may have fallen on it seconds before
On we went in the loose gravel. Other bikes seemed to glide over it. My bike started sinking as soon as I stopped. Damn, I hate the smell of clutch in the afternoon.
Next came some stunning scenery (use your imagination, or the link to Dave Cohen's website)
Somewhere along the way came the valley of river crossings, 24 of them. It looks easy and I am sure it is (for others) at the end I had the grand total of 24 lifetime river crossings under my belt.
Two were quite demanding. This one was easy
This one was harder
On the last one my thoughts were not on photography. I was thinking about where the Helicopter might land. (Got in before you, Steve :-P)
More scenery
By this time I had it figured out and was having the time of my life. The bike actually did what I told it to and it became easier and a lot more fun. Unfortunately I couldn't join the others on the last challenge section as my petrol was starting to run low, bugger 😳
This was an extremely well organized event with routesheets, sweepers, lunch and an excellent dinner. I can only recommend you attend. I got passed by a lot of people, including people with pillions, a girl on a postie bike, other girls and just about anyone who could ride with more confidence. However, this didn't bother me the slightest, well only the tiniest little bit.
Oh and thank you to Henry who showed great concern for the trade-in value of my bike, but he needn't worry, this one is not for sale.
People please feel free to fill in the gaps.great report Koko
PS thanks to Steve B for encouraging feedback over on ADV - cheers AslanGreat report Alex and Aslan, it sure looked like you guys had a ball.
A most splendid day’s riding 😀 Excellent pictures Alex, sums up the mood nicely. Glad you enjoyed your time in Wellington, was great to see you enjoying yourself so much. Catch you on the next one 😉
Some additional footage of this great ride….
For a start, it was your typical Wellington day 😀
Some soft city riding and a chance to do the tourist thing
Mr and Mrs Lilly and the mighty HP2 were there
It got marginally tougher in the afternoon
You can tell by the grins that Aslan and Ian were enjoying themselves
There was ample opportunity to cool off a bit
Johnny G was enjoying himself
And all the while we're not that far away from the city
Just brilliant, can't wait until May and the Far North trip!!Great pictures Garry and good notes
great pics Garry – cheers Aslan 🙄
Guest05/04/2006 at 9:44 amPost count: 2134How did the HP go?
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