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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 2134

    Running like Joe90 on a new server. Well done Arne! ;D ;DHmmmm, probably running quick because our avatars have disappeared. Still, it's an ill wind etc. No Snaggletooth Bell without avatars

    Post count: 289

    Ok… who pressed the break button?  ::)

    Post count: 2134

    Buggar, I fixed the avatars, welcome back Steve.Gremlin, our provider that undertook to move our site from one server to another had an epic fail. Not my fault, definitely not Arne's. To all of you that do use the website and Forum,  if anything is broken, please let Arne know webmaster@bmwor.org.nz because it's bloody hard to fix something if you don't know it's broken. Our ISP has left a lot of config files pointing in the wrong direction; it will take a while to find them all and fix them.

    Arne Rohde
    Post count: 436

    More like the big red emergency stop lever!Getting through to someone in level 2 migration support was an exercise in frustration that I wouldn't like to repeat. At least 5 attempts over several days, with 3 of them disconnected and two of them transferred as if a new call was made to a different number. It was one of the non-migration guys that finally made the breakthrough and got the databases transferred. And Bruce who got in first and had the web site up and running.

    Jim Young
    Post count: 581

    Good work Guys, a big thank you to you both  🙂

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