Home Forums Rides Calendar Waipu Pizza Barn for Lunch, 10 Apr 11

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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 2134

    Leaving Starbucks, Westgate at 0930 hrs.Due for a run North, so Waipu Pizza Barn again, anyone?  If you want somewhere else, send me your idea, quick.

    Jim Young
    Post count: 581

    Pizza Barn is always very good so i'll second that  🙂

    Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310

    Will you guys come through Waimauku?

    Post count: 2134

    Will you guys come through Waimauku?

    Why not? Then Taylor Road, Peak Rd, etc etc.You can pretend to be DTY and mark every corner for us, Speedy. ;D

    Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310

    Gerda and I will wait at the corner of Station road and Factory road at 9.45am

    Dave Morris
    Post count: 615

    Gerda and I will wait at the corner of Station road and Factory road at 9.45am

    since ya a westie now dont forget the dress code. 2 pairs of jeans, no undies

    Jim Young
    Post count: 581

    LOL  ;D

    Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310

    Gerda and I will wait at the corner of Station road and Factory road at 9.45am

    since ya a westie now dont forget the dress code. 2 pairs of jeans, no undies

    It's the northwest, you're allowed undies, as long as you don't change them too often.

    Post count: 63

    Is this a lunch ride or a fashion show?!!   

    Post count: 2134

    Is this a lunch ride or a fashion show?!!   

    Well, Jim, we thought it was just for lunch, but on the way back through Matakana we got the fashion show.A blonde with a little bitsy frock standing up through the sunroof of a car.  Neko was dumbstruck and Mrs Red Baron horrified 'cos the skirt didn't cover HIS willy!

    Post count: 2134

    Being slightly less spectacular I will also comment that it was a very well attended ride today: the Pizza Barn is always very impressive the way they can get grub up to tables in a hurry.  That reputation may be why so many folk showed, or maybe it was a chance of a ride in the last of the golden weather.  Many (to me) new faces, which given my cave dweller's manners and lack of social graces would be daunting, except I could see all the social creatures introducing everybody around – well done Red Barons et al. There were twenty four or five bikes parked outside Starbucks before we left, all facing the same direction except for the three contrary Ducatis.  What is it with Duke pilots?  Directionally challenged, or just rebels without a pause?For no good reason I'm aware of all the cage drivers stayed off most of the roads we were on today, which was a pleasure.  We picked up the Breigs at Waimauku, dressed like normal, thank goodness, not like the refugee from Deliverance, Hamilton Branch, suggested.  Team Foley met us at Waipu - Paul is very glad to be back on the bike after shortening the middle finger of his left hand with a guillotine made of concrete, but not yet comfortable about punting the K1200GT through twisties needing a lot of clutch work, so they came up the main drag.  Everybody was very well fed, and there were quite a few tartan "doggy bag" cartons being tucked away in bike luggage after lunch, only I bet nobody's dog gets to share any of it this evening.Many of the riders peeled off on their own various ways home after lunch, the hard core tar seal group followed Tony through Parakai and Leigh back to Orewa, and I took over as TEC from the always willing Jim Young, who had done that chore on the way up.  Thank you both, Tony and Jim.

    Plenty of parking space in Wellsford for smokoP4100001.jpgP4100003.jpg

    Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310

    Wow, what a turn out. Great photo Bwucie. It was good to be on a ride again. The Pizzas were very good and filling.

    Post count: 72

    Great turnout and the grub was too big to be eaten in one sitting ,all the better. Jealousy preveils I spent the time bringing a trailer to almost completion with untold welding so it can wheel itself out when AGD and I shift soon ( 3years in a kitted state ) 🙁 :'(

    Jim Young
    Post count: 581

    Yep great ride today Bwucie, thanks a lot, I even enjoyed the ride up HW 16 with no cars around and of course yet another road I hadn't been on on the way back led by Tony, even Neko enjoyed the stretch of gravel  ::)All in all a great day and it was good to see Paul and Wendy on a bike again, pity she missed the freak show  😮

    Post count: 182

    Looks like you guys had a good day out,I seem to miss all the rides with huge turnouts,sadly I had to work Saturday and Sunday morning this weekend but we did try our best to hook up with everyone on the return leg through Orewa at the ice cream stop,managed to catch up with Wendy and Paul though who stopped by for a coffee and Graham and Kerry turned up a little later on, but it seems the rest of you must have decided to dilly dally and admire the veiw…….can't say I blame you it's nice country up there.Anyway Babzee had a Sunday Roast to prepare for her chicks, so we decided to call it a day and head off home after a rather nice ice cream and a chat with the advance party.Hopefully we will see you all on the next ride.Regards Rincewind & The Luggage

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