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  • Xan
    Post count: 151

    Our membership secretary forwarded this email to me.
    I will ask him to register himself to the forum but here is his message.

    Hey There. This isn't necessarily a question about membership, more a question about what to bring to New Zealand from abroad.

    My wife and I are immigrating to New Zealand from America in the next couple of months (and have intentions of becoming members of your organization).
    We both have older BMWs, mine a restored 1980 R100 and hers a beautifully maintained 1974 R65.
    I have been doing searches online to see if it is worth it for us to transport our bikes there or if vintage BMWs are common and we could replace them when we get there. Certainly, from my search, I have not come across anything older than a 1981, and that one was a fixer-upper.
    Do you, or anyone you know have any thoughts about bikes like ours? I searched briefly through your Forum and plan to look more thoroughly this weekend.

    Any help you can give will be greatly appreciated.


    Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310

    There are a number of members in the club you ride the older bikes. We used to have a classic corner. Unfortunately a lot of the classic riders have never quite made it into the computer age. I don’t think it is that expensive to ship a couple of bikes to NZ, so if you have any sort of attachment to your bikes I would say ship them. If I were to move to the US I would take my GS.

    Make sure you buy all your riding gear in the US as this is very expensive in NZ and the selection is not all that good. Where are you planning to settle?


    Post count: 2134

    The is one problem which Henry advised about sending bikes to other countries is the head light may have to be replaced as they are desgined for the wrong side of the ride on low beam. I’m not sure about the old bike.

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