Hello everyone,My day job is with our occasional fiscal foe, NZTA (no staff discount on my rego though 🙁 ). MoT and NZTA are seeking comment on options for the reform of vehicle licensing. Submissions close 31 October.http://www.nzta.govt.nz/consultation/vehicle-licensing-reform/index.htmlhttp://www.transport.govt.nz/ourwork/Land/Pages/vehiclelicensingreformconsultation.aspxGareth Morgan has a couple of comments on his blog about this:http://garethsworld.com/blog/uncategorized/lets-levy-rider-motorbike/http://garethsworld.com/blog/uncategorized/motorbike-riders-need-to-get-real/#disqus_threadSome info on motorcycle crash stats:http://www.transport.govt.nz/research/Documents/Motorcyclist-crash-statistics-2011-(1).pdfhttp://www.transport.govt.nz/research/pages/roadcrashstatistics.aspxhttp://motonz.org.nz/assets/On-road-motorcycling-injuries-Sorting-facts-from-fantasy.pdfSo please get on line and put your thoughts forward.Enjoy!Scott *Disclaimer - Unlike some, I ain't no stats guru and know stats can be found to (dis)prove anything. I can count real goodly, but. And if anyone puts this through as "NZTA's official comment from Scott", I'll hunt your bike down and hide thumbtacks/drawing pins on the seat when you're not looking*