Home Forums Ride Reports USA Virginia k1100 Rally

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  • Mark
    Post count: 103

    well we arrived at the Hungry Mothers State Park in Virginia around 3pm  2 to arrive  cabiins looked great 4 bunks and a room with a double bed . Slowly the rest of the guys and girls started to arrive and were excited to meet the kiwis, Paul also was excited to meet other K1100 riders and talk about whts good about thess bikes all up there were 25 people at the rally.thursday night we went out to tea, friday we went to a local diner for breakfast ,friday and sturday night we stayed at the camp and member cooked  for the group afhter tea we all got chatting and into some drinks.friday and Saturday there were ride out of around 150 miles ,Sunday we said our goodbyes and headed to West Virginia and are now staying here in a smaall town called Marlinton at a bikers Bed breakfast along with 12 other rider from a another state we will be here for anothe night and will do a ride out from here, then will head further north The roads down this way are in good condition with lots of windy corners up and down hills the weathers been pretty good with temp of around 75, it only takes $10 to fill my bike well thats it from the USA Darryl

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