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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 3

    I suspect the moderator will take this down but here goes..sent to me by a concerned friend today. Health warning for BMW bikes:#################################################A US motorcycle enthusiast has taken legal action after a bike seat gave him long lasting erections. Straight from the ''only in America'' files comes this – a Californian man is suing BMW North America over a seat that gave him a severe case of priapism (A persistent, lasting erection) that has lasted for 20 months. Henry Wolf claims his 1993 BMW motorcycle, or more specifically the bike's "ridge-like" seat, gave him a "severe case of priapism" when he took it for a four-hour ride on May 1, 2010, according to the Courthouse News Service. Wolf is suing BMW North America and the seat's manufacturer, Corbin-Pacific, in a product liability lawsuit in the California Superior Court in San Francisco, claiming the "negligent design, manufacture and/or installation of the seat" has caused the painful condition. Narrow, "banana" style seats similar to the one reportedly fitted to Wolf's motorcycle have been associated with problems such as genital numbness and even erectile dysfunction, however Wolf's case is the first known to tackle the opposite side of the problem. The court notes state the Wolf "has been experiencing continuing problems since his motorcycle ride" including "substantial emotional and mental anguish" and the inability to engage in sexual activity. Wolf is seeking compensation from both companies for emotional distress, lost wages and medical expenses. ########################################It doesnt work for me, 

    Post count: 88

    So . . . . was this a standard seat? And, if not, where can I get one?

    Post count: 3

    Hi KenIt would be a bit of a worry on your long ride through America! Would Dick want one too?John

    Arne Rohde
    Post count: 436

    So . . . . was this a standard seat? And, if not, where can I get one?

    Since he's suing Corbin for the seat you could try contacting them to see if they can make a replica seat for you. But I'd suggest you take more notice of the other listed side-effects of "banana" style seats.

    Post count: 2134

    I suspect the moderator will take this down but here goes..sent to me by a concerned friend today. Health warning for BMW bikes:[hr]This would be the moderator that used to call his late, great, R1100S "the Sex Toy" that you are expecting to take the post down?  Frankly I'm astonished this would happen, I thought most BMW riders had to take a quarter of a viagra® just to pee into the bowl, instead of on the floor.Artig's avatar says all there is to say about the US of A.

    Post count: 182

    Sorry,it doesn't work for me…mind you after a long ride everything else is stiff the next day !!!!

    Post count: 67

    ” lost wages and medical expenses. “That's just owning a motorbike buddy.

    Clive Lawrence
    Post count: 131

    I wonder how many k's this person has been doing? Use to drive armored vehicles.. we called it a "battle fat" due to the vibration through the tracks and hull when driving on the road.... hmm did this guy have knobby tires on his bike? Sure I get a numb bum after 2-3hrs on the bike... get off your bike, have a coffee and stretch!!!All just sounds like he didn't make changes to his bike to suit him and his style of riding.

    Post count: 72

    Sounds to me the same as TV, if you don't like the programe switch it off. Why would one punish themselves that much AND become a laughing stock in the courts ::)

    Mark Mackay
    Post count: 132

    Have a Corbin seat for a R1200gs if any one wants to buy it.

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