Home Forums Rides Calendar Ulysses Westpac Fundraiser, 06 Mar

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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 2134

    The Auckland Ulysses massive big charity run, in support of the Westpac Rescue Helicopter.  Never know when you might need them yourself.  More details later, but starting at Karaka Bloodstock Centre at 1000: you will want to be earlier to get your badge, tee-shirt etc.

    Post count: 2134

    Poster for this year's run can be downloaded from my web here: http://homepages.ihug.co.nz/~bandjc/Images/Ulysses Westpac Poster 2010b.pdf

    Post count: 72

    why does the linked events date show one date different to the subject date? It has happened a few x . Is it a glich within our posting programe?

    Post count: 2134

    It is indeed a bug, and I haven't found a fix.Part of next week's programme for me is to completely replace the software that is driving the Forum, because since I have updated it I have lost automated spambot detection with member applications, so I am having to vet them all by eye.I will have to do this file by file to ensure I don't kill things off, and the Forum may disappear for a few minutes from time to time over the week if I have a visit from the Screw-Up Fairy and have to revert to a backup.And at the end of that, the bug may still be in the calendar.

    Post count: 151

    since I have updated it I have lost automated spambot detection with member applications, so I am having to vet them all by eye.

    I was wondering how you were processing all the forum registration applications.Gees, you are amazing.  😮People will appreciate your patience and contribution to the forum if they know that we receive hundreds of application (literally!) every day  🙁

    Post count: 2134

    I missed this, because Ulysses didn't have their poster available when the event went into our newsletter, I should have rung Jayne Mansell, the organiser, sooner.  The prices that appeared in this month's newsletter, and will appear again next month are incorrect: badges this year are $15 and tees are $25.I know the Ulybods have been holding their prices for some years, and we all know EVERYTHING has gone up: I guess things have reached the stage now that their prices have to be lifted, or the yield from the run to go to the Westpac Helicopter Trust will rapidly decline.Well spotted my Sister, AGD, 'cos I didn't READ the poster, I just posted it and made sure it rendered ok.  That'll learn me!

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