Home Forums Ride Reports Training for the Hub

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  • peter.trub
    Post count: 267

    Well as it seemed no one wanted to ride around Taranaki best I get in some training for the “HUB” ride I thought. Packed my sleeping bag into my panniers, tied the tent on the back and told her what rides a Suzuki (spit on the ground) I would be back Sunday  😀Headed out early friday afternoon with no real plan other than I might go to Taihape somehow.So of course I headed North  😀 Past Urenui I went into the Okoki valley and followed that through to the Moki Rd, nice metal, nice views, nice rain? bugger me pants leak at the crutch I mutter as shrinkage took place  :-o. Never mind we are training for the Hub!!!Through the Kiwi Rd and over the Waitaangas to Ohura, life is good  😀 Thought to my self ok I went that way to Taumaranui last time, best I go this way.... Over the Ohukura Saddle Rd which comes out by the road/rail bridge just before Taumaranui. Over the bridge and,  😕 turn left.. bugger Taihape lets go to Rotorua  😀 Through Onagarue and Waimiha to BennyDale, then gas it for Rotorua. Got to Rotorua about 6 o,clock after a very heavy shower, found a cheap motel, left the tent on the bike and soaked in the mineral pool. Now thats hard  😀 Didnt shave though  😀Next morning bright and early fired up the toy and headed to Murapara then on to Lake Waikerimoana. What a beuatiful piece of New Zealand, but cold and wet  😡 . Wild horses, pigs and cattle wandering around on the road. I couldnt find Mr Terry Wrists house but they tell me he lives out there somewhere.Another quick look at the map and (must get a better map) I reckon I can go through here and come out at Raupunga  :-D. Sailed off into the backblocks over filled with confidence. After riding around in big circles for some time I stopped at a school house to ask directions (a most unmale like thing to do sorry Guys). And was sent back the way I had come then down the road to Raupunga. About 2 ks before the main rd there is a bridge you could spit over and an inbreed with a chain and lots of cones. His mantra was "the bridge is closed mate".  😡 looking at the fuel guage and haveing travelled 320 ks since fuel I was excited at going back into the booneys and down the Cricklewood Rd (cool name for a road tho  😀 )However Jim Bob was adamant I could not cross his bridge until the glue dried  😕 Bugger, got back on the toy and pushed the go button to be greeted by a lovely clunk  😮 no cha wah brmmmm, just clunk  😕 . Starter had been sounding a bit suspect for a while and looked like it had choosen now to retire.. bugger  😡 . As a punishment I got Jim Bob to get out of his nice warm truck and come help push start my bike in the rain (secretly I made him push hardest  👿 )Back inland I went and down the Cricklewood Rd past the wild pigs to a land far away  😀 eventualy ended up in Wairoa with a funny orange glow coming from the low fuel light. No spare key so bugger, turn her off and refuel  🙁 Maybe its the battery I thought optimistacly but no. Best of all Wairoa has no hills  🙁 A damn fine fella came wandering over and asked as I pushed my toy towards the river to throw it in if I needed some help. He had a mate who was a bike mechanic, gave him a ring and said he would come down and help me out ( I love Wairoa  :-D) Your starters buggered he said after a bit of a look  🙁 Shame it wasnt the battery because he had on of them. However he booked me into a place called Cafe 287 which had a big hill out the front (perfect for starting bikes), gave me a coffee and 2 peices of the cake his daughter had baked (did I mention I love Wairoa?). Left the tent tied on the back of the bike and slept in a nice warm bed. Didnt shave though  😀Next morning rolled her down the hill  😀 then pushed her back up again  😳 Got the owner of the place to come sit on the back and rolled down the hill again  😀 A lower gear with some weight for gravity and traction, full tummy, full tank of gas. Lets head for home  😀Napier - Taupo Highway sounds good  😀 oooh look on the map, if I go up this road I can go through here round here over here and end up here  😀 With my advanced map reading skills I can do this  😎 Went up through a place called Willow Flats and out into Forestry Rds. More wild pigs and awesome scenery  :-D. After about 70 ks I finally saw another vehicle, he looked rather suprised to see me  😕 Had a talk about my plan when he told me about a minor flaw in it, there is no bridge over this river he said  😮 Bugger 70 ks later back where I started but never mind  :-D. Over the Napier - Taupo (heaps of bikes comeing back from cold duck rally) and now... fuel again  😮 Found a service station with a hill, no problems  😀 Taupo to Whakamaru all is good, I Love this bike  😀 Bit of a choice, through the Pureoras or the sealed road? After a look at the time I decided to send her what was left behind a text and meet her at Mokau. Sitting with the engine idling, trying to send a text as the phone dies of a flat battery when.... silence  😕 the noisey bit stopped making a noise  🙁 bugger. Never mind the guy at the service station gave me a tow and off we went (I love this bike  :-D) then it stopped again  😕 Luckily at the top of a hill. Had a fiddle round with wires and plugs to see if any thing was loose or dirty, rolled down the hill, she fired and away we went  😀 (I like this bike  :-)) Halfway through the Pureoras she died again. A wiggle of the wires again, at the top of a hill again and away we go, ( I own a BMW  :|) At eight mile it died again ( I hate this bike and if I could lift it I would throw it over the bridge into that @#$@%@ river  😡 ). Its flat, its late, I am under stress and need a shave!!!!Walk back to a farm house and call the roadside rescue man  😀 who will take my bike to Te Kuiti. Ring her what is out riding a Suzuki (reliable jap thing  😛 ) to come get me  😥Today I shaved  😀

    Steve Applegath
    Post count: 22

    damn and all … sounds like you had a ball … and just think that could of been me pushing an uncooperative lump of german finery halfway across the north island… sure sorry to have missed that 😀

    Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310

    This has got to be the funniest story I've read in awhile. Make sure you submit it to Garry. 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀

    Post count: 151

    :-D  :-o  :-D  :-)  :roll:  :-D  :lol: (my face while I was reading you report)

    Post count: 267

    Great report Colin – you've missed you're calling as a humourous writer methinks – go well on the HUB – sounds you've had some good practice on this ride – cheers Aslan – aka Stephen O  :mrgreen:

    Post count: 267

    Koko you will be pleased to know I lashed out and brought a camera and figured out how Photo Bucket works. Unfortunatly due to the foul weather I left it in its case a lot but here is a few shots of the trip. Note the tent strapped firmly on the back 😀DSCF0014.jpgDSCF0006.jpgDSCF0012.jpgDSCF0010.jpgDSCF0007.jpg

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