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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 2134

    There is a new version of the Tour Guide in the works at the moment. I asked if there was a more durable option for the cover than plain paper, given the life the booklets tend to live, rattling around in top-boxes or jacket pockets.The printers are going to quote on a laminated cover, which, not having yet seen the figures, might be an extravagance too far.But when they mentioned it, it bought back to mind a trick I've previously used to good effect. Arm yourself with a spray can of satin polyurethane, give your maps and whatalls a coat of that. works a treat, and an aerosol can will last for years, do a fair area of paper, and you don't have to plug in your compressor or clean your spray gun after use. Even works for photos on the wall; stick them in a frame without glass, if a fly poohs on them, just wipe them with a dishcloth. And you can see them from most any angle, 'cos you get no reflections with no glass.

    Jim Young
    Post count: 581

    A classic case of Kiwi number 8 wire, well done Bwucie  8)

    Post count: 289

    Maps? My GPS is already waterproof?  ???

    Post count: 103

    Hi BrucieIf the printing of the pages is the same as the Newletter then that would be more important than the cover to protect as when wet ink runs badly as I found out in the last newsletter posted to me on a wet day.

    Post count: 2134

    Dead right there, Darryl. Not much the posties can do up here lately, to be sure. My last month's newsletter wasn't too healthy, either, same reason. But it isn't like it every day: after bunny-hopping over Okaihau to Kaeo this avo on the marbles the coast road from Whangaroa back to Matauri Bay was very fetching in bright sunlight. If I'd had a wet newsletter or Northern Advocate with me, I could have dried it out today.dbpP9250008-dbpP9250010_zpsac4e0736.jpg

    Dave Morris
    Post count: 615

    this may be a silly suggestion but how about a electronic version that you can save on ya smart phone. Save on printing costs. Even her Kuysten has a smart phone. I think he go it just so he can make purchases on Trade Me on the run.can't have everything on Trade Me heading north.He showed me a search engine where he can search Trade Me members user names. He only have one saved in his favorites.  Twins why are they so competative.

    Post count: 2134

    this may be a silly suggestion but how about a electronic version that you can save on ya smart phone.

    It would be incredibly simple.A version that wouldn't get bluetoothed and emailed around where it didn't rightly belong? Very difficult. Our Handbook says:

    TOUR GUIDEA Tour Guide listing contact numbers for members who voluntarily offer certain services to other members during their travels is published every two years. It is distributed to all members and all new members receive one as part of their membership pack. It is deliberately printed at minimal cost as it has a short shelf life. Information in the Tour Guide remains the property of the members only and cannot be used for commercial purposes or personal gain.

    As a hard copy it is less likely to be scanned/photocopied than as an electronic file: it just helps to keep members' information in house, and allows for dinosaurs like me that have smartphones but despise them as creations of the devil, and go to great lengths to avoid using them.

    Post count: 2134

    The 2014 edition of the Tour Guide has been printed: at this point the intention is to post them together with the November Newsletter.If any financial member is in dire need of the new edition before then, I can provide them a pdf version: editor@bmwor.org.nz

    Post count: 103

    Hi BrucieHow about sending the Newsletter out in a plastic bag shouldn't cost much to do this and we would all get a good copy wet or dry when it gets poted in the letterbox.

    Post count: 2134

    How about you get a better letterbox?We did look at it earlier in the year. One of the factors that militates against that is the need to keep the Newsletter down to 6mm thick. Even with the 80 gsm paper stock I have changed to, the thing still goes over 6mm in a DL sized plastic bag.  Once we go above 6mm thick, or larger than DL, postage doubles to $1.60. Posted flat in an E35 (A4) envelope it is $2.40. And the plastic bag is yet another cost. We are very fortunate to have a willing team of volunteers to address and fold our Newsletter: if we had to pay for that service (also got a price on that this year) it would double the mailing cost.The Register's two biggest bills are Newsletter printing and postage. There will be a cry of outrage if we need to raise subs. Although there are some members who are outraged because we continue to hold about one year's operating costs in reserve (which to me seems prudent), if the reserve starts to disappear, there will be even more howls of outrage.The great thing about being one of the "Six Wise Men" is that you don't have to wonder about your status on any day in the calendar: you automatically assume you are wrong. That's why you guys pay us the big salaries  ;D Of course, all this will be sorted next year, when the new Committee, consisting entirely of those who are right, takes over after the AGM...............................

    Post count: 103

    Hi BrucieThanks for your reply seems ashame to see all the hard work u do on the magazine get to us unreadable.I would of thought with the savings on the Christmas sausages to members  we could now afford to spend a little on something worthwhile.How about bringing this up with the other members of your team.If it did go into a plastic bag unfolded it would be less work for your unpaid team.

    Post count: 2134

    Eleven issues, at $1.60 extra postage per issue plus plastic mailer at 89c = $27.39/year.  (We could do better than that for the bag or other protective covering, that was just the first one I found on the internet as an example. But the point is that the numbers add up quickly: $17.60 just in extra postage.)If we live in the real world, not all that many Newsletters are unreadable upon delivery. It's more cost effective (remember, these are Register dollars we are spending, not Bruce or Darryl dollars) to use the cheap delivery and replace the odd few copies that may arrive unreadable. If anybody's newsletter is unreadable on delivery, I always have a few spare, and I can also get you an electronic copy as quickly as email works up here (which is actually quite slow, but still a lot faster than snail-mail.) I'm not aware of any requests for replacement. I have sent out a few that have been missed, and I have an uneasy feeling there was one address this month I needed to check on to see it was posted, but I can't find the scrap of paper I (think) had the name on.Damn! Gentleman on the Awhitu Peninsula?? I'll work out who you are later and check.

    Mark Mackay
    Post count: 132

    Darryl Bunnings have a deal on letter box's this week, buy Yourself a new one . I have never had a wet newsletter yet. How's the LC coming along , got the frame sorted Yet? When's it coming onto the Market?

    Dave Morris
    Post count: 615

    Bruce i think the plastic bag idea is great. How about seeing if Durex will sponsor it, and then it could be used as a rain cap for the shower by someone. 

    Post count: 2134

    Long live Maxwell Smart's “Cone of Silence”. ;D ;D ;D

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