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  • Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310

    I just read it during breakfast. Before opening it I read John's reminder on the cover, “This will be your last newsletter, if you haven't renewed your membership”. So I wondered if I should bother. Then I read Terry's letter. This made up my mind, I am going to renew once more. I am all for the KISS principle. Life is bloody hard enough with all the red tape I have to deal with at work. Frankly, all I want to do is to go for the occasional ride with some like minded people and I am also quite enjoying doing a bit of maintenance on my own bikes. I can actually do this without the Register. However, we've made many friends during the last 10 years and that's not easy to give up. So let's see how this works out.....

    Post count: 37

    Totally agree (except for the own maintenance bit)

    Post count: 267

    I also read the letter to the editor in the newsletter and now have read your post Koko.What is all this red tape everyone is talking of?I must be missing something down here in the suburbs  ???  ???If there needs to be debate on this (and as it seems to have upset some people there probably does) then by all means lets debate  8)However not like the colour newsletter (eight cents a page vs eight cents a copy) debacle where people threw out their version of facts even when presented with actual facts. They then went on to further forward their claims by inferring the other guy's must be lying  😮 Debate needs facts and clear opinions backed by reasoning and logic to be presented and heard.A while back a joker posted a one line broadside (through the website forum) at the executive.  Then when asked to clarify what he meant, he went AWOL  ::)Thats not debating, we call that shit slinging here in the Naki  >:(  (oh yeah, dont throw shit into the wind is a good practice also)  😉To date I have found nothing has been put in place by anyone within the BMWOR register that has prevented me from going "for the occasional ride with some like minded people" nor has anyone stopped me "enjoying doing a bit of maintenance on my own bikes"So please, I am asking nicely, could someone out there please give me factual basis to the problem. Tell me in clear English (as that is my native tounge), what is the problem?After the problem is identified then by all means offer an opinion as to remedies.Perhaps we could look at it from a "principles before personalities" point of view  ;DI live in hopeCheersColin

    Post count: 8

    Bugger the red tape where's the Newsletter ?

    Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310

    Colin,I am talking about all the changes that have been introduced. Terry covered them in his letter. Yes, you are right, they won't stop me from doing what I want to do and as I've mentioned, I can always leave. I am happy with that the newsletter is in colour, it looks great. I don't know why you've brought it up.I am not happy about the AGM moving to Palmerston North. I am not happy about the number of complexities that have been introduced to the Register. Yes, as a member I can just choose to ignore it and my bet is that most people do. This is not a broadside at the Executive, this is my personal opinion and if you like feedback to the Executive. Of course, they don't have to like it, just as I don't have to like the above. From what I understand, this Register started was founded out of the need to manage parts and support for BMW motorcycles and people went on rides to together. Now we have a business plan, business jargon and a business mentality. Now we're slaves to a system. I am a motorcyclist because I love the ride and I accept the risk. Simple. I don't even like signing in at the start of a ride. What the heck for. As mentioned before, in my line of work I am made to dance like a monkey and have to jumps through hoops at the whims of the system, with the time that's left afterwards, I get to do my job. When I hop on my bike at the end of the day and ride into the setting sun, I like to leave all this crap behind me. Some people can't. I have the feeling some people get a kick out of this sort of thing. I don't. Hopefully that clarifies my stance, Colin. it's not a debate, I don't like it and you can't make me  😛

    Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310

    Bugger the red tape where's the Newsletter ?

    Have you paid your subscription? I hope that after having read the action plan you didn't get the wrong impression. The newsletter and the membership office are run by people in their spare time. The have a life and in between they make sure that things get mailed out. Some times sooner sometimes later. That has always been fine by me.Having said that, I am lucky that I got mine, since I still haven't paid  🙂

    Post count: 267

    I still feel like perhaps I am missing something here  ??? I have re-read johns letter to try and identifie the issue's he is raising and maybe this quote from his letter is it? “Will the register still be in existance in 38 years? Or will we be leaving future BMWOR riders so bogged down and saddled with bloody rules, regulations, Area Reps handbooks! Presidents rules” and so the tirade went on.  😮 As I stated, down here in the suburbs we seem to be missing something.I cant comment on the rules (presidents or otherwise), nor can I comment on the regulations  :- The reason for this is because people still havent enlightened me as to what these rule and regulations are and why  it is that they oppose to them.Fortunatly I can comment on the Area Rep Hand Book as I do have some knowledge of that  8) I was astounded at the ignorance of this item shown by Terry in his letter. It is not yet in existance and still very much in the planning stage, yet it qualified for an !, yes an exclamation mark was used after it? Why, How can you so vehmently oppose something of which you have limited or no knowledge? I can state that he has limited or no knowledge as he was not at the Area Rep Meeting where it was disscussed and planned. Nor has it been circulated yet for approval. Yet it qualified for an exclamation mark! I am not aware of why John was not in attendance at the Area Rep meeting, perhaps if he had been he could have made some input into the handbook, or at least explained his apparent oposition to it.My approach to this handbook is simple, The handbook quite simply will give me a job description plus a set of guidelines. It will give me knowledge of the register, its structure, contacts etc. If I use it properly it will assist in ensuring that the register will not fall foul of our many complex laws that NZ has in place for various reasons. I know some are unable and/or unwilling to change not just the BMWOR but anything at all. Unfortunatly OSH and such like were not around when the register was first formed. The world is moving, we can go with it or fall off. We can not stand still. That is not an option.Taranaki was in the doldrums, no rides, no interest, nothing happening. When I took on the job of Area Rep I knew it wasn't going to be easy, but armed with bugger all I have set about getting an interest in the register rekindled in the Naki. If I had the proposed handbook when I took the Area Rep position I assure you it would have made my life simpler.The AGM being shifted to Palmerston North seems to me (and feel free to correct me if I am wrong) the biggest upset of the whole fiasco  😮 Why? I have never attended an AGM so I hope someone can answer this for me, Where do most of those who attend the AGM hail from? Has the South Island ever had an oppurtunity to have an input into the register or has that been the cherished domain of a select few? Is travelling an extra 200 kms Auckland an undue hardship? Those travelling from Wellington for sake of an example have travelled an extra 100 kms as opposed to the Aucklanders each year to attend the AGM in Taupo.As for the "nefarious" comment. I will leave you with this simple thought. If you go on a witch hunt you will only find witches"

    Post count: 8

    Aah, a wonderfull newsletter has arrived in my letterbox !  My partner must have paid up after all. There appears to me to have been a huge amount of ink expended on gripes & groans about the old /new rules/constitution. Neither this expenditure, nor anything that's happened to the Documents has impacted the top of the south, we just carry on... For the record I approve of the AGM shift to Palmie, the further from Auckland the better ! 

    Post count: 2134

    For the record I approve of the AGM shift to Palmie, the further from Auckland the better !

    Wow! Bold words!Will I moderate the post?Nah 😮

    Jim Young
    Post count: 581

    Yet another one jealous of Auckland  ;D  these are the best posts that have surfaced for a long time

    Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310

    For the record I approve of the AGM shift to Palmie, the further from Auckland the better !

    Wow! Bold words!Will I moderate the post?Nah 😮

    Why would you want to? I think the same way about the Annual Rally, just not the AGM  🙂

    Post count: 2134

    I need a special emoticon to indicate tongue-firmly-in-cheek.'Twas just a momentary attempt at humour, Alex, while I battled to get the server to deliver a dump of the Forum database to my desktop: we have so much stored in it now it's quite tetchy about letting me download backups. Gotta do something to ease the tension while I'm panicking.

    Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310

    I need a special emoticon to indicate tongue-firmly-in-cheek.'Twas just a momentary attempt at humour, Alex, while I battled to get the server to deliver a dump of the Forum database to my desktop: we have so much stored in it now it's quite tetchy about letting me download backups. Gotta do something to ease the tension while I'm panicking.

    Can you delete some of the older stuff? I am pretty sure that only about 90% of my posts are worth saving, compared to about 10% of Steve B's posts.  😉

    Dave Morris
    Post count: 615

    I need a special emoticon to indicate tongue-firmly-in-cheek.'Twas just a momentary attempt at humour, Alex, while I battled to get the server to deliver a dump of the Forum database to my desktop: we have so much stored in it now it's quite tetchy about letting me download backups. Gotta do something to ease the tension while I'm panicking.

    Can you delete some of the older stuff? I am pretty sure that only about 90% of my posts are worth saving, compared to about 10% of Steve B's posts.  😉

    only 5 of mine worth saving

    Post count: 2134

    Tongue not in cheek this time.Those of us on the Auckland Area email list overnight received a reminder from Malcolm issued on Terry's behalf about the next Auckland event. We also received with it a file attachment from a "national member" comprising a copy of the Register's Constitution which has the changes proposed by the remits to be put before the AGM "marked up" to make it easier to compare the existing document with what is proposed.I could post the text of the document here, for the benefit of people NOT on the Auckland email list, but I do not intend to further distribute a document of unknown provenance. We are all "national members", so the person that did the "markup" could be any member. If it was a "National Member" meaning a Member of our Executive, then I would think they would want their input to be acknowledged, rather than remain anonymous.If members from areas other than Auckland wish to compare what is now with what is proposed, I suggest you compare the published remits with the existing Constitution and Rules of BMWOR of NZ (Inc). Don't have a copy of them, do I hear? They have been on our website for quite a while, linked from here: http://bmwor.org.nz/Publish.htmlPs, I could make a couple of guesses who provided Malcolm with the document he sent us: if he/she puts their hand up I'll see if it's one of my candidates.

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