Home › Forums › Ride Reports › Taupo Track Day 20th April 2007
Inactive21/04/2007 at 6:49 amPost count: 305Had a GREAT time at the track yesterday. The MotoTT people are a very friendly, professional bunch who run a good day. They encourage safety, and make sure everyone is comfortable and having fun. There wasn't a hoon element at all. In fact, there was a fairly varied demographic represented (although there was only one BMW – ahem). There was beautiful Norton and an old Rudge making a hell of a racket, even a Harley wide-glide! It's fun to find someone in your group that you can dice around with. There was a Ducati Monster that I could get by in the long sweepers, but he would then catch me in the tight stuff. Each time we passed one another, we could see the grin in the other's helmet! Awesome.The organisers will gladly take their own bikes out and lead you through the preferred lines of the turns, and will also give pillion rides. There are safety marshalls, a proper flag system, and a St Johns ambulance on standby just in case. There's also a professional photographer who will sell you photos of yourself if you want them. It may sound like it, but I have nothing to do with these people, apart from them having my respect (and my money).I urge all of you forum members to try it once, or at least go along to the next track day as a spectator to see what it's like. The facility is top-notch, and they have a food wagon and a coffee cart!Photo with the Monster behind me (for the moment)
and 30 seconds of random video shots with me in them.Dave
Looks like another good day out for you. I had a look on their website and the 20th was already booked out. These track days must be quite popular. I must keep an eye out for Pukekohe, I am sure they have the occassional track day there as well. Taupo is quite a distance to go for such an event.
Inactive21/04/2007 at 8:27 amPost count: 305Quite a distance, Alex?! I followed you 200km to get seafood chowder!Truth be told, my friend and I trailered our bikes to Taupo. A 3-hour ride isn't much, but it is if you're required to put all your riding skills to hard use for the day.Pukekohe has track days, called controlled testing. I've done four of their days, and though it gets the "need for speed" out of your system, it's not the same atmosphere. The controlled testing days are for cars also, so the bikes only merit one 'all-in-one session' no matter the skill, speed, or comfort level. No safety briefing, equipment check or bike scrutineering, just, "Bikes in 5 minutes!!"Don't get me wrong, it's still a huge thrill going 260kmh down the back straight of a New Zealand historic icon, and the price is right, but the scene is just a bit more, erm, rough-n-ready. In my limited aquaintance of my new BMW mates, I would be more inclined to recommend that your first track day experience be the least intimidating as possible. If, however, you're just going to spectate a little, at a Pukey day you can typically get a glimpse of some pro car racers in their V8s, Formula Fords, or Porche Gt cars.
I can see your point. Taupo does sound like it is lot more organized. Like you mentioned, riding there and back is not the issue, but after having completed all the riding on the track, finding the condentration to ride home again would be a chore. Still, there is no rush, I am sure I'll get to do one eventually. If I have time I might come and watch the next one.
Inactive26/04/2007 at 10:07 pmPost count: 305I just got the photos from the pro photographer who was at the track on the day, so here are a couple more:
Inactive26/04/2007 at 10:16 pmPost count: 305Hmmm, are we limiting the size of the photos now?Neko?
Guest27/04/2007 at 7:50 amPost count: 2134Can't be too limited, Dave. I use Image Zoom in Firefox, and the pix are just starting to pixillate a little at 350% of on screen size: pretty sexy definition for net use.
Hi Dave,The maximum width of photos was set to 400.I have changed it to 500. The size is applied when you post a message and those photos that were already posted won't change the size.I have manually change the size of one of your photos to visually check the size.It that large enough and no too large for low resolution screens?Neko
Hmmmm, great photos Dave, the Sportec M3's look good. I think my panniers would be dragging at that angle 😆
Inactive04/05/2007 at 9:50 amPost count: 305Thanks Dick!Going to Pukekohe next Saturday 12th May, and give the legs a bit of stretch!
Inactive04/05/2007 at 4:45 pmPost count: 305Yep. Come have a look.10:30 starthttp://www.countiesracing.co.nz/modules.php?name=Calendar
It says controlled testing, would they let me test my bike as well?
Inactive05/05/2007 at 6:00 amPost count: 305But of course!I think "Controlled Testing" is the term they use to keep the insurance companies off their back. I've been to "Track practice days" and "Safety training days" and "Circuit preparedness days". Just different terminology for "Non-competitive track time going as fast as you like, but as far as what you tell your insurance company, you're on your own."Remember also that there are cars practicing as well. It usually goes like this: Open wheel cars, Race cars (not road reg'd), Road cars, Bikes. Twenty minutes each. It's fun watching some of the pro V8 and Porsche GT cars going around!Quoted from the "Motor Racing News" link on their page:CONTROLLED TESTING CONDITIONSMotor Racing @ Pukekohe ParkOPEN TO THE PUBLICDATES MAY BE SUBJECT TO CHANGETesting from 10.30am to 4.30pm (unless advised otherwise)$90 per vehicle (Cash or Cheque with I.D.)Driver and passenger mush have a Helmet/Bike riders must have Full LeathersPassengers not secured in a race harness will not be permitted onto the circuitParental Consent is required for persons under the age of 15 to allow admittance onto the PP CircuitNB: That no vehicle or machine may exceed a noise level of 95dBA at any time either on the circuit or grounds of Pukekohe Park. Offending vehicles maybe excluded immediately.PLEASE NOTE: If you have not driven on the Pukekohe Circuit previously, you will be required to attend a briefing prior to going onto the circuit. This briefing will take place in the Jennian Homes building between 12 -12.30pm.[end quote]When they say full leathers, I have seen guys in cordura suits as well.Get on the track, Alex! It'll be great!Dave
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