Home Forums General Discussion Susuki V-Strom verse BMW R1200RT

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    Part of a reply from new member thread sent to mike. Thanks for your reply, appreciate people like you that don't mind riding in traffic, especially Wellingtons morning traffic. Last weekend I rode from Ch-Ch to Wanaka, next morning on to Haast, Franz Joseph, and eventually Hokitika, then Sunday morning home to Ch-Ch.It rained the whole way, and boy did it rain, Dry Rider is now Wet Rider, nothing could keep the water out. Point is that I rode my friends new Suzuki for some 100 Km's, the layout of buttons except for the indicators was no better than the BMW. Must admit that the indicators are a joy to use but getting back on the BMW really made me appreciate just how good it is.  The Suzuki was up and down the gearbox, where the BMW has torque to burn and while the Suzuki was happy to be positioned anywhere in the corner it lacked that direct line, turn it in and relax feeling. If I was to make a comparison between the bikes it would be to say that Suzuki was like dating a 20 year old, wanted to dance all night and then when it came time to go home, she closed the door and left you feeling exhausted and unsure whether you had enjoyed yourself. On the other hand the BMW was like a gorgeous aged wine with huge energy and a satisfying long lingering finish. Gave you exactly want you needed, if you wanted to get racier then just ask but be warned for she has experience to burn and will then take you home for a glass of wine and treats. Like you I just love the bike and who cares about the indicators. On the BMW they are nice and firm and when pressed have a good positive feeling. Once you are familiar with them swapping for a younger racier version will never be a consideration. On the Suzuki they were small, soft and spongy and gave you the feeling that they would not last long. Much the same comparison could be made of the gearboxes. Conclusion. Spend time getting to know this lady for she will be devoted and reward you like there is no tomorrow. If you ever head South on the bike don't hesitate to give me a call, we have some spectacular roads and scenery and RAIN??? Regards Leigh. 

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