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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 17

    Silly I know, but are people aware that the New Membership Application doesn't work online?When you push the Become a Member tab, and then select Online, you get a lovely form to fill out. After you complete the form and click submit, it spits the dummy and gives you an Internet Explorer Error saying that Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage.Bit of a bugger really, as I spend a lot of time overseas, and would really like to be able to join without having to print out a form, fill it in with my nasty hard to read handwriting, and then send it in snail mail.Anybody looked into this? Or should I go sit in the corner  😀CheersGraham

    Post count: 151

    It gets the error with FireFox, too  🙁It looks like that the page tries to go to the on-line payment page but that URL is old...I have reported the problem to our system administrator.Hopefully, he can fix it soon.Thank you for reporting the problem.  🙂

    Richard Kuysten
    Post count: 623

    Please don't Graham, it's only with use that we will find the little wrinkles and as with the previous one those in the know will iron them out for us.  Good spotting.  🙄Malcolm

    Post count: 86

    And I thought after finding the renewal button that I had it sussed, and some folks want every thing on line  😮 O well back to the old pen and paper.

    Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310

    You are not a new member airhead, so it should work for you :-).  While I've got your attention, what gearoil do you recommend for my Basic?  The tranny oil is grey (not looking so good), but the final drive oil is as new. Since it's shifting fine, I won't panic just yet.

    Post count: 2134

    hi ,  they all take hypoid 80W/90 gear box, driveshaft and final drive as far as I remember; look int hose manuals I gave you. cheers Christoph

    Post count: 63

    renewal worked fine for me, even way up here in Maine

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