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I've always paid my subs online as its been years since I've had a personal chq book ,however this year it seems to be more difficult.Does anyone have the club bank account number or the bank account # for subs.CheersArt
Try this one Art.BMWOR of NZ does not have a facility to accept online payments. Our preferred method of payment is by internet banking to the BMWOR account: 15-3973-0032141-00. Please be sure to use your SURNAME as the PAYEE and RENEW as the REFERENCE. Mal
Thanks Mal,I found it this morning by using the old link to the club instead of firefoxingthe new link.The fire fox link had a different home page ( ie no membership renewal )all done /renewed now .ThanksArt
Guest29/06/2013 at 10:36 pmPost count: 2134Thanks Mal,I found it this morning by using the old link to the club instead of firefoxingthe new link.The fire fox link had a different home page ( ie no membership renewal )all done /renewed now .ThanksArt
I'm kinda confused and concerned: do I need to change the navigation on the site? We currently show one site to the big, wide, world, and this is via WordPress, so the address is now http://bmwor.org.nz/wordpress/If you use the old address (as in you haven't visited the site for an age and you have used an old browser "favourite" or bookmark) you will be looking for http://bmwor.org.nz (which, until ten seconds ago, had a broken graphic at the top of the page I hadn't noticed 🙂 ), which ONLY has a redirection link to take you to the current, WordPress, site. If you "found" the old site, your browser must have loaded it from cache, 'cos it hasn't been there for months.The current site opens on the "blog" page (default WordPress setup), and the horizontal navigation bar has links for "Membership", "Change Member Details" and "Renew Membership". The "Membership" and "Renew Membership" pages both have the method of payment in the first paragraph at the top of the page.The hard copy in the Newsletter (Page 20 in the July issue) has the payment methods AND website address AND links to use at the bottom of the page.If I need to change things on the website, I am open to suggestion: I'll either pick them up here if you post to this thread, or you can message me via this Forum, or email: webmaster@bmwor.org.nz
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