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Hi Guys,For those with spoked wheels - x spoke in my case, do any of you suffer a similar fate that I have noticed recently? I have noticed corrosion marks on my front wheel X spokes and as they are reportedly stainless, I am assuming that it comes from brake dust and the dust when wet causes a small pit which the starts the corrosion cycle. The back wheel spokes do not seem to suffer the same fate.If you have had the problem, was a change in brake pad material the way to go and if it was, what did you change to. I am assuming at 56000KMS, the brake pads are as originally fitted?The pitting is only surface marks currently and I treated them to a drop of killrust yesterday and the spokes seem to be OK as they all sound similar when I ping them, so I am just looking for a permanant fix, rather than having to touch them up with an anti corrosive.Cheers, 🙁
The leading edge of the spokes do get a hammering. Once or twice I used Autosol to make them look pretty again. However, I am way past caring about that. The only perma-fix I know is to clean them, wax them, and then not ride the bike. If it really upsets you, you could go an have the spokes replaced.
Hi Guys,For those with spoked wheels - x spoke in my case, do any of you suffer a similar fate that I have noticed recently? I have noticed corrosion marks on my front wheel X spokes and as they are reportedly stainless, I am assuming that it comes from brake dust and the dust when wet causes a small pit which the starts the corrosion cycle. The back wheel spokes do not seem to suffer the same fate.If you have had the problem, was a change in brake pad material the way to go and if it was, what did you change to. I am assuming at 56000KMS, the brake pads are as originally fitted?The pitting is only surface marks currently and I treated them to a drop of killrust yesterday and the spokes seem to be OK as they all sound similar when I ping them, so I am just looking for a permanant fix, rather than having to touch them up with an anti corrosive.Cheers, 🙁
Hello Mike, just my 2 cents worth. I am picking that at 56 000 Kms that the brake pads have been replaced already I would be checking them to see if someone has fitted aftermarket metal disc pads up front metal dust sitting on stainless steel wet will soon show signs of rust as you have stated. I would go back to standard BMW pads as these are matched at the factory to the disc's Reason I have had no trouble pulling my bike to a stop with standard pads some people say aftermarket pads work better less brake fade.But if you fit a harder pad something has to wear if it is not the pad then the disc is getting a hidding. Given the price of replacement Disc's approx $800-900 per disc I think I would rather replace the pads.my GS is nearly at 70 000 Kms and I have just ordered another set of front pads this wil be set # 3And as for cleaning the spokes Autosolve does a great job.Good Luck Regards boGSer
Re. pads, my first set lasted 55000kn, the second around the same. For the first replacement set I bought the proper BMW pads. I think they are $170 a side now. Recently I've fitted new pad again, this time EBC organic pads for $55 a side. Their brake performance is slightly less aggresive than the original pads, but brake feel is still good. My bike is now at 116000km, all mine. The discs are frightfully expensive, but even for these you can get aftermarket options. If this is going to be a concern will depend on how much riding you do. If it's only about 5000km a year, as some people do, I wouldn't worry.
Man at the shop asked if I wanted hard or soft brake pads. Give me the soft ones 😀 He then told me about brake fade wear etc so I told him about disc costs and feathering brakes to keep them cool and working 😀 Im with you Gerard. 😎
Guest16/11/2009 at 3:32 amPost count: 2134Use engine braking before the corner your brakes will last twice as long. 😉
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