Home Forums General Discussion single Motorcycle trailer required for Saturday or Sunday 15th / 16th Septimus

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    Post count: 182

    Hi Guy's My friends Dad has just sold his F650 to a buddy of mine and I need to get it up to The North Shore from Hamilton at some stage this weekend.If anyone on the Shore has a suitable trailer I could borrow for half a day either Saturday or Sunday 15th or 16th  it would be much appreciated.Just PM me if you can help and I will get back to you Kind RegardsDave

    Post count: 182

    Hi Guy's My friends Dad has just sold his F650 to a buddy of mine and I need to get it up to The North Shore from Hamilton at some stage this weekend.If anyone on the Shore has a suitable trailer I could borrow for half a day either Saturday or Sunday 15th or 16th  it would be much appreciated.Just PM me if you can help and I will get back to you Kind RegardsDave

    See I knew there would be someone prepared to help me out,thats what us motorcyclists do,that's what makes us special. Thanks guys I am now sorted and can collect my friends bike for him on Saturday.

    Hi Guy's My friends Dad has just sold his F650 to a buddy of mine and I need to get it up to The North Shore from Hamilton at some stage this weekend.If anyone on the Shore has a suitable trailer I could borrow for half a day either Saturday or Sunday 15th or 16th  it would be much appreciated.Just PM me if you can help and I will get back to you Kind RegardsDave

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