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    Artig posted his ride protocol in reply to my ride report: it is simple, clear and adequate for polite consenting adults.

    I assembled a team some years ago to produce ride protocols for another organisation that sometimes had problems on their rides. We looked at, and discarded, ideas from all over the biking world to come up with our own real world solution. When cooked over the slow heat of a few meetings and a coupla tight edits it reduced to a very similar formula to your one.

    It did contain two points not included in Artig's, which I offer for your consideration:
    1. Turn up at the start ten minutes early, with a full tank and an empty bladder (how many do you know who get that the wrong way round?).
    2. There are two universal signals. To warn of potential hazards (any kind, dead possum, roadworks, whatever): stop signal with either arm. To request immediate assistance, for self or for bike: either arm held straight up in the air.

    Both signals DO seem to be universal. Riders behind get the message to be aware if you give a stop sign, even if it's not explained why you do it. I have called for assistance after a breakdown with the 'one arm straight up' and a group of Duc riders that had never seen it before worked it out and did some good Irish wheelies pulling up to help me. Two simple signals will cover just about all circumstances without all the semaphore that HOG and co use - too much imformation to process their way.

    Ship to ship radio obviously is a brilliant tool for assisting with ride admin, but few marques have as many sets per bike as Bimmer or Wing riders. Even in the Register there are Neanderthals like me that haven't yet been wired for sound, so you will always need visible signs for us cavemen. 😉 😉

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