Home Forums Ride Reports Rincewind’s Almost Birthday Ride.

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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 2134

    There you go, start with the headline shot.  Big Ups to my biggest little sister AGD for her millinery skillsDave and his dysmapsia are now offishully part of the Legion of the Lost.  The picture was taken moments after he and Barbara, astride Binky the GS, had made a theatrical two-minute late arrival at the start point, in front of a large and enthusiastic audience.  Many photos were taken today, some of them are on my Photobucket album here (too many to put up all of them today): http://is.gd/5s1S7DFull credit to Rincewind, he had plotted a great trip today, despite his navigational difficulties.  RIC Rob kindly undertook to stay close to Dave as a local scout, to set him to rights if he got hopelessly adrift, but things went well (mostly).  Apropos RIC Rob, who has a signature on this forum saying, "R1200C Classic, F650GS, R1100S, A Red Bike": today it became apparent that A Red Bike is a 900SS, so we presume that the famous R.I.C cap today stood for "Red Is Cool".  Route to Matakana was Ridge Road, Old North Road to Helensville (coffee break for sore backs: dunno why Dave and Barb didn't take the car).  SH16 to Wellsford, then via Whangaripo Valley and over the hill to Matakana.  We did have a couple of riders leave early for home, the convoy speed of advance was not the swiftest because of the backs, but that doesn't matter at all if you have the time and pleasant company to enjoy.Turns out YoungJim's prophesies of doom and crook food were total rubbish - food and service were excellent, and so was the pottery.  Being on a bike rather than the luggage carrying cage saved me a few quid today.Rob led us home via Woodcocks and West Coast Road, and Ridge Road in reverse, and we progressively shed riders as folk split for home.  About Kaukapakapa we developed a way big split in the group, a combination of weak backs and weak bladders holding back the tail-enders, and I had to do, as TEC, a couple of "blow by all, stop and turn in right direction" moves: I have to admit it's easier to perform these with the Sex Toy between my thighs than the AN250.  (Did I really just write that?)Barbara provided coffee and birthday cake at the after match at Wizzard Central, and then those of us with low fuel lights nagging us headed for the gas station and then home.  Very good day out indeed, thank you, Mr Wizzard.

    Post count: 182

    Well what can I say, who would have put money on the weather behaving itself today after the tumultuos storms etc we have been battered by throughout the week.Motorcycling doesnt get much better than todays ride. I must admit I was a little overwhelmed by the amount of machines on the car park of the Old Albany pub as we sat at the junction opposite, and the sight of Bwucie standing there with his arm raised in theatrical effect, looking at his watch because we were two minutes late, reminded me of an old foreman I used to work for when I was a whipper snapper, who used to do the same thing every morning at the entrance to the construction site, my passing comment to him used to be "how can I be late I start out at the same time every day"As an immigrunt I am still in awe of the beauty of this incredible little country and each time I go on an outing such as todays, it just reinforces the feelings I had when I first came here 8 years ago for a holiday.The Veiw looking left out over the top of Matakana Valley rd was a new experience for us today,we have never travelled that road before, but I will definatley use it again, and hopefully next time I will stop and take some pictures to share with my relies and friends back in YUK.Many thanks to Rob for giving me the confidence to be able to continure on at the front from Wellsford onwards to our lunceon destination in Matakana.I must appologise to anyone if the progress was a little sedate at the begining of the ride,I'm afraid my back still feels like someone has welded some of the bits togeather, and for the first couple of hours of every day my brain has to get used to the idea that I aint going to going to lie down and play dead.Many thanks also to all our new friends for the birthday wishes, especially Bwucie who managed to deligate the fabrication of a rather stunning wizzards hat to his incredibly talented sister (Thanks Adriane) I'm sure we will have lots of fun with that hat for years to come, my powers are growing stronger by the minute,I managed to down two pints of Kilkenny inside 30 Minutes at Muldoons tonight !I can't sign off without commenting on how glad I was that the food at Morris and James, met with Young Jims approval, I'm sure there are heaps of cafes around the country that must shake in their boots when his motorsikkle comes to halt outside their premisis......All in all, one of the best almost my birthday days, ever,thanks to all that turned up to take part, hope you all got safely home and look forward to seeing you all again real soon.Regards'Rincewind   ( now offishully a member of the Legend of the lost)

    Jim Young
    Post count: 581

    What a great ride which could only have been better if the Wizzard had appeared in a puff of smoke wearing his new hat.Even the nosh was good, but couldnt test out the big brekkie as it wasnt on the me and u, but couldnt fault the service as it was fast and pleasant. Only goes to show that a year or so is a long time in the food game.Big ups to all the leaders, Rince and RIC and of course our ever vigilant TEC Bwucie and his rejuvenated sex toy (which he couldnt stop fondling  ::) )

    Post count: 182

    What a great ride which could only have been better if the Wizzard had appeared in a puff of smoke wearing his new hat.Even the nosh was good, but couldnt test out the big brekkie as it wasnt on the me and u, but couldnt fault the service as it was fast and pleasant. Only goes to show that a year or so is a long time in the food game.Big ups to all the leaders, Rince and RIC and of course our ever vigilant TEC Bwucie and his rejuvenated sex toy (which he couldnt stop fondling  ::) )

    I'll work on it for next time Jim, I did manage to produce some cigar smoke outside muldoons on Sunday night, but it didn't impress anyone too much !

    Post count: 60

    It really was a magical day. After all the cr*p weather we have been served up lately, the Wizzard really conjured up the most wonderful winter's day you could imagine. And he lead us on a very interesting little run. Some of those properties in Rincewind's neighbourhood were pretty impressive. I noticed one called “dot.com Mansion” and another called “Bad Manors”. Thankfully Morris & James cafe didn't live up to their reputation. The service was prompt and the food good. After lunch The Wizzard sat in the sun and practiced his eye-brow flicking magic spells until a couple sitting outside disappeared. He must have been doing that on the ride home as well, as most of the group disappeared at one stage.  But he got his spell back to front when he tried to inflate his back tyre because he ended up with less air than he started with. A very good day out, and good to see so many bikes.Wellsford.jpgMJlunch.jpg

    Post count: 128

    Huge turnout, brilliant day, roads, food and company. Doesn't getta whole lot better than that. Cheers guys,Herr and Frau Baron

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