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I'm a newish member and haven't been on many rides due to the scheduled rides clashing with other commitments. I don't particularly want to rock the boat but can someone explain why there are only 2 rides a month in the Auckland area and also explain the point of 'lunch rides'. I joined the register to go on rides with others not ride by myself to somewhere I've never been before and then ride home by myself again (The rides I've been on, people tend to make their own way home afterwards). Couldn't there be a ride every weekend (not always a Sunday perhaps) that way there is more choice available. I note the last ride was the 16th December (I went) but the next isn't until 3rd February and that's a lunch ride. The one after that is a club ride on the 17th Feb to Kawhia I think and that clashes with the Paeroa street racing!
Inactive23/01/2008 at 4:14 pmPost count: 305Welcome Barry!I don't want to speak for Alex, but I always thought that two organised rides per month allowed the ride leader some time on the other weekends to have a home life. Gotta mow the lawns don't we?Lunch rides are a different animal, I agree, but we frequently ride together in smaller groups. As you attend more rides and meet more people, you'll find some company for those. Keep an eye on the Matakana thread.On the register rides, the reason that we find our own way home after lunch is that some folks like longer days in the saddle than others, some like to ride at their own pace which they might not be able to with the group, and some like to stop for ice cream. Again, smallish, splinter groups like the rides to lunch.The big gap from 16/12 to 03/02 was to allow for the holidays, and then for Alex & Gerta to have their big ride around the south island.So, you may have joined at a weird time schedule-wise, but don't fear. We'll be riding the wheels off our bikes soon! And after awhile you'll be posting up rides of your own, no rules against that.Dave
Hi Barry,I think Dave has answered your query quite well. The big gap over the holidays is the usual summer break and to allow people to attend the Annual Rally.The point of lunch rides is to give people the option of a more flexible departure time. Some leave early and do a big ride before turning up at the venue, while others, including myself, often sleep in and just ride straight to the venue.You will find that even for lunch rides people meet at the usual departure points around 9.30am. You can use this forum to mention that you are interested in joining a group for a lunch ride. Everybody is welcome. The clash with the street races was unintentional. I will turn up at the meeting point and if nobody wants to ride to Kawhia I will go to the races as well.Thank you for your feedback, it is much appreciated.Cheers,Alex
Hi Barry and welcome.I think Alex and Dave have covered it very well and you will soon get to know people to meet up and ride with.For the Matakana ride I would imagine that a lot of us will meet at Starbucks in Westgate around 9.30am to have a coffee and chat and leave around 10am to take the backroads to Matakana which is quite a short ride and you are most welcome to join us.As for the Kawhia ride it is a pity that it coincides with Paeroa as it is one of my favourite rides, but I cannot miss the races. !!!!!Again some of us will meet at BP Papakura (same as the club ride) at 9am to leave around 9.30am to go the backroads through the Hunua's to have an early lunch before arriving at Paeroa around midday for the start of the races.So that Sunday you have the choice of two rides. 🙂RegardsJim
You could just buy a GS and move to Wellington Barry 😀
Thanks for the responses guys, I take it that if one turns up at the normal meeting place for a lunch ride there will be others to ride with then. Enjoy the long weekend. Barry.
Guest25/01/2008 at 9:02 amPost count: 2134Thanks for the responses guys, I take it that if one turns up at the normal meeting place for a lunch ride there will be others to ride with then. Enjoy the long weekend. Barry.
No there may not be.
Thanks for the responses guys, I take it that if one turns up at the normal meeting place for a lunch ride there will be others to ride with then. Enjoy the long weekend. Barry.
No there may not be.
He is correct. You better post your intentions here first.
Hi Barry,The Auckland lunch ride, Sunday 3rd Feb to MatakanaSome of us will meet at Starbucks Cafe Westgate at 9:30 to leave 10:00.You are welcome to join the ride 🙂
Thanks for the invite to the Matakana ride, I was going to join you but a friend rang on Saturday evening and suggested the Coromandel loop on Sunday – no contest really. 400+kms later and I was still smiling.Barry.
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