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Hi Bwucie and others, an area I would like to see cleaned up and simplified on our website is our rides calender. I thought I would put forward my idea's. People could throw them around, then go from there.One of my main area's of concern is that we (in my humble opinion) seem to have in the main 2 types of rides,A) Those organised by Area Reps and/or members of the executive. Encompassing Rally rides, area rides etc.B) Casual rides organized by BMWOR members open to other riders.Our rides calender is broken into two areas, one containing the child boards (rides by area) and one that is open. I have found many rides advertised in both areas and it becomes difficult to differentiate between BMWOR rides and the member organised casual rides.Ok so I know its not earth shattering stuff but I would prefer, at a glance to know what area to look in or post in. Or am I making a problem that doesnt actually exist? 😮I am going for a ride Sunday that is not a BMWOR ride but is totally suitable for GS riders. Should this therefore be posted in Taranaki or the open section of the forum?A solution to me would seem to be keeping the child boards exclusivly for BMWOR rides (although this may cause problems with AGM/Rally rides) and the open forum for members privately orginised rides 😀Righto you lot 8) get your teeth into that (even if it is just to say that I worry too much ;D). Constructive critisism and ideas are welcome 8)Hell you can even post bike pics if you want too 😉
Inactive06/09/2012 at 10:06 amPost count: 289I reckon the Calendar should remain, not the ride forum… although, it means no discussion?Easier to look at the calendar (maybe require an area at the start of the title) and see what's on, on what day? Also didn't see an option for entering stuff into the calendar?
Guest07/09/2012 at 4:39 amPost count: 2134As a rule of thumb, if a ride makes it to the Calendar (by which I mean the page that has all the rectangles with a day of the month in them, not the Rides Calendar Discussion Board and it's children, which is a different breed of goldfish), it will probably be offishull, because only members of the Area Reps Group can post to it. (Plus me as web-thingy, and I do bollox the system sometimes by posting members' open-to-all-comers rides if I think they have some special merit. For instance I used to post Sue Denham's Northern Gravel Riders ones, but she has now morphed into a de-facto paid provider with her own website, so I haven't been doing that lately.) (Plus some members of the Executive who have had stray thoughts about organising REGISTER rides, as in Grand Tours for members from multiple areas.)The number of characters available on the actual Calendar page is quite limited, so posters need to get the best bang outta their title that they can, so punters will trouble to click the link to take them through to the post in the Rides Calendar board where greater detail will usually be available. (Which explains why we sometimes don't put the area there.)The Rides Calendar Discussion Board used to be a single board, but I had a request to add local boards, which I did. And, to be sure, every member can post to them, which may be confusing. I don't see the problem, to be honest. Either I want to go on the ride as published or I don't, whether it be an offishull Register ride, or a BMWOR Forum member's privateer event, or any other function that finds it's way into the Board(s). Like, I suspect, the vast majority of members, I first check the "Latest Posts" page every day, so I get a glimpse of everything that is posted anyhoo. (There are other options which you can set in your profile, daily/weekly journal emails etc, I'm too lazy to set them up myself: I already have enough rubbish in my email also.)If you know who your Area Rep and his/her Deputy or other Riders-in-Charge are, that is also another giveaway as to which rides are Register sanctioned rides - not always simple, if you don't know which user name is which real person. And there are people like me, who during my brief and unglorious career as an Area Rep just put a ride in the Calendar every time I rolled my bike out of the garage. I never made an effort to hold a Register ride, I just rode my bike, and if people from the Register wanted to follow, that was fine: if they didn't, then I had a ride without the hassles of other people for whom I had to feel responsible.What the users of the Forum want, after the dust settles on this discussion, is what I will attempt to deliver, so bring it on....
Hell you can even post bike pics if you want too
All my bike pics are on my external drive, which I'm too lazy to plug in. Here's something completely random instead
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