Home Forums General Discussion RIDE TO THE AGM

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  • Mark Mackay
    Post count: 132

    Any one looking at ridin to the AGM on Saturday morning the 13th October from Auckland or is every one going in Robs Bus?Please post here.Cheers Richard

    Richard Kuysten
    Post count: 623

    Hi Richard,There are few who will be doing this, I overheard some discussion at the social on Monday last.  Rob has put some alternatives together as of tonight and asked me to post to all in the area so watch your mail.  🙂

    Dave Morris
    Post count: 615

    hey Richard where you staying in Taupo

    Mark Mackay
    Post count: 132

    AGM is in Palmerston North this year.About time You rejoined the Register again so You get the newsletter.Got that Helmet sorted yet?

    Dave Morris
    Post count: 615

    AGM is in Palmerston North this year.About time You rejoined the Register again so You get the newsletter.Got that Helmet sorted yet?

    oh silly me not be aware the AGM had shifted

    Post count: 2134

    Spare me days, Steve, my Sarcasm Detector went off big time with the first post, this is now getting off the clock. Lay off my good mate Richard (said he, greasing, in the hopes The Penguin would continue to cast a benign professional eye at the way the Librarian parks the scoot.)

    Mark Mackay
    Post count: 132

    Dont forget her WOF Brucie its due this month.Are You riding down or taking the Bus or staying Home? its a long way for a meeting.

    Post count: 2134

    Riding, of course, didn't realise there was any other way.And the Librarian says thanks for the reminder. Gotta love the teamwork at Auckland Council, the way they look out for each other.

    Simon Yates
    Post count: 2

    Hi Richard,I'm on for riding down Saturday morning, back Sunday. Looks like weather may be OK on Saturdaycheers johnm

    Post count: 280

    its a long way for a meeting.” Yawn….Once apon a time I used to love travelling to New Plymouth, or Tauranga or where-ever. to attend an AGM. Remember the saying, "It's not the destination, it's the getting there." It seems to have been lost lately!(See U there, Rich!)

    Post count: 2134

    Dont forget her WOF Brucie its due this month.Are You riding down or taking the Bus or staying Home? its a long way for a meeting.

    Put it in your diary for next year, Richard:


    Dave Morris
    Post count: 615

    RK don't forget all the other matters you can check. Insufficent tread. No mirror. Broken light or indicators.many of these things you can assist with.a quick flick with a ball point hammer is the best way to break lenses.

    Richard Kuysten
    Post count: 623

    On a slightly different tack, has anyone managed to get a few days off to do the Southern North Island tour after the party? be good if they get some decent weather.

    Richard Kuysten
    Post count: 623

    "its a long way for a meeting." Yawn....Once apon a time I used to love travelling to New Plymouth, or Tauranga or where-ever. to attend an AGM. Remember the saying, "It's not the destination, it's the getting there." It seems to have been lost lately!(See U there, Rich!)

    Once upon a time we were younger and fitter, well I was anyway Dave  🙂 but never one to ignore a gauntlet I'll see you there, you might even buy me that beer you owe me. 8)

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