Home Forums Rides Calendar Ride to Kawhia, Sun 10 Jan 2010 Leave Papakura BP 0930.

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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 2134

    If we are feeling keen and the weather treats us well, we could come home via Te Anga and Waitomo.Plenty of options for the chook-chaser gang to organise some metal roads to coincide with this.

    Post count: 128

    Hey Bwucie, save a place for Kerry and me. Never been to Kawhia so definitely looking forward to the run and of course the customary double scooped Hokey Pokey on the way home. 😀

    Post count: 90

    Alex and KerryWould you and Kerry be interested in a tour of the Five Passes tide in the SI in March. Having met you both before the Nikau run, I am sure you would enjoy this adventure. Not too difficult and in good sensible company and on touring bikes. I have to say that we climbed some big hills in the SI last year and saw all the bikes zooming through places like Omarama and the Mackenzie country, I said to me-self: I have to do this on a bike. And so accompanied by some like minded citizens are we are going to do it for 8 day in March. You are welcome to join us. Cheers Loins call me on 021 991 691

    Post count: 2134

    Alex and KerryWould you and Kerry be interested in a tour of the Five Passes tide in the SI in March. Having met you both before the Nikau run, I am sure you would enjoy this adventure. Not too difficult and in good sensible company and on touring bikes. I have to say that we climbed some big hills in the SI last year and saw all the bikes zooming through places like Omarama and the Mackenzie country, I said to me-self: I have to do this on a bike. And so accompanied by some like minded citizens are we are going to do it for 8 day in March. You are welcome to join us. Cheers Loins call me on 021 991 691

    Alex is down in the South Island now

    Post count: 128

    Hi Loins,Thanks for your kind offer however you are probably extending the invite to Alex and Gerda. Kerry and myself are very much newbies and have only attended the one ride so far to the Nikau Cafe. We are still coming to grips with the Red R1100RS and as we only ride at Nana pace it would be best we put more local kms first.Cheers,Alex and Kerry 🙁

    Post count: 2134

    Ack-shewly, he did mean you, bloke and blokette, Herr and Frau Red Baron, and not the first generation Kiwi kouple kurrently in Te Wai Pounamu. Paul thought of you as possible candidates precisely because you are newbies and he thought you might appreciate a chance for a stately processional tour, rather than a quick blitz over a gazillion kilometres with camping over a cocky's road fence at nightfall like moi.Anyway, you can both have a yarn about life, the universe and everything when you catch up on a ride together sometime.

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