Home Forums General Discussion Re: Arai Freeway open face helmet

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  • Leo Allom
    Post count: 7

    Point taken – if one is cruising the boulevard at 49km/hr from one half shot decaf soy milk latte to next – unlike of course, fighter pilots and, anyone else travelling at 100 km/hr……

    Post count: 487

    All I'm trying to do is sell a crash helmet, apparently this contravenes the BMWOR's very narrow moral standards and as such I'm now being hounded of the website. So lets get things clear, the BMWOR is only open to those who choose to wear full face helmets and jackets without tassles. Anything else ? What type of gloves do the attire police want me to wear ? How about religion, skin colour, sexual preferance ?

    You crack me up. So you’re from the planet “Free Choice”, but it’s somewhat ironic this doesn’t extend to accepting that others have a different opinion to you.I don’t give a toss what you’re trying to sell and I certainly never questioned the validity of Arai’s safety standards as you suggest. Nor does my response in any way, shape or form constitute a view of the BMW Owner’s Register, again as you suggest.So you’re being ‘hounded off the website”. Get some stones. You asked me “why not”, I told you. It was never about you or Arai; it’s my view of open faced helmets per se and is the sort of thing you ought to expect advertising on an ‘open’ forum. That was the point. People should have the choice to buy any product they wish, but it’s better if it’s an informed choice.I’ve been called a few things in my time but a “health and safety nazi” I’m not, I’ll leave that to the good folk at OSH.I don’t drive a car, that’s way too dangerous  😀 - and I’ve got a life, thanks  😉

    Post count: 2134

    All I'm trying to do is sell a crash helmet, apparently this contravenes the BMWOR's very narrow moral standards and as such I'm now being hounded of the website. So lets get things clear, the BMWOR is only open to those who choose to wear full face helmets and jackets without tassles. Anything else ? What type of gloves do the attire police want me to wear ? How about religion, skin colour, sexual preferance ?

    You crack me up. So you’re from the planet “Free Choice”, but it’s somewhat ironic this doesn’t extend to accepting that others have a different opinion to you.I don’t give a toss what you’re trying to sell and I certainly never questioned the validity of Arai’s safety standards as you suggest. Nor does my response in any way, shape or form constitute a view of the BMW Owner’s Register, again as you suggest.So you’re being ‘hounded off the website”. Get some stones. You asked me “why not”, I told you. It was never about you or Arai; it’s my view of open faced helmets per se and is the sort of thing you ought to expect advertising on an ‘open’ forum. That was the point. People should have the choice to buy any product they wish, but it’s better if it’s an informed choice.I’ve been called a few things in my time but a “health and safety nazi” I’m not, I’ll leave that to the good folk at OSH.I don’t drive a car, that’s way too dangerous  😀 - and I’ve got a life, thanks  😉

    This is a 'For Sale or Wanted' section is it not ? It's for people who want to buy or sell something. Your original reply of 'Why' in no way indicated that you were interested in purchasing the item for sale indeed it was provocative. If you wish to let the world know your opinions then why don't you do it in the 'General Discussion' forum ?Do you think that 'the people' need the benefit of your wisdom to make an 'informed choice' on what to put on their heads? I think you underestimate the intellect of our fellow browsers. 'Momentum is my friend', very apt as momentum has no ears ! I hope you'll both be very happy.

    Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310

    I've split the topic and moved it to here. In my opinion the whole thing got a little bit out of hand. It's a common forum problem. People start reading too much into each others' replies. There is nothing wrong about trying to sell a helmet. Seeing that it was listed in the for sale section I am sure he wasn't expecting a discussion on the merits of open face helmets. Seeing that we seem to have one now, you might as well carry on here. Perhaps we can have those topic headings changed back as well, thanks.

    Dave Morris
    Post count: 615

    I People start reading too much into each others' replies.

    well i think if you wanna wear a helmet should be the riders choice. if they don't want to they does not has to. Of course i have some conditions with this.1. No medical attention if involved in crash (sorry loser bleed to death)2. No ACCand the best thing about it will get rid of the natural attrition of the stupid, thats gotta be a bonus.I remember 20 odd years ago one of the boys arrived at work one morning with a nice mark on his face. was wearing an open face helmut Cherman spelling).  He was riding to work on his Hondonne XR600 and cranked it over on a 35kmh corner. This is on Spa Road in Taupo past AC Baths heading to race track. Cranked it over a bit far and hit a marker peg. Nice imprint on his face. Bet ya that ferkin hurt.  wanna hear a good joke. Q. Whats the difference between a lawn mower and a Harley rider. A The position of the dirt bag. xxxxx Steve

    Post count: 2134

    And the difference between a Lada and a sheep?It's fractionally less embarrassing to be caught getting out of a sheep.

    Jim Young
    Post count: 581

    I like that one Bwucie  😀

    Post count: 2134

    Anyway, Is anyone interested in an Arai Freeway open face helmet ?

    Post count: 2134

    Anyway, Is anyone interested in an Arai Freeway open face helmet ?

    Not me, thank you, I am already butt-ugly, and rubbing my snorer along tar-seal would not improve that situation.You should try the Vulcan or Goldwing "Image is Everything" groups: they seem prepared to tolerate mutilation to have the "LOOK".

    Post count: 2134

    I'm not sure which planet "kshurey" is from but 15 mins searching on the net would indicate that there are a number of reliable sources that have reservations about the efficacy of an open face helmet.

    I'm from the planet FREE CHOICE, so do you think military pilots should wear full face helmets? How about mountain climbers ? or construction workers ? or cyclists ? Why don't you go to google and type in : define 'freedom of choice' should take somewhat less than 15 mins.

    You can wear what you like, but after my off I'll stay with a full face. If I had been wearing an open face I would have lost my chin and most of my face. 😎 

    Post count: 2134

    Anyway, Is anyone interested in an Arai Freeway open face helmet ?

    Not me, thank you, I am already butt-ugly, and rubbing my snorer along tar-seal would not improve that situation.You should try the Vulcan or Goldwing "Image is Everything" groups: they seem prepared to tolerate mutilation to have the "LOOK".

    I feel that I can stir things up much better with you lot thanks !!PS Is anyone interested in some biking jandals ?

    Post count: 232

    You have just so missed the point  🙄

    And so have you   🙄I like you to !Now thats a coincident that you like Bwucie and myself.  We both own R1100s's  Phil

    Post count: 2134

    Nice machines, if either of you find yourselves in Browns Bay come aound for a cuppa  021 1483845. Not you other lot though, you can buy your own !!

    Dave Morris
    Post count: 615

    Nice machines, if either of you find yourselves in Browns Bay come aound for a cuppa  021 1483845. Not you other lot though, you can buy your own !!

    cuppa what. is a controlled substance or illegal

    Post count: 2134

    Now thats a coincident that you like Bwucie and myself.  We both own R1100s's  Phil

    Well, Phil, that's not quite correct just at the moment. The eleven-hundy started pumping oil out of the final drive bevel box on the way through Te Anga, heading home from Kawhia two weekends ago. Fortunately it was already booked into the ever busy Experience BMW hospital for a 40K service before that happened, unfortunately I need to replace the pinion bearing (only available from Chermany, at mondo $$$$) and the paralever needle bearings (already replaced at 20K, so this looks like routine maintenance!)I was looking forward to leading another run for a group of friends Sunday coming, and dammit!, I will. That I know of, so far, strung out behind my wife's 250 Burgman that I will use will be (an eclectic mix), my sister's brand spanking GSX650F, a Yam GTS1000, a K1200GT, a 1200 Sportie (complete with original dirtbag, Steve), and a Yam XJR1300. I hope they can all keep up with me. 😀

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