Home › Forums › General Discussion › Rallye 2 Pro Suit – your opinions please
What say you? I can get a Rallye 2 Pro suit for around $1500 at my back door, even if Customs charges me GST. It's from a USA seller.What are your views?I'd rather have the black, but the blue looks nice, if loud.Anyway, like I said, glad to hear opinions before I take the plunge.Also interested in what other options are out there.
Go for it. I've had a Rallye Pro 3 for about a month now and it's wicked. The Rallye 1 worn for the last 4 years or so wasn't that bad either so a 2 must also be good, if you get my drift 😀
Does it come complete with the liners ? if so a very good deal.
I had a note from Artig today. He put me on to Mount Motorcycles.I rang them, and they are having a big stock clearout.Anyway, I'm a latte drinking GS rider, so I snapped up a BMW Comfortshell jacket for $450, a bargain in my eyes.Now I'll just have to get a Comfortshell pair of pants at an equally bargain price, and I'll be drinking double shot lattes for months to come.Ta to all.
Guest22/10/2010 at 7:44 pmPost count: 2134What say you? I can get a Rallye 2 Pro suit for around $1500 at my back door, even if Customs charges me GST. It's from a USA seller.What are your views?I'd rather have the black, but the blue looks nice, if loud.Anyway, like I said, glad to hear opinions before I take the plunge.Also interested in what other options are out there.
Can you give us the bmw store details?
Inactive22/10/2010 at 11:15 pmPost count: 90That's a very good deal, even if thieves hit you up for gst. I have a set and its been excellent. So many bits to play with: liners, pockets, arms that come off.Used a stripped down version in Thailand last year: plenty of vents which is a good feature. The trous are very comfortable. And you get to look like Gareth Morgan too, so there's a plus!!
Guest24/10/2010 at 7:44 pmPost count: 2134I've tried the rallye 1 & 2 and find the gear too heavy. The best BMW gear I have had owned is the BMW Savanna 2 suit until I had the jacket cut off me. The gear was very light.The BMW suit i would like is their air flow suit. I have a very light heated under jacket which will work great under the air flow jacket.
Can you give us the bmw store details?http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=250684963422&ssPageName=ADME:X:RTQ:MOTORS:1123
I may be out of touch with importing regs, but I seem to recall that clothing did not attract gst at the border. And dos'nt it start with the declaration description from the sender?
Clothing attracts both import duty and GST. Duty is 10% (last time I looked), and GST is calculated on both the clothing and the freight costs, and probably on the duty as well. If the total duty and GST is less than $50 yoiu will not have to pay. If higher you may or may not get charged.However, if you bring it in yourself as luggage, for personal use, you won't be charged GST or duty.
Yep, Artig is correct, my other half ordered some clothes from Marks and Sparks in the UK about 6 weeks ago and she was charged both duty and GST.At one time you could be lucky and it would be missed but I believe they have tightened up on scanning the parcels now.She brought clothes in with us when we returned from Aussie last night and no problem as we had them with us.
Guest31/10/2010 at 7:23 pmPost count: 2134Yep, Artig is correct, my other half ordered some clothes from Marks and Sparks in the UK about 6 weeks ago and she was charged both duty and GST.At one time you could be lucky and it would be missed but I believe they have tightened up on scanning the parcels now.She brought clothes in with us when we returned from Aussie last night and no problem as we had them with us.
Did you apply for a Aussie GST refund
No all bought in different places and it is not accumulative.
Guest04/11/2010 at 9:03 pmPost count: 2134The dollar is touching 80cents. Even buying a new bike in the US is looking cheap and having it sent home. You still have the BMW world wide warranty.
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