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Anyone got any views/opinions on radar detectors for bikes?
Any more suitable than others, particularly by way of weatherproofing, as I ride 120k to work and back,every day, rain or shine.
Go outside, the graphics are amazing!Anonymous
Guest30/06/2005 at 10:37 amPost count: 2134I’ve waited for years for someone to make a post like this to launch the barb: no opinion on radar detectors, but why would ya wanna tell anyone that looks at ya scoot that you are a wannabe road criminal?
Tongue firmly in my cheek Playful 😉 ,
Guest30/06/2005 at 10:38 amPost count: 2134I too am looking to buy a detector.
Have a look at the following link.
One of our own members.
They are not waterproof, but if we get enough members that want to buy a dector we could get a better price.Wannabe crim…….I wish! Had my Kiwi licence one day (that’s 1,not 2 or 3) and got pinged on the way north out of Waimauku at 106 in the last 30metres of the 70 limit, $400 and 50 demerits! I’m now seriously paranoid!
Go outside, the graphics are amazing!radar detectors are a total waste of money. As a previous user of the Eagle radar detector if the microwave unit is being used correctly u will not have any time to slow down and be pinged.
all these people that say it saved them are wanking themselves as they probably were not even in the firing line by a cop operating smartly
they then get all cocky and ride to the detector and get pinged at a stupid speed and whinge
the cop can tell if u have a detector so less chance of a warning
i used to love following people with detector in unmarked cars and let them get into the false sense of safety, waited till the got a good speed up (excess of 40kmh over limit) check speed by pursuit mode and then flick on the microwave and watch im jump on the brakes and thank them for slowing down but heres ya ticket for before that. Hahaha
the easist way not to get a ticket is of course don't speed, which we all do.
the second easiest way not to get a ticket and is use a little common sense and pick the right place to speed.
This is not any main highway, close to towns, outside the police station, main street of a town, SH16, Waimauku.
Police policy also states u can not book someone with-in 250 metres of a speed change. I wasn't there and u willn't be 100% sure where he pinged u.
me as a highly skilled professional operator used to flash the headlights when i locked them on. no arguing that way as they usually see ya headlights flash unless they are from Dorkland where most motorists can only see 4 metres in front of there car. Of course this isn't policy but me being the highly trained professional I was liked to go that xtra mile.
never got defended cases from whinging pillicks whom were so dumb for picking the wrong place to speed who actually deserved 2 tickets for their actions. The other being stopidity
over and out 😈
Steve In HamiltonIll post it for ya Brooc Marshall even though u seemed to have missed my whole point. me rude, never. Steve living in the real world.
Brooc Marshall said:
I recently saw a thread
(https://www.bmwmc.nz/forum/viewmessages.cfm?Forum=1&Topic=142) on radar
detectors ~ in which ex-radarcop Steve Bell makes some comments which I feel
are misleading & inaccurate, as well as being kinda rudely stated.
A member (Tony) starts by enquiring from other members about the 'value' of
detectors, & Steve makes comments trying to completely dis-credit use of
detectors, plus that anyone who thinks they work is 'a wanker'.
That must be me then! My detector gives me more than ample warning of those
Mitsi vans disguised as radar cameracars, & it also warns me of the 75+% of
LAZY plods who cruise around with their radars set to constant broadcast (or
whatever it is called) advertising their presence WELL in advance.
It also sometimes warns me of the cop who is doing occasional spot-shots (or
whatever that is called, 'Instant On' mebbe) on cars that they may not
actually ping & stop, so again I know there's a snake in the grass then too
& slow down.
Of course the detector will NOT give me 100% 'protection', but it certainly
swings the odds in my favour ~ & when we have the present
bullshit-revenuegathering policy around road safety why shouldnt folks take
whatever steps they can to keep the gumment out of their wallets? In the
years I've been running a detector in my cars & bikes I've only been pinged
once ~ & that by one of the smart enforcers who insisted that as I was
towing a light trailer behind my 3 tonne 4WD I was to be fined for not
travelling at 20kph slower than the traffic stream, & thus adding to the
danger of the narrow road north of Te Kuiti. Smart stuff huh!
I'm no longer a financial member of the BMWORNZ (musta lapsed 10 years ago,
before there was even a website) but I would VERY much like to have the
above comments added to a post in that thread to refute Steves' heavy-handed
input ~ which is about typical of the present level of police 'intelligence'
around the subject (in MY humble opinion of course!).
Best Regards
Bruce Marshall
Steve In HamiltonAnonymous
Guest30/06/2005 at 10:42 amPost count: 2134When I’ve been out riding with Tony J his radar has saved us quite a few times. It does pay to be off the main roads if you want to speed. The best place to speed is gravel roads. No cops there!!!!!
Guest30/06/2005 at 10:43 amPost count: 2134Evening all,
As the constable said.
Why does (seemingly) every biker website in the world have all this whinging about law enforcement in a public place where John Q. Plod can check who wants to do what and where? To me it seems to make as much sense as truckers who spend all night going, "Yada, yada, yada," on their CB's and then wonder why the God Squad seem to know what's going on.
I might, or might not have, exceeded the speed limit in Steve Bell's backyard on a very nice, sunny little tiki tour on the 1100S today, but I ain't gonna tell him if I did.
Radars aside, it was a superb day for a ride!
Thanks for the very helpful comments...There was I,thinking I'd left all the arrogant, self righteous t*ssers back in the UK, but it would appear not! Don't fancy a job with UK plod do you? Think you'd fit right in!
OK, subject closed.
Gidday Broossee! Have you got some sort of spybot software searching for any motorcycle forum postings by user name 'tonys'?
Go outside, the graphics are amazing!tonys u r amazing. Brooc said I was rude and got it wrong, but u got it right first time, arrogant. Ya hit it on the head.
and ya not speeding n my book until ya get caught Bwucie so ya ok.
Steve In HamiltonDean, you need to ad this ‘ border=0> image tag to the end of your little sig file GS picture. The fact that it’s missing seems to stuff up the posts below. I’ve been adding a couple maually for you. Just copy and paste the one above. I suppose to really fix it you would need to do that in the preference file.
R1150GSThe above thread has degenerated to an unacceptable level. Mr Bell, please refrain from upsetting other people. We want this to return to a sensible discussion.
Radar detectors are legal. They seem to work, but are not entirely reliable, due to the cunning nature of the law and road-tax department. Use them at your own risk.
Guest30/06/2005 at 11:10 amPost count: 2134Alex
I stuffed the end up when I removed the HP photo. I have now added the ' border=0> to the end of the 1200 image it should be fixed now.*test* Thanks Dean, that’s fixed it.
R1150GSI do enjoy a good discussion!
MrPlod and I play a game, he tries to catch me and I tried to avoid him. Sometimes he wins 😳 , but more often I win 🙂
I dont want a radar detector, it used to instill a false sense of security when I had one in the car.
R1100RT Chic puller -
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