Home Forums Motorcycle Tech Talk R1100S exhaust?

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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 2134

    Howdo,While I luv my R1100S, it has bugged me since I bought it by dropping soot on the number plate from its oh-so-pretty but somewhat impractical mufflers.The bike uses a little bit of oil, which maybe is a factor - do the twins use a bit, or is my bike old at 26 thousand clicks? (My K never used any oil.) It might've perhaps had leaded fuel in it at some stage and the catalytic doofah-doover thingee is poked (race gas?), but if so wouldn't the bike act constipated? It ain't, 'cos it has BEAUCOUP go forward. Maybe they all do it?Any wise thoughts, please. (I will not entertain any thoughts such as building a verandah over the number plate. Although...) 🙄Cheers,Bwucie.

    Dave Ross
    Post count: 2310

    I think oilheads are call ed oilheads because a lot of them use oil. Mine certainly does. My K75 S used to go 10 000 on .5 of a litre.

    Post count: 2134

    If you still have the bike manual you will read the bike is designed to use some oil. I know the three boxers I have had did, but it was not a lot. Properly 1lt over 11,000ks. Don't worry about it, just give the plate a clean and ride on.

    Post count: 232

    Anyway could be a good thing, might make it harder for the speed camera to read the plate, not that I am surgesting that you ever speed of course!!!!!!!  Phil  😮

    Post count: 2134

    Thank you all – I had a suspicion that oil consumption was normal, just wanted to set my mind at rest. I also suspect my bike still ain't yet reached its best, 'cos the K seemed to find its prime at about 75,000 Kms.  They seem to be long-lived beasties, so they do.I will stay with my regular procedure of wiping once the bike is up to operating temperature, after which the problem goes away for the day.And I never speed, all my driving hours are legal - 60 minutes long. And no, officer, I never tell fibs, except on days with a 'y' in them.

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