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Guest07/02/2010 at 7:55 amPost count: 2134Started today, before the run, by black-flagging Wendy taking her own bike: too long for a rider on an “L” plate (get that restricted, girl!) and going to be very hot after late morning. No problem, Wendy hopped on the blunt end of the K1200GT behind Paul. The librarian wanted to stretch her wings after a little ride last weekend, and wasn't listening to loud hints, which later became a problem.The destination was the purpose of the ride today, not the ride the purpose of the day, so it was pretty much a straight-line cruise via SH1, then River Rd from Rangiriri, stretch of legs at Ngaruawahia, coffee and soft drinks at Te Awamutu, then via Kihikihi and Arapuni to Putaruru, to find the cafe is no longer operating at the Museum. Buggar! Never mind, undeterred, because we knew Tirau was handy for lunch, we browsed the museum, standfast the Librarian, who finally came clean and revealed why she was prepared to risk a backlash of pain from her bionic knee to go on this ride. IT WAS ALL ABOUT TURNED WOOD AND SPENDING THE KIDS' INHERITANCE. You can get a lot of "stuff" in the luggage compartment of a Burgman, and she filled it. I am so looking forward to this month's credit card statement. NOT!Lunch was at Fine Swine Cafe in Tirau, after which Richard Gard'ner left us to head for Tauranga the long way (only met Richard this morning, and he has revealed himself to be a fine-witted stirrer: I admire that) the rest of headed off for home in, by now, fierce heat. We fuelled at Cambridge, and headed out round the Gordonton loop around Hamilton. Once through Taupiri, I looked for the first decent patch of shade to get bikes and riders off the road for five minutes, and we waited, and waited.Jean had had to put her hand up: the heat and the pain in her injured knee had gotten too much. Everybody stood by her, and the tail end of the run appeared just as I was about to rocket back looking for them. After her painkillers had kicked in a bit we chugged off again, but half way between Meremere and Mercer she hit the wall. Again, everybody stood by until we had arranged a dustoff operation to get her and the scooter medevacced back to 'Rewa Hard - big thanks to my sister and UncMoose from Pukekohe. Not the least of the hardships suffered by the rest of the riders was missing out on the Pokeno ice creams.Jean has learnt a lot from the experience. This has been her longest ride since she was clipped on 31 Aug 07, and she has a benchmark now against which to measure her endurance, and she learns more about how to manage her pain each time she ventures out. She has also learnt that the Auckland BMWOR folk are a good bunch to ride with, who will look after riders who are indisposed. And she was impressed with the way a BMWOR ride can just roll on without having to regroup at every corner because the riders are so reliable about the second bike stopping to show the way.
Jimmy Liu, who is very slight at the best of times, sat down to wait for his lunch at Tirau, and durned if he didn't just waste away completely!He did reappear, but badly needed a shave when he rematerialised.
(So, who is the clown with the camera?)Anonymous
Inactive08/02/2010 at 6:02 amPost count: 2Really, sometimes I wonder about Hewhomustbeobeyed (otherwise known Bwucie) and what goes on in his head. I do't recall “loud hints” just vague vague twittering about how hot it was going to be. As for spending the kid's inheritance – darn right yes. i have no intention of leaving my hard earned money to them. I may if they are lucky leave a few bills for them … but to get back to the ride and my side of the story!!When Wendy, decided to pillion with Paul, I did think about whether I should pillion with Bruce but the last time I pillioned with him I was so traumatized it really wasn't an option. I was, you understand NOT worried about the heat but the distance.Then I thought "Iam the LIBRARIAN, I can do anything" and that was that.It was fantastic, the ride. For a lot of magical minutes, I was one with the Burgie and the road. Lovely. Even when the knee started hurting It was still magic.We got to Putaruru and while the others walked around the museum I did some retail therapy. What's wrong with that Bwucie???Lunch at Tirau was great. The Fine Swine is next to a second hand bookshop. I had a look around it and I refrained from buying!!I must confess that going home started to become a bit of a nightmare and I had to put my hand up twice and be medi-caed from the ride.Thank you guys for staying with me, i will also add I'd do it again
Inactive08/02/2010 at 6:47 amPost count: 128Another great ride thanks Bwucie and what an interesting museum. We all felt for the Librarian on Sunday but unfortunately the pain got too extreme for her to carry on any further. I left home with a slight fever and was only a km or two from raising my hand before Jean did as I had hit the wall with dehydration. Blimey, the bike has panniers so I'll be sure to load up with a Powerade or two next time. It is great to see everyone rally around to comfort and care for the wounded and lets hope Jean's knee has recovered sufficiently to enjoy next Sunday's duel birthday run.
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